blob: 58b0b4ad572af1c027d2f4d8bdf9c4435baf12af [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-std=f2003" }
! PR 40940: CLASS statement
! Contributed by Janus Weil <>
use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
type t1
integer :: comp
end type
type t2
real :: r
end type
type,bind(c) :: t3
integer(c_int) :: i
end type
type :: t4
procedure(absint), pointer :: p ! { dg-error "Non-polymorphic passed-object dummy argument" }
end type
type :: t5
class(t1) :: c ! { dg-error "must be allocatable or pointer" }
end type
abstract interface
subroutine absint(arg)
import :: t4
type(t4) :: arg
end subroutine
end interface
type t6
integer :: i
class(t6), allocatable :: foo ! { dg-error "must have the POINTER attribute" }
end type t6
class(t1) :: o1 ! { dg-error "must be dummy, allocatable or pointer" }
class(t2), pointer :: o2 ! { dg-error "is not extensible" }
class(t3), pointer :: o3 ! { dg-error "is not extensible" }