blob: 46161c36cd2d98a61daf88eb7b8716878fd9be29 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-additional-sources my-usleep.c }
! { dg-prune-output "command-line option '-fintrinsic-modules-path=.*' is valid for Fortran but not for C" }
program main
use omp_lib
implicit none (type, external)
subroutine usleep(t) bind(C, name="my_usleep")
use iso_c_binding
integer(c_int), value :: t
end subroutine
end interface
integer :: a(0:7) = 0
integer(omp_depend_kind) :: d1, d2
!$omp depobj (d1) depend(inoutset: a)
!$omp depobj (d2) depend(inout: a)
!$omp depobj (d2) update(inoutset)
!$omp parallel
!$omp barrier
!$omp master
!$omp task shared(a) depend(out: a)
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 1; a(1) = 2; a(2) = 3; a(3) = 4
end block
! The above task needs to finish first.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 1 .or. a(1) /= 2 .or. a(2) /= 3 .or. a(3) /= 4) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(4) = 42
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 1 .or. a(1) /= 2 .or. a(2) /= 3 .or. a(3) /= 4) &
error stop
call usleep (5000);
a(5) = 43
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 1 .or. a(1) /= 2 .or. a(2) /= 3 .or. a(3) /= 4) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(6) = 44
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 1 .or. a(1) /= 2 .or. a(2) /= 3 .or. a(3) /= 4) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(7) = 45
end block
! The above 4 tasks can be scheduled in any order but need to wait
! for the depend(out: a) task.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(inoutset: a)
if (a(4) /= 42 .or. a(5) /= 43 .or. a(6) /= 44 .or. a(7) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 42
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(iterator(i=1:3:2), inoutset: a)
if (a(4) /= 42 .or. a(5) /= 43 .or. a(6) /= 44 .or. a(7) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(1) = 43
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(depobj: d1)
if (a(4) /= 42 .or. a(5) /= 43 .or. a(6) /= 44 .or. a(7) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(2) = 44
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(depobj: d2)
if (a(4) /= 42 .or. a(5) /= 43 .or. a(6) /= 44 .or. a(7) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(3) = 45
end block
! The above 4 tasks can be scheduled in any order but need to wait
! for all the above depend(in: a) tasks.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 42 .or. a(1) /= 43 .or. a(2) /= 44 .or. a(3) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(4) = 46
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 42 .or. a(1) /= 43 .or. a(2) /= 44 .or. a(3) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(5) = 47
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 42 .or. a(1) /= 43 .or. a(2) /= 44 .or. a(3) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(6) = 48
end block
!$omp task shared(a) depend(in: a)
if (a(0) /= 42 .or. a(1) /= 43 .or. a(2) /= 44 .or. a(3) /= 45) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(7) = 49
end block
! The above 4 tasks can be scheduled in any order but need to wait
! for all the above depend(inoutset: a),
! depend(iterator(i=1:3:2), inoutset: a), depend(depobj: d1) and
! depend(depobj: d2) tasks.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(inoutset: a)
if (a(4) /= 46.or. a(5) /= 47 .or. a(6) /= 48 .or. a(7) /= 49) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 50
end block
! The above task needs to wait for all the above 4 depend(in: a)
! tasks.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(out: a)
if (a(0) /= 50 .or. a(4) /= 46.or. a(5) /= 47 .or. a(6) /= 48 .or. a(7) /= 49) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 51
end block
! The above task needs to wait for the above depend(inoutset: a) task.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(inoutset: a)
if (a(0) /= 51 .or. a(4) /= 46.or. a(5) /= 47 .or. a(6) /= 48 .or. a(7) /= 49) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 52
end block
! The above task needs to wait for the above depend(out: a) task.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(mutexinoutset: a)
if (a(0) /= 52 .or. a(4) /= 46.or. a(5) /= 47 .or. a(6) /= 48 .or. a(7) /= 49) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 53
end block
! The above task needs to wait for the above depend(inoutset: a) task.
!$omp task shared(a) depend(inoutset: a)
if (a(0) /= 53 .or. a(4) /= 46.or. a(5) /= 47 .or. a(6) /= 48 .or. a(7) /= 49) &
error stop
call usleep (5000)
a(0) = 54
end block
! The above task needs to wait for the above
! depend(mutexinoutset: a) task.
!$omp end master
!$omp end parallel
if (a(0) /= 54 .or. a(1) /= 43 .or. a(2) /= 44 .or. a(3) /= 45 &
.or. a(4) /= 46.or. a(5) /= 47 .or. a(6) /= 48 .or. a(7) /= 49) &
error stop