| |
| /* Compiler implementation of the D programming language |
| * Copyright (C) 1999-2021 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved |
| * written by Walter Bright |
| * http://www.digitalmars.com |
| * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. |
| * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt |
| * https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd/blob/master/src/lexer.c |
| */ |
| |
| #include "root/dsystem.h" |
| |
| #include "tokens.h" |
| #include "root/rmem.h" |
| #include "root/outbuffer.h" |
| #include "id.h" |
| #include "identifier.h" |
| #include "utf.h" |
| |
| /************************* Token **********************************************/ |
| |
| Token *Token::freelist = NULL; |
| |
| const char *Token::tochars[TOKMAX]; |
| |
| Token *Token::alloc() |
| { |
| if (Token::freelist) |
| { |
| Token *t = freelist; |
| freelist = t->next; |
| t->next = NULL; |
| return t; |
| } |
| |
| return new Token(); |
| } |
| |
| void Token::free() |
| { |
| next = freelist; |
| freelist = this; |
| } |
| |
| const char *Token::toChars() const |
| { |
| static char buffer[3 + 3 * sizeof(floatvalue) + 1]; |
| |
| const char *p = &buffer[0]; |
| switch (value) |
| { |
| case TOKint32v: |
| sprintf(&buffer[0],"%d",(d_int32)int64value); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKuns32v: |
| case TOKcharv: |
| case TOKwcharv: |
| case TOKdcharv: |
| sprintf(&buffer[0],"%uU",(d_uns32)uns64value); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKint64v: |
| sprintf(&buffer[0],"%lldL",(longlong)int64value); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKuns64v: |
| sprintf(&buffer[0],"%lluUL",(ulonglong)uns64value); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKfloat32v: |
| CTFloat::sprint(&buffer[0], 'g', floatvalue); |
| strcat(&buffer[0], "f"); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKfloat64v: |
| CTFloat::sprint(&buffer[0], 'g', floatvalue); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKfloat80v: |
| CTFloat::sprint(&buffer[0], 'g', floatvalue); |
| strcat(&buffer[0], "L"); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKimaginary32v: |
| CTFloat::sprint(&buffer[0], 'g', floatvalue); |
| strcat(&buffer[0], "fi"); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKimaginary64v: |
| CTFloat::sprint(&buffer[0], 'g', floatvalue); |
| strcat(&buffer[0], "i"); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKimaginary80v: |
| CTFloat::sprint(&buffer[0], 'g', floatvalue); |
| strcat(&buffer[0], "Li"); |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKstring: |
| { |
| OutBuffer buf; |
| buf.writeByte('"'); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ) |
| { |
| unsigned c; |
| utf_decodeChar((utf8_t *)ustring, len, &i, &c); |
| switch (c) |
| { |
| case 0: |
| break; |
| |
| case '"': |
| case '\\': |
| buf.writeByte('\\'); |
| /* fall through */ |
| default: |
| if (c <= 0x7F) |
| { |
| if (isprint(c)) |
| buf.writeByte(c); |
| else |
| buf.printf("\\x%02x", c); |
| } |
| else if (c <= 0xFFFF) |
| buf.printf("\\u%04x", c); |
| else |
| buf.printf("\\U%08x", c); |
| continue; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| buf.writeByte('"'); |
| if (postfix) |
| buf.writeByte(postfix); |
| p = buf.extractChars(); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case TOKxstring: |
| { |
| OutBuffer buf; |
| buf.writeByte('x'); |
| buf.writeByte('"'); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) |
| { |
| if (i) |
| buf.writeByte(' '); |
| buf.printf("%02x", ustring[i]); |
| } |
| buf.writeByte('"'); |
| if (postfix) |
| buf.writeByte(postfix); |
| buf.writeByte(0); |
| p = (char *)buf.extractData(); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| case TOKidentifier: |
| case TOKenum: |
| case TOKstruct: |
| case TOKimport: |
| case TOKwchar: case TOKdchar: |
| case TOKbool: case TOKchar: |
| case TOKint8: case TOKuns8: |
| case TOKint16: case TOKuns16: |
| case TOKint32: case TOKuns32: |
| case TOKint64: case TOKuns64: |
| case TOKint128: case TOKuns128: |
| case TOKfloat32: case TOKfloat64: case TOKfloat80: |
| case TOKimaginary32: case TOKimaginary64: case TOKimaginary80: |
| case TOKcomplex32: case TOKcomplex64: case TOKcomplex80: |
| case TOKvoid: |
| p = ident->toChars(); |
| break; |
| |
| default: |
| p = toChars(value); |
| break; |
| } |
| return p; |
| } |
| |
| const char *Token::toChars(TOK value) |
| { |
| static char buffer[3 + 3 * sizeof(value) + 1]; |
| |
| const char *p = tochars[value]; |
| if (!p) |
| { |
| sprintf(&buffer[0],"TOK%d",value); |
| p = &buffer[0]; |
| } |
| return p; |
| } |
| |
| /**************************************** |
| */ |
| |
| struct Keyword |
| { |
| const char *name; |
| TOK value; |
| }; |
| |
| static size_t nkeywords; |
| static Keyword keywords[] = |
| { |
| { "this", TOKthis }, |
| { "super", TOKsuper }, |
| { "assert", TOKassert }, |
| { "null", TOKnull }, |
| { "true", TOKtrue }, |
| { "false", TOKfalse }, |
| { "cast", TOKcast }, |
| { "new", TOKnew }, |
| { "delete", TOKdelete }, |
| { "throw", TOKthrow }, |
| { "module", TOKmodule }, |
| { "pragma", TOKpragma }, |
| { "typeof", TOKtypeof }, |
| { "typeid", TOKtypeid }, |
| |
| { "template", TOKtemplate }, |
| |
| { "void", TOKvoid }, |
| { "byte", TOKint8 }, |
| { "ubyte", TOKuns8 }, |
| { "short", TOKint16 }, |
| { "ushort", TOKuns16 }, |
| { "int", TOKint32 }, |
| { "uint", TOKuns32 }, |
| { "long", TOKint64 }, |
| { "ulong", TOKuns64 }, |
| { "cent", TOKint128, }, |
| { "ucent", TOKuns128, }, |
| { "float", TOKfloat32 }, |
| { "double", TOKfloat64 }, |
| { "real", TOKfloat80 }, |
| |
| { "bool", TOKbool }, |
| { "char", TOKchar }, |
| { "wchar", TOKwchar }, |
| { "dchar", TOKdchar }, |
| |
| { "ifloat", TOKimaginary32 }, |
| { "idouble", TOKimaginary64 }, |
| { "ireal", TOKimaginary80 }, |
| |
| { "cfloat", TOKcomplex32 }, |
| { "cdouble", TOKcomplex64 }, |
| { "creal", TOKcomplex80 }, |
| |
| { "delegate", TOKdelegate }, |
| { "function", TOKfunction }, |
| |
| { "is", TOKis }, |
| { "if", TOKif }, |
| { "else", TOKelse }, |
| { "while", TOKwhile }, |
| { "for", TOKfor }, |
| { "do", TOKdo }, |
| { "switch", TOKswitch }, |
| { "case", TOKcase }, |
| { "default", TOKdefault }, |
| { "break", TOKbreak }, |
| { "continue", TOKcontinue }, |
| { "synchronized", TOKsynchronized }, |
| { "return", TOKreturn }, |
| { "goto", TOKgoto }, |
| { "try", TOKtry }, |
| { "catch", TOKcatch }, |
| { "finally", TOKfinally }, |
| { "with", TOKwith }, |
| { "asm", TOKasm }, |
| { "foreach", TOKforeach }, |
| { "foreach_reverse", TOKforeach_reverse }, |
| { "scope", TOKscope }, |
| |
| { "struct", TOKstruct }, |
| { "class", TOKclass }, |
| { "interface", TOKinterface }, |
| { "union", TOKunion }, |
| { "enum", TOKenum }, |
| { "import", TOKimport }, |
| { "mixin", TOKmixin }, |
| { "static", TOKstatic }, |
| { "final", TOKfinal }, |
| { "const", TOKconst }, |
| { "alias", TOKalias }, |
| { "override", TOKoverride }, |
| { "abstract", TOKabstract }, |
| { "debug", TOKdebug }, |
| { "deprecated", TOKdeprecated }, |
| { "in", TOKin }, |
| { "out", TOKout }, |
| { "inout", TOKinout }, |
| { "lazy", TOKlazy }, |
| { "auto", TOKauto }, |
| |
| { "align", TOKalign }, |
| { "extern", TOKextern }, |
| { "private", TOKprivate }, |
| { "package", TOKpackage }, |
| { "protected", TOKprotected }, |
| { "public", TOKpublic }, |
| { "export", TOKexport }, |
| |
| { "invariant", TOKinvariant }, |
| { "unittest", TOKunittest }, |
| { "version", TOKversion }, |
| |
| { "__argTypes", TOKargTypes }, |
| { "__parameters", TOKparameters }, |
| { "ref", TOKref }, |
| { "macro", TOKmacro }, |
| |
| { "pure", TOKpure }, |
| { "nothrow", TOKnothrow }, |
| { "__gshared", TOKgshared }, |
| { "__traits", TOKtraits }, |
| { "__vector", TOKvector }, |
| { "__overloadset", TOKoverloadset }, |
| { "__FILE__", TOKfile }, |
| { "__FILE_FULL_PATH__", TOKfilefullpath }, |
| { "__LINE__", TOKline }, |
| { "__MODULE__", TOKmodulestring }, |
| { "__FUNCTION__", TOKfuncstring }, |
| { "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__", TOKprettyfunc }, |
| { "shared", TOKshared }, |
| { "immutable", TOKimmutable }, |
| { NULL, TOKreserved } |
| }; |
| |
| int Token::isKeyword() |
| { |
| for (size_t u = 0; u < nkeywords; u++) |
| { |
| if (keywords[u].value == value) |
| return 1; |
| } |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| struct TokenInitializer |
| { |
| TokenInitializer(); |
| }; |
| |
| static TokenInitializer tokeninitializer; |
| |
| TokenInitializer::TokenInitializer() |
| { |
| Identifier::initTable(); |
| for (nkeywords = 0; keywords[nkeywords].name; nkeywords++) |
| { |
| //printf("keyword[%d] = '%s'\n",u, keywords[u].name); |
| const char *s = keywords[nkeywords].name; |
| size_t len = strlen(s); |
| TOK v = keywords[nkeywords].value; |
| Identifier::idPool(s, len, v); |
| |
| //printf("tochars[%d] = '%s'\n",v, s); |
| Token::tochars[v] = s; |
| } |
| |
| Token::tochars[TOKeof] = "EOF"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKlcurly] = "{"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKrcurly] = "}"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKlparen] = "("; |
| Token::tochars[TOKrparen] = ")"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKlbracket] = "["; |
| Token::tochars[TOKrbracket] = "]"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKsemicolon] = ";"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKcolon] = ":"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKcomma] = ","; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdot] = "."; |
| Token::tochars[TOKxor] = "^"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKxorass] = "^="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKassign] = "="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKconstruct] = "="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKblit] = "="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKlt] = "<"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKgt] = ">"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKle] = "<="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKge] = ">="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKequal] = "=="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKnotequal] = "!="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKnotidentity] = "!is"; |
| |
| Token::tochars[TOKunord] = "!<>="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKue] = "!<>"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKlg] = "<>"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKleg] = "<>="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKule] = "!>"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKul] = "!>="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKuge] = "!<"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKug] = "!<="; |
| |
| Token::tochars[TOKnot] = "!"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKshl] = "<<"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKshr] = ">>"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKushr] = ">>>"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKadd] = "+"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKmin] = "-"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKmul] = "*"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdiv] = "/"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKmod] = "%"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKslice] = ".."; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdotdotdot] = "..."; |
| Token::tochars[TOKand] = "&"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKandand] = "&&"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKor] = "|"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKoror] = "||"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKarray] = "[]"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKindex] = "[i]"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKaddress] = "&"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKstar] = "*"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKtilde] = "~"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdollar] = "$"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKcast] = "cast"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKplusplus] = "++"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKminusminus] = "--"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKpreplusplus] = "++"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKpreminusminus] = "--"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKtype] = "type"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKquestion] = "?"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKneg] = "-"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKuadd] = "+"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKvar] = "var"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKaddass] = "+="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKminass] = "-="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKmulass] = "*="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdivass] = "/="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKmodass] = "%="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKshlass] = "<<="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKshrass] = ">>="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKushrass] = ">>>="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKandass] = "&="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKorass] = "|="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKcatass] = "~="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKcat] = "~"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKcall] = "call"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKidentity] = "is"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKnotidentity] = "!is"; |
| |
| Token::tochars[TOKorass] = "|="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKidentifier] = "identifier"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKat] = "@"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKpow] = "^^"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKpowass] = "^^="; |
| Token::tochars[TOKgoesto] = "=>"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKpound] = "#"; |
| |
| // For debugging |
| Token::tochars[TOKerror] = "error"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdotid] = "dotid"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdottd] = "dottd"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdotti] = "dotti"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdotvar] = "dotvar"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdottype] = "dottype"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKsymoff] = "symoff"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKarraylength] = "arraylength"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKarrayliteral] = "arrayliteral"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKassocarrayliteral] = "assocarrayliteral"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKstructliteral] = "structliteral"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKstring] = "string"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdsymbol] = "symbol"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKtuple] = "tuple"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdeclaration] = "declaration"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKon_scope_exit] = "scope(exit)"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKon_scope_success] = "scope(success)"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKon_scope_failure] = "scope(failure)"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKdelegateptr] = "delegateptr"; |
| Token::tochars[TOKvectorarray] = "vectorarray"; |
| } |