| .. Copyright (C) 2014-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
| Originally contributed by David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com> |
| |
| This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
| (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| General Public License for more details. |
| |
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
| along with this program. If not, see |
| <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| Tutorial part 4: Adding JIT-compilation to a toy interpreter |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| In this example we construct a "toy" interpreter, and add JIT-compilation |
| to it. |
| |
| Our toy interpreter |
| ******************* |
| |
| It's a stack-based interpreter, and is intended as a (very simple) example |
| of the kind of bytecode interpreter seen in dynamic languages such as |
| Python, Ruby etc. |
| |
| For the sake of simplicity, our toy virtual machine is very limited: |
| |
| * The only data type is `int` |
| |
| * It can only work on one function at a time (so that the only |
| function call that can be made is to recurse). |
| |
| * Functions can only take one parameter. |
| |
| * Functions have a stack of `int` values. |
| |
| * We'll implement function call within the interpreter by calling a |
| function in our implementation, rather than implementing our own |
| frame stack. |
| |
| * The parser is only good enough to get the examples to work. |
| |
| Naturally, a real interpreter would be much more complicated that this. |
| |
| The following operations are supported: |
| |
| ====================== ======================== =============== ============== |
| Operation Meaning Old Stack New Stack |
| ====================== ======================== =============== ============== |
| DUP Duplicate top of stack. ``[..., x]`` ``[..., x, x]`` |
| ROT Swap top two elements ``[..., x, y]`` ``[..., y, x]`` |
| of stack. |
| BINARY_ADD Add the top two elements ``[..., x, y]`` ``[..., (x+y)]`` |
| on the stack. |
| BINARY_SUBTRACT Likewise, but subtract. ``[..., x, y]`` ``[..., (x-y)]`` |
| BINARY_MULT Likewise, but multiply. ``[..., x, y]`` ``[..., (x*y)]`` |
| BINARY_COMPARE_LT Compare the top two ``[..., x, y]`` ``[..., (x<y)]`` |
| elements on the stack |
| and push a nonzero/zero |
| if (x<y). |
| RECURSE Recurse, passing the top ``[..., x]`` ``[..., fn(x)]`` |
| of the stack, and |
| popping the result. |
| RETURN Return the top of the ``[x]`` ``[]`` |
| stack. |
| PUSH_CONST `arg` Push an int const. ``[...]`` ``[..., arg]`` |
| JUMP_ABS_IF_TRUE `arg` Pop; if top of stack was ``[..., x]`` ``[...]`` |
| nonzero, jump to |
| ``arg``. |
| ====================== ======================== =============== ============== |
| |
| Programs can be interpreted, disassembled, and compiled to machine code. |
| |
| The interpreter reads ``.toy`` scripts. Here's what a simple recursive |
| factorial program looks like, the script ``factorial.toy``. |
| The parser ignores lines beginning with a `#`. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/factorial.toy |
| :lines: 1- |
| :language: c |
| |
| The interpreter is a simple infinite loop with a big ``switch`` statement |
| based on what the next opcode is: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Execute the given function. */ |
| :end-before: /* JIT compilation. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| Compiling to machine code |
| ************************* |
| We want to generate machine code that can be cast to this type and |
| then directly executed in-process: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Functions are compiled to this function ptr type. */ |
| :end-before: enum opcode |
| :language: c |
| |
| The lifetime of the code is tied to that of a :c:type:`gcc_jit_result *`. |
| We'll handle this by bundling them up in a structure, so that we can |
| clean them up together by calling :c:func:`gcc_jit_result_release`: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* A struct to hold the compilation results. */ |
| :end-before: /* The main compilation hook. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| Our compiler isn't very sophisticated; it takes the implementation of |
| each opcode above, and maps it directly to the operations supported by |
| the libgccjit API. |
| |
| How should we handle the stack? In theory we could calculate what the |
| stack depth will be at each opcode, and optimize away the stack |
| manipulation "by hand". We'll see below that libgccjit is able to do |
| this for us, so we'll implement stack manipulation |
| in a direct way, by creating a ``stack`` array and ``stack_depth`` |
| variables, local within the generated function, equivalent to this C code: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| int stack_depth; |
| int stack[MAX_STACK_DEPTH]; |
| |
| We'll also have local variables ``x`` and ``y`` for use when implementing |
| the opcodes, equivalent to this: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| int x; |
| int y; |
| |
| This means our compiler has the following state: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* JIT compilation. */ |
| :end-before: /* Stack manipulation. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| Setting things up |
| ***************** |
| |
| First we create our types: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Create types. */ |
| :end-before: /* The constant value 1. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| along with extracting a useful `int` constant: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* The constant value 1. */ |
| :end-before: /* Create locations. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We'll implement push and pop in terms of the ``stack`` array and |
| ``stack_depth``. Here are helper functions for adding statements to |
| a block, implementing pushing and popping values: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Stack manipulation. */ |
| :end-before: /* A struct to hold the compilation results. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We will support single-stepping through the generated code in the |
| debugger, so we need to create :c:type:`gcc_jit_location` instances, one |
| per operation in the source code. These will reference the lines of |
| e.g. ``factorial.toy``. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Create locations. */ |
| :end-before: /* Creating the function. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| Let's create the function itself. As usual, we create its parameter |
| first, then use the parameter to create the function: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Creating the function. */ |
| :end-before: /* Create stack lvalues. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We create the locals within the function. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Create stack lvalues. */ |
| :end-before: /* 1st pass: create blocks, one per opcode. |
| :language: c |
| |
| Populating the function |
| *********************** |
| |
| There's some one-time initialization, and the API treats the first block |
| you create as the entrypoint of the function, so we need to create that |
| block first: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: first. */ |
| :end-before: /* Create a block per operation. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We can now create blocks for each of the operations. Most of these will |
| be consolidated into larger blocks when the optimizer runs. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Create a block per operation. */ |
| :end-before: /* Populate the initial block. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| Now that we have a block it can jump to when it's done, we can populate |
| the initial block: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Populate the initial block. */ |
| :end-before: /* 2nd pass: fill in instructions. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We can now populate the blocks for the individual operations. We loop |
| through them, adding instructions to their blocks: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* 2nd pass: fill in instructions. */ |
| :end-before: /* Helper macros. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We're going to have another big ``switch`` statement for implementing |
| the opcodes, this time for compiling them, rather than interpreting |
| them. It's helpful to have macros for implementing push and pop, so that |
| we can make the ``switch`` statement that's coming up look as much as |
| possible like the one above within the interpreter: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Helper macros. */ |
| :end-before: gcc_jit_block_add_comment |
| :language: c |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| A particularly clever implementation would have an *identical* |
| ``switch`` statement shared by the interpreter and the compiler, with |
| some preprocessor "magic". We're not doing that here, for the sake |
| of simplicity. |
| |
| When I first implemented this compiler, I accidentally missed an edit |
| when copying and pasting the ``Y_EQUALS_POP`` macro, so that popping the |
| stack into ``y`` instead erroneously assigned it to ``x``, leaving ``y`` |
| uninitialized. |
| |
| To track this kind of thing down, we can use |
| :c:func:`gcc_jit_block_add_comment` to add descriptive comments |
| to the internal representation. This is invaluable when looking through |
| the generated IR for, say ``factorial``: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: PUSH_RVALUE (gcc_jit_lvalue_as_rvalue (state.y)) |
| :end-before: /* Handle the individual opcodes. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We can now write the big ``switch`` statement that implements the |
| individual opcodes, populating the relevant block with statements: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Handle the individual opcodes. */ |
| :end-before: /* Go to the next block. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| Every block must be terminated, via a call to one of the |
| ``gcc_jit_block_end_with_`` entrypoints. This has been done for two |
| of the opcodes, but we need to do it for the other ones, by jumping |
| to the next block. |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* Go to the next block. */ |
| :end-before: /* end of loop on PC locations. */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| This is analogous to simply incrementing the program counter. |
| |
| Verifying the control flow graph |
| ******************************** |
| Having finished looping over the blocks, the context is complete. |
| |
| As before, we can verify that the control flow and statements are sane by |
| using :c:func:`gcc_jit_function_dump_to_dot`: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_function_dump_to_dot (state.fn, "/tmp/factorial.dot"); |
| |
| and viewing the result. Note how the label names, comments, and |
| variable names show up in the dump, to make it easier to spot |
| errors in our compiler. |
| |
| .. figure:: factorial.png |
| :alt: image of a control flow graph |
| |
| Compiling the context |
| ********************* |
| Having finished looping over the blocks and populating them with |
| statements, the context is complete. |
| |
| We can now compile it, and extract machine code from the result: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* We've now finished populating the context. Compile it. */ |
| :end-before: /* (this leaks "result" and "funcname") */ |
| :language: c |
| |
| We can now run the result: |
| |
| .. literalinclude:: ../examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c |
| :start-after: /* JIT-compilation. */ |
| :end-before: return 0; |
| :language: c |
| |
| Single-stepping through the generated code |
| ****************************************** |
| |
| It's possible to debug the generated code. To do this we need to both: |
| |
| * Set up source code locations for our statements, so that we can |
| meaningfully step through the code. We did this above by |
| calling :c:func:`gcc_jit_context_new_location` and using the |
| results. |
| |
| * Enable the generation of debugging information, by setting |
| :c:macro:`GCC_JIT_BOOL_OPTION_DEBUGINFO` on the |
| :c:type:`gcc_jit_context` via |
| :c:func:`gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option`: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option ( |
| ctxt, |
| 1); |
| |
| Having done this, we can put a breakpoint on the generated function: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ gdb --args ./toyvm factorial.toy 10 |
| (gdb) break factorial |
| Function "factorial" not defined. |
| Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y |
| Breakpoint 1 (factorial) pending. |
| (gdb) run |
| Breakpoint 1, factorial (arg=10) at factorial.toy:14 |
| 14 DUP |
| |
| We've set up location information, which references ``factorial.toy``. |
| This allows us to use e.g. ``list`` to see where we are in the script: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| (gdb) list |
| 9 |
| 10 # Initial state: |
| 11 # stack: [arg] |
| 12 |
| 13 # 0: |
| 14 DUP |
| 15 # stack: [arg, arg] |
| 16 |
| 17 # 1: |
| 18 PUSH_CONST 2 |
| |
| and to step through the function, examining the data: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| (gdb) n |
| 18 PUSH_CONST 2 |
| (gdb) n |
| (gdb) print stack |
| $5 = {10, 10, 2, 0, -7152, 32767, 0, 0} |
| (gdb) print stack_depth |
| $6 = 3 |
| |
| You'll see that the parts of the ``stack`` array that haven't been |
| touched yet are uninitialized. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| Turning on optimizations may lead to unpredictable results when |
| stepping through the generated code: the execution may appear to |
| "jump around" the source code. This is analogous to turning up the |
| optimization level in a regular compiler. |
| |
| Examining the generated code |
| **************************** |
| |
| How good is the optimized code? |
| |
| We can turn up optimizations, by calling |
| :c:func:`gcc_jit_context_set_int_option` with |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_context_set_int_option ( |
| ctxt, |
| 3); |
| |
| One of GCC's internal representations is called "gimple". A dump of the |
| initial gimple representation of the code can be seen by setting: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option (ctxt, |
| 1); |
| |
| With optimization on and source locations displayed, this gives: |
| |
| .. We'll use "c" for gimple dumps |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| <unnamed type> D.80; |
| signed int D.81; |
| signed int D.82; |
| signed int D.83; |
| signed int D.84; |
| signed int D.85; |
| signed int y; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| |
| try |
| { |
| initial: |
| stack_depth = 0; |
| stack[stack_depth] = arg; |
| stack_depth = stack_depth + 1; |
| goto instr0; |
| instr0: |
| /* DUP */: |
| stack_depth = stack_depth + -1; |
| x = stack[stack_depth]; |
| stack[stack_depth] = x; |
| stack_depth = stack_depth + 1; |
| stack[stack_depth] = x; |
| stack_depth = stack_depth + 1; |
| goto instr1; |
| instr1: |
| /* PUSH_CONST */: |
| stack[stack_depth] = 2; |
| stack_depth = stack_depth + 1; |
| goto instr2; |
| |
| /* etc */ |
| |
| You can see the generated machine code in assembly form via: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option ( |
| ctxt, |
| 1); |
| result = gcc_jit_context_compile (ctxt); |
| |
| which shows that (on this x86_64 box) the compiler has unrolled the loop |
| and is using MMX instructions to perform several multiplications |
| simultaneously: |
| |
| .. code-block:: gas |
| |
| .file "fake.c" |
| .text |
| .Ltext0: |
| .p2align 4,,15 |
| .globl factorial |
| .type factorial, @function |
| factorial: |
| .LFB0: |
| .file 1 "factorial.toy" |
| .loc 1 14 0 |
| .cfi_startproc |
| .LVL0: |
| .L2: |
| .loc 1 26 0 |
| cmpl $1, %edi |
| jle .L13 |
| leal -1(%rdi), %edx |
| movl %edx, %ecx |
| shrl $2, %ecx |
| leal 0(,%rcx,4), %esi |
| testl %esi, %esi |
| je .L14 |
| cmpl $9, %edx |
| jbe .L14 |
| leal -2(%rdi), %eax |
| movl %eax, -16(%rsp) |
| leal -3(%rdi), %eax |
| movd -16(%rsp), %xmm0 |
| movl %edi, -16(%rsp) |
| movl %eax, -12(%rsp) |
| movd -16(%rsp), %xmm1 |
| xorl %eax, %eax |
| movl %edx, -16(%rsp) |
| movd -12(%rsp), %xmm4 |
| movd -16(%rsp), %xmm6 |
| punpckldq %xmm4, %xmm0 |
| movdqa .LC1(%rip), %xmm4 |
| punpckldq %xmm6, %xmm1 |
| punpcklqdq %xmm0, %xmm1 |
| movdqa .LC0(%rip), %xmm0 |
| jmp .L5 |
| # etc - edited for brevity |
| |
| This is clearly overkill for a function that will likely overflow the |
| ``int`` type before the vectorization is worthwhile - but then again, this |
| is a toy example. |
| |
| Turning down the optimization level to 2: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_context_set_int_option ( |
| ctxt, |
| 3); |
| |
| yields this code, which is simple enough to quote in its entirety: |
| |
| .. code-block:: gas |
| |
| .file "fake.c" |
| .text |
| .p2align 4,,15 |
| .globl factorial |
| .type factorial, @function |
| factorial: |
| .LFB0: |
| .cfi_startproc |
| .L2: |
| cmpl $1, %edi |
| jle .L8 |
| movl $1, %edx |
| jmp .L4 |
| .p2align 4,,10 |
| .p2align 3 |
| .L6: |
| movl %eax, %edi |
| .L4: |
| .L5: |
| leal -1(%rdi), %eax |
| imull %edi, %edx |
| cmpl $1, %eax |
| jne .L6 |
| .L3: |
| .L7: |
| imull %edx, %eax |
| ret |
| .L8: |
| movl %edi, %eax |
| movl $1, %edx |
| jmp .L7 |
| .cfi_endproc |
| .LFE0: |
| .size factorial, .-factorial |
| .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.9.0 20131023 (Red Hat 0.2-%{gcc_release})" |
| .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits |
| |
| Note that the stack pushing and popping have been eliminated, as has the |
| recursive call (in favor of an iteration). |
| |
| Putting it all together |
| *********************** |
| |
| The complete example can be seen in the source tree at |
| ``gcc/jit/docs/examples/tut04-toyvm/toyvm.c`` |
| |
| along with a Makefile and a couple of sample .toy scripts: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ ls -al |
| drwxrwxr-x. 2 david david 4096 Sep 19 17:46 . |
| drwxrwxr-x. 3 david david 4096 Sep 19 15:26 .. |
| -rw-rw-r--. 1 david david 615 Sep 19 12:43 factorial.toy |
| -rw-rw-r--. 1 david david 834 Sep 19 13:08 fibonacci.toy |
| -rw-rw-r--. 1 david david 238 Sep 19 14:22 Makefile |
| -rw-rw-r--. 1 david david 16457 Sep 19 17:07 toyvm.c |
| |
| $ make toyvm |
| g++ -Wall -g -o toyvm toyvm.c -lgccjit |
| |
| $ ./toyvm factorial.toy 10 |
| interpreter result: 3628800 |
| compiler result: 3628800 |
| |
| $ ./toyvm fibonacci.toy 10 |
| interpreter result: 55 |
| compiler result: 55 |
| |
| Behind the curtain: How does our code get optimized? |
| **************************************************** |
| |
| Our example is done, but you may be wondering about exactly how the |
| compiler turned what we gave it into the machine code seen above. |
| |
| We can examine what the compiler is doing in detail by setting: |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option (state.ctxt, |
| 1); |
| gcc_jit_context_set_bool_option (state.ctxt, |
| 1); |
| |
| This will dump detailed information about the compiler's state to a |
| directory under ``/tmp``, and keep it from being cleaned up. |
| |
| The precise names and their formats of these files is subject to change. |
| Higher optimization levels lead to more files. |
| Here's what I saw (edited for brevity; there were almost 200 files): |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| intermediate files written to /tmp/libgccjit-KPQbGw |
| $ ls /tmp/libgccjit-KPQbGw/ |
| fake.c.000i.cgraph |
| fake.c.000i.type-inheritance |
| fake.c.004t.gimple |
| fake.c.007t.omplower |
| fake.c.008t.lower |
| fake.c.011t.eh |
| fake.c.012t.cfg |
| fake.c.014i.visibility |
| fake.c.015i.early_local_cleanups |
| fake.c.016t.ssa |
| # etc |
| |
| The gimple code is converted into Static Single Assignment form, |
| with annotations for use when generating the debuginfo: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-KPQbGw/fake.c.016t.ssa |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int y; |
| <unnamed type> _20; |
| signed int _21; |
| signed int _38; |
| signed int _44; |
| signed int _51; |
| signed int _56; |
| |
| initial: |
| stack_depth_3 = 0; |
| # DEBUG stack_depth => stack_depth_3 |
| stack[stack_depth_3] = arg_5(D); |
| stack_depth_7 = stack_depth_3 + 1; |
| # DEBUG stack_depth => stack_depth_7 |
| # DEBUG instr0 => NULL |
| # DEBUG /* DUP */ => NULL |
| stack_depth_8 = stack_depth_7 + -1; |
| # DEBUG stack_depth => stack_depth_8 |
| x_9 = stack[stack_depth_8]; |
| # DEBUG x => x_9 |
| stack[stack_depth_8] = x_9; |
| stack_depth_11 = stack_depth_8 + 1; |
| # DEBUG stack_depth => stack_depth_11 |
| stack[stack_depth_11] = x_9; |
| stack_depth_13 = stack_depth_11 + 1; |
| # DEBUG stack_depth => stack_depth_13 |
| # DEBUG instr1 => NULL |
| # DEBUG /* PUSH_CONST */ => NULL |
| stack[stack_depth_13] = 2; |
| |
| /* etc; edited for brevity */ |
| |
| We can perhaps better see the code by turning off |
| :c:macro:`GCC_JIT_BOOL_OPTION_DEBUGINFO` to suppress all those ``DEBUG`` |
| statements, giving: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-1Hywc0/fake.c.016t.ssa |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int y; |
| <unnamed type> _20; |
| signed int _21; |
| signed int _38; |
| signed int _44; |
| signed int _51; |
| signed int _56; |
| |
| initial: |
| stack_depth_3 = 0; |
| stack[stack_depth_3] = arg_5(D); |
| stack_depth_7 = stack_depth_3 + 1; |
| stack_depth_8 = stack_depth_7 + -1; |
| x_9 = stack[stack_depth_8]; |
| stack[stack_depth_8] = x_9; |
| stack_depth_11 = stack_depth_8 + 1; |
| stack[stack_depth_11] = x_9; |
| stack_depth_13 = stack_depth_11 + 1; |
| stack[stack_depth_13] = 2; |
| stack_depth_15 = stack_depth_13 + 1; |
| stack_depth_16 = stack_depth_15 + -1; |
| y_17 = stack[stack_depth_16]; |
| stack_depth_18 = stack_depth_16 + -1; |
| x_19 = stack[stack_depth_18]; |
| _20 = x_19 < y_17; |
| _21 = (signed int) _20; |
| stack[stack_depth_18] = _21; |
| stack_depth_23 = stack_depth_18 + 1; |
| stack_depth_24 = stack_depth_23 + -1; |
| x_25 = stack[stack_depth_24]; |
| if (x_25 != 0) |
| goto <bb 4> (instr9); |
| else |
| goto <bb 3> (instr4); |
| |
| instr4: |
| /* DUP */: |
| stack_depth_26 = stack_depth_24 + -1; |
| x_27 = stack[stack_depth_26]; |
| stack[stack_depth_26] = x_27; |
| stack_depth_29 = stack_depth_26 + 1; |
| stack[stack_depth_29] = x_27; |
| stack_depth_31 = stack_depth_29 + 1; |
| stack[stack_depth_31] = 1; |
| stack_depth_33 = stack_depth_31 + 1; |
| stack_depth_34 = stack_depth_33 + -1; |
| y_35 = stack[stack_depth_34]; |
| stack_depth_36 = stack_depth_34 + -1; |
| x_37 = stack[stack_depth_36]; |
| _38 = x_37 - y_35; |
| stack[stack_depth_36] = _38; |
| stack_depth_40 = stack_depth_36 + 1; |
| stack_depth_41 = stack_depth_40 + -1; |
| x_42 = stack[stack_depth_41]; |
| _44 = factorial (x_42); |
| stack[stack_depth_41] = _44; |
| stack_depth_46 = stack_depth_41 + 1; |
| stack_depth_47 = stack_depth_46 + -1; |
| y_48 = stack[stack_depth_47]; |
| stack_depth_49 = stack_depth_47 + -1; |
| x_50 = stack[stack_depth_49]; |
| _51 = x_50 * y_48; |
| stack[stack_depth_49] = _51; |
| stack_depth_53 = stack_depth_49 + 1; |
| |
| # stack_depth_1 = PHI <stack_depth_24(2), stack_depth_53(3)> |
| instr9: |
| /* RETURN */: |
| stack_depth_54 = stack_depth_1 + -1; |
| x_55 = stack[stack_depth_54]; |
| _56 = x_55; |
| stack ={v} {CLOBBER}; |
| return _56; |
| |
| } |
| |
| Note in the above how all the :c:type:`gcc_jit_block` instances we |
| created have been consolidated into just 3 blocks in GCC's internal |
| representation: ``initial``, ``instr4`` and ``instr9``. |
| |
| Optimizing away stack manipulation |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| Recall our simple implementation of stack operations. Let's examine |
| how the stack operations are optimized away. |
| |
| After a pass of constant-propagation, the depth of the stack at each |
| opcode can be determined at compile-time: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-1Hywc0/fake.c.021t.ccp1 |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int y; |
| <unnamed type> _20; |
| signed int _21; |
| signed int _38; |
| signed int _44; |
| signed int _51; |
| |
| initial: |
| stack[0] = arg_5(D); |
| x_9 = stack[0]; |
| stack[0] = x_9; |
| stack[1] = x_9; |
| stack[2] = 2; |
| y_17 = stack[2]; |
| x_19 = stack[1]; |
| _20 = x_19 < y_17; |
| _21 = (signed int) _20; |
| stack[1] = _21; |
| x_25 = stack[1]; |
| if (x_25 != 0) |
| goto <bb 4> (instr9); |
| else |
| goto <bb 3> (instr4); |
| |
| instr4: |
| /* DUP */: |
| x_27 = stack[0]; |
| stack[0] = x_27; |
| stack[1] = x_27; |
| stack[2] = 1; |
| y_35 = stack[2]; |
| x_37 = stack[1]; |
| _38 = x_37 - y_35; |
| stack[1] = _38; |
| x_42 = stack[1]; |
| _44 = factorial (x_42); |
| stack[1] = _44; |
| y_48 = stack[1]; |
| x_50 = stack[0]; |
| _51 = x_50 * y_48; |
| stack[0] = _51; |
| |
| instr9: |
| /* RETURN */: |
| x_55 = stack[0]; |
| x_56 = x_55; |
| stack ={v} {CLOBBER}; |
| return x_56; |
| |
| } |
| |
| Note how, in the above, all those ``stack_depth`` values are now just |
| constants: we're accessing specific stack locations at each opcode. |
| |
| The "esra" pass ("Early Scalar Replacement of Aggregates") breaks |
| out our "stack" array into individual elements: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-1Hywc0/fake.c.024t.esra |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| Created a replacement for stack offset: 0, size: 32: stack$0 |
| Created a replacement for stack offset: 32, size: 32: stack$1 |
| Created a replacement for stack offset: 64, size: 32: stack$2 |
| |
| Symbols to be put in SSA form |
| { D.89 D.90 D.91 } |
| Incremental SSA update started at block: 0 |
| Number of blocks in CFG: 5 |
| Number of blocks to update: 4 ( 80%) |
| |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack$2; |
| signed int stack$1; |
| signed int stack$0; |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int y; |
| <unnamed type> _20; |
| signed int _21; |
| signed int _38; |
| signed int _44; |
| signed int _51; |
| |
| initial: |
| stack$0_45 = arg_5(D); |
| x_9 = stack$0_45; |
| stack$0_39 = x_9; |
| stack$1_32 = x_9; |
| stack$2_30 = 2; |
| y_17 = stack$2_30; |
| x_19 = stack$1_32; |
| _20 = x_19 < y_17; |
| _21 = (signed int) _20; |
| stack$1_28 = _21; |
| x_25 = stack$1_28; |
| if (x_25 != 0) |
| goto <bb 4> (instr9); |
| else |
| goto <bb 3> (instr4); |
| |
| instr4: |
| /* DUP */: |
| x_27 = stack$0_39; |
| stack$0_22 = x_27; |
| stack$1_14 = x_27; |
| stack$2_12 = 1; |
| y_35 = stack$2_12; |
| x_37 = stack$1_14; |
| _38 = x_37 - y_35; |
| stack$1_10 = _38; |
| x_42 = stack$1_10; |
| _44 = factorial (x_42); |
| stack$1_6 = _44; |
| y_48 = stack$1_6; |
| x_50 = stack$0_22; |
| _51 = x_50 * y_48; |
| stack$0_1 = _51; |
| |
| # stack$0_52 = PHI <stack$0_39(2), stack$0_1(3)> |
| instr9: |
| /* RETURN */: |
| x_55 = stack$0_52; |
| x_56 = x_55; |
| stack ={v} {CLOBBER}; |
| return x_56; |
| |
| } |
| |
| Hence at this point, all those pushes and pops of the stack are now |
| simply assignments to specific temporary variables. |
| |
| After some copy propagation, the stack manipulation has been completely |
| optimized away: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-1Hywc0/fake.c.026t.copyprop1 |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack$2; |
| signed int stack$1; |
| signed int stack$0; |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int y; |
| <unnamed type> _20; |
| signed int _21; |
| signed int _38; |
| signed int _44; |
| signed int _51; |
| |
| initial: |
| stack$0_39 = arg_5(D); |
| _20 = arg_5(D) <= 1; |
| _21 = (signed int) _20; |
| if (_21 != 0) |
| goto <bb 4> (instr9); |
| else |
| goto <bb 3> (instr4); |
| |
| instr4: |
| /* DUP */: |
| _38 = arg_5(D) + -1; |
| _44 = factorial (_38); |
| _51 = arg_5(D) * _44; |
| stack$0_1 = _51; |
| |
| # stack$0_52 = PHI <arg_5(D)(2), _51(3)> |
| instr9: |
| /* RETURN */: |
| stack ={v} {CLOBBER}; |
| return stack$0_52; |
| |
| } |
| |
| Later on, another pass finally eliminated ``stack_depth`` local and the |
| unused parts of the `stack`` array altogether: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-1Hywc0/fake.c.036t.release_ssa |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| Released 44 names, 314.29%, removed 44 holes |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack$0; |
| signed int mult_acc_1; |
| <unnamed type> _5; |
| signed int _6; |
| signed int _7; |
| signed int mul_tmp_10; |
| signed int mult_acc_11; |
| signed int mult_acc_13; |
| |
| # arg_9 = PHI <arg_8(D)(0)> |
| # mult_acc_13 = PHI <1(0)> |
| initial: |
| |
| <bb 5>: |
| # arg_4 = PHI <arg_9(2), _7(3)> |
| # mult_acc_1 = PHI <mult_acc_13(2), mult_acc_11(3)> |
| _5 = arg_4 <= 1; |
| _6 = (signed int) _5; |
| if (_6 != 0) |
| goto <bb 4> (instr9); |
| else |
| goto <bb 3> (instr4); |
| |
| instr4: |
| /* DUP */: |
| _7 = arg_4 + -1; |
| mult_acc_11 = mult_acc_1 * arg_4; |
| goto <bb 5>; |
| |
| # stack$0_12 = PHI <arg_4(5)> |
| instr9: |
| /* RETURN */: |
| mul_tmp_10 = mult_acc_1 * stack$0_12; |
| return mul_tmp_10; |
| |
| } |
| |
| |
| Elimination of tail recursion |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| Another significant optimization is the detection that the call to |
| ``factorial`` is tail recursion, which can be eliminated in favor of |
| an iteration: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ less /tmp/libgccjit-1Hywc0/fake.c.030t.tailr1 |
| |
| .. code-block:: c |
| |
| ;; Function factorial (factorial, funcdef_no=0, decl_uid=53, symbol_order=0) |
| |
| |
| Symbols to be put in SSA form |
| { D.88 } |
| Incremental SSA update started at block: 0 |
| Number of blocks in CFG: 5 |
| Number of blocks to update: 4 ( 80%) |
| |
| |
| factorial (signed int arg) |
| { |
| signed int stack$2; |
| signed int stack$1; |
| signed int stack$0; |
| signed int stack[8]; |
| signed int stack_depth; |
| signed int x; |
| signed int y; |
| signed int mult_acc_1; |
| <unnamed type> _20; |
| signed int _21; |
| signed int _38; |
| signed int mul_tmp_44; |
| signed int mult_acc_51; |
| |
| # arg_5 = PHI <arg_39(D)(0), _38(3)> |
| # mult_acc_1 = PHI <1(0), mult_acc_51(3)> |
| initial: |
| _20 = arg_5 <= 1; |
| _21 = (signed int) _20; |
| if (_21 != 0) |
| goto <bb 4> (instr9); |
| else |
| goto <bb 3> (instr4); |
| |
| instr4: |
| /* DUP */: |
| _38 = arg_5 + -1; |
| mult_acc_51 = mult_acc_1 * arg_5; |
| goto <bb 2> (initial); |
| |
| # stack$0_52 = PHI <arg_5(2)> |
| instr9: |
| /* RETURN */: |
| stack ={v} {CLOBBER}; |
| mul_tmp_44 = mult_acc_1 * stack$0_52; |
| return mul_tmp_44; |
| |
| } |