blob: 2060e7dd66d32f0abdaa5529ce4875a713338fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! One of the tests of the patch for PR30068.
! Taken from comp.lang.fortran 3rd December 2006.
! Although the generic procedure is not referenced and it would
! normally be permissible for it to be ambiguous, the USE, ONLY
! statement is effectively a reference and is invalid.
module mod1
interface generic
subroutine foo(a)
real :: a
end subroutine
end interface generic
end module mod1
module mod2
interface generic
subroutine bar(a)
real :: a
end subroutine
end interface generic
end module mod2
program main
use mod1, only: generic ! { dg-warning "has ambiguous interfaces" }
use mod2
end program main