blob: b712ed59dbb07b2089e9bda75fd9a174fdf41d36 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Tests the fix for PR82622.
! Contributed by Gerhard Steinmetz <>
program p
type t(a)
integer, len :: a
end type
type t2(b)
integer, len :: b
type(t(1)) :: r(b)
end type
type(t2(:)), allocatable :: x
allocate (t2(3) :: x) ! Used to segfault in trans-array.c.
if (x%b .ne. 3) STOP 1
if (x%b .ne. size (x%r, 1)) STOP 2
if (any (x%r%a .ne. 1)) STOP 3