blob: cca12caf4d79bfa69933d9b8fce41f38bb5b7a19 [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-w -Ofast -fnon-call-exceptions -ftrapping-math -fdump-tree-recip" } */
/* Check that the recip_sqrt optimization does not trigger here, causing an
ICE due to EH info. */
double res, res2, tmp;
foo1 (double a, double b)
try {
tmp = 1.0 / __builtin_sqrt (a);
res = tmp * tmp;
res2 = a * tmp;
catch (...)
{ ; }
foo4 (double a, double b, int c, int d)
try {
tmp = 1.0 / __builtin_sqrt (a);
catch (...)
if (c)
res = tmp * tmp;
if (d)
res2 = a * tmp;
foo5 (double a, double b, int c, int d)
try {
tmp = 1.0 / __builtin_sqrt (a);
res = tmp * tmp;
if (d)
res2 = a * tmp;
catch (...)
{ ; }