blob: 20c220edb38cb2130a945781c7fbf9b2a07476f8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Check if sending messages to super does not interfere with sending messages
to classes. */
/* Contributed by Ziemowit Laski <>. */
/* { dg-options "" } */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-xfail-run-if "Needs OBJC2 ABI" { *-*-darwin* && { lp64 && { ! objc2 } } } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
#include "../objc-obj-c++-shared/TestsuiteObject.m"
extern void abort(void);
#define CHECK_IF(expr) if(!(expr)) abort()
@interface Base: TestsuiteObject
+ (int) class_func1;
- (int) instance_func1;
@interface Derived: Base
+ (int) class_func1;
@interface Derived (Categ)
- (int) instance_func1;
@implementation Base
+ (int) class_func1 { return 234; }
- (int) instance_func1 { return 345; }
@implementation Derived
+ (int) class_func1 {
int i = [super class_func1];
i += [Base class_func1];
return i;
@implementation Derived (Categ)
- (int) instance_func1 {
int i = [super instance_func1];
i += [Base class_func1]; /* { dg-bogus "invalid receiver type" } */
return i;
int main(void) {
Base *base = [[Base alloc] init]; /* { dg-bogus "invalid receiver type" } */
Derived *derived = [[Derived alloc] init];
CHECK_IF([Base class_func1] == 234); /* { dg-bogus "invalid receiver type" } */
CHECK_IF([Derived class_func1] == 234 + 234);
CHECK_IF([base instance_func1] == 345);
CHECK_IF([derived instance_func1] == 234 + 345);
return 0;