blob: d90c75ee064a73fa00b24ca95c824c6f2a23b843 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- B I N D E --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Binderr; use Binderr;
with Butil; use Butil;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Fname; use Fname;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
package body Binde is
-- The following data structures are used to represent the graph that is
-- used to determine the elaboration order (using a topological sort).
-- The following structures are used to record successors. If A is a
-- successor of B in this table, it means that A must be elaborated
-- before B is elaborated.
type Successor_Id is new Nat;
-- Identification of single successor entry
No_Successor : constant Successor_Id := 0;
-- Used to indicate end of list of successors
type Elab_All_Id is new Nat;
-- Identification of Elab_All entry link
No_Elab_All_Link : constant Elab_All_Id := 0;
-- Used to indicate end of list
-- Succ_Reason indicates the reason for a particular elaboration link
type Succ_Reason is
-- After directly with's Before, so the spec of Before must be
-- elaborated before After is elaborated.
-- After directly mentions Before in a pragma Elaborate, so the
-- body of Before must be elaborate before After is elaborated.
-- After either mentions Before directly in a pragma Elaborate_All,
-- or mentions a third unit, X, which itself requires that Before be
-- elaborated before unit X is elaborated. The Elab_All_Link list
-- traces the dependencies in the latter case.
-- This is just like Elab_All, except that the elaborate all was not
-- explicitly present in the source, but rather was created by the
-- front end, which decided that it was "desirable".
-- After is a body, and Before is the corresponding spec
-- Successor_Link contains the information for one link
type Successor_Link is record
Before : Unit_Id;
-- Predecessor unit
After : Unit_Id;
-- Successor unit
Next : Successor_Id;
-- Next successor on this list
Reason : Succ_Reason;
-- Reason for this link
Elab_Body : Boolean;
-- Set True if this link is needed for the special Elaborate_Body
-- processing described below.
Reason_Unit : Unit_Id;
-- For Reason = Elab, or Elab_All or Elab_Desirable, records the unit
-- containing the pragma leading to the link.
Elab_All_Link : Elab_All_Id;
-- If Reason = Elab_All or Elab_Desirable, then this points to the
-- first elment in a list of Elab_All entries that record the with
-- chain leading resulting in this particular dependency.
end record;
-- Note on handling of Elaborate_Body. Basically, if we have a pragma
-- Elaborate_Body in a unit, it means that the spec and body have to
-- be handled as a single entity from the point of view of determining
-- an elaboration order. What we do is to essentially remove the body
-- from consideration completely, and transfer all its links (other
-- than the spec link) to the spec. Then when then the spec gets chosen,
-- we choose the body right afterwards. We mark the links that get moved
-- from the body to the spec by setting their Elab_Body flag True, so
-- that we can understand what is going on!
Succ_First : constant := 1;
package Succ is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Successor_Link,
Table_Index_Type => Successor_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => Succ_First,
Table_Initial => 500,
Table_Increment => 200,
Table_Name => "Succ");
-- For the case of Elaborate_All, the following table is used to record
-- chains of with relationships that lead to the Elab_All link. These
-- are used solely for diagnostic purposes
type Elab_All_Entry is record
Needed_By : Unit_Name_Type;
-- Name of unit from which referencing unit was with'ed or otherwise
-- needed as a result of Elaborate_All or Elaborate_Desirable.
Next_Elab : Elab_All_Id;
-- Link to next entry on chain (No_Elab_All_Link marks end of list)
end record;
package Elab_All_Entries is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Elab_All_Entry,
Table_Index_Type => Elab_All_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 2000,
Table_Increment => 200,
Table_Name => "Elab_All_Entries");
-- A Unit_Node record is built for each active unit
type Unit_Node_Record is record
Successors : Successor_Id;
-- Pointer to list of links for successor nodes
Num_Pred : Int;
-- Number of predecessors for this unit. Normally non-negative, but
-- can go negative in the case of units chosen by the diagnose error
-- procedure (when cycles are being removed from the graph).
Nextnp : Unit_Id;
-- Forward pointer for list of units with no predecessors
Elab_Order : Nat;
-- Position in elaboration order (zero = not placed yet)
Visited : Boolean;
-- Used in computing transitive closure for elaborate all and
-- also in locating cycles and paths in the diagnose routines.
Elab_Position : Natural;
-- Initialized to zero. Set non-zero when a unit is chosen and
-- placed in the elaboration order. The value represents the
-- ordinal position in the elaboration order.
end record;
package UNR is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Unit_Node_Record,
Table_Index_Type => Unit_Id,
Table_Low_Bound => First_Unit_Entry,
Table_Initial => 500,
Table_Increment => 200,
Table_Name => "UNR");
No_Pred : Unit_Id;
-- Head of list of items with no predecessors
Num_Left : Int;
-- Number of entries not yet dealt with
Cur_Unit : Unit_Id;
-- Current unit, set by Gather_Dependencies, and picked up in Build_Link
-- to set the Reason_Unit field of the created dependency link.
Num_Chosen : Natural := 0;
-- Number of units chosen in the elaboration order so far
-- Local Subprograms --
function Better_Choice (U1, U2 : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
-- U1 and U2 are both permitted candidates for selection as the next unit
-- to be elaborated. This function determines whether U1 is a better choice
-- than U2, i.e. should be elaborated in preference to U2, based on a set
-- of heuristics that establish a friendly and predictable order (see body
-- for details). The result is True if U1 is a better choice than U2, and
-- False if it is a worse choice, or there is no preference between them.
procedure Build_Link
(Before : Unit_Id;
After : Unit_Id;
R : Succ_Reason;
Ea_Id : Elab_All_Id := No_Elab_All_Link);
-- Establish a successor link, Before must be elaborated before After,
-- and the reason for the link is R. Ea_Id is the contents to be placed
-- in the Elab_All_Link of the entry.
procedure Choose (Chosen : Unit_Id);
-- Chosen is the next entry chosen in the elaboration order. This
-- procedure updates all data structures appropriately.
function Corresponding_Body (U : Unit_Id) return Unit_Id;
pragma Inline (Corresponding_Body);
-- Given a unit which is a spec for which there is a separate body,
-- return the unit id of the body. It is an error to call this routine
-- with a unit that is not a spec, or which does not have a separate body.
function Corresponding_Spec (U : Unit_Id) return Unit_Id;
pragma Inline (Corresponding_Spec);
-- Given a unit which is a body for which there is a separate spec,
-- return the unit id of the spec. It is an error to call this routine
-- with a unit that is not a body, or which does not have a separate spec.
procedure Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem;
-- Called when no elaboration order can be found. Outputs an appropriate
-- diagnosis of the problem, and then abandons the bind.
procedure Elab_All_Links
(Before : Unit_Id;
After : Unit_Id;
Reason : Succ_Reason;
Link : Elab_All_Id);
-- Used to compute the transitive closure of elaboration links for an
-- Elaborate_All pragma (Reason = Elab_All) or for an indication of
-- Elaborate_All_Desirable (Reason = Elab_Desirable). Unit After has
-- a pragma Elaborate_All or the front end has determined that a reference
-- probably requires Elaborate_All is required, and unit Before must be
-- previously elaborated. First a link is built making sure that unit
-- Before is elaborated before After, then a recursive call ensures that
-- we also build links for any units needed by Before (i.e. these units
-- must/should also be elaborated before After). Link is used to build
-- a chain of Elab_All_Entries to explain the reason for a link. The
-- value passed is the chain so far.
procedure Elab_Error_Msg (S : Successor_Id);
-- Given a successor link, outputs an error message of the form
-- "& must be elaborated before & ..." where ... is the reason.
procedure Gather_Dependencies;
-- Compute dependencies, building the Succ and UNR tables
function Make_Elab_Entry
(Unam : Unit_Name_Type;
Link : Elab_All_Id)
return Elab_All_Id;
-- Make an Elab_All_Entries table entry with the given Unam and Link.
function Unit_Id_Of (Uname : Unit_Name_Type) return Unit_Id;
-- This function uses the Info field set in the names table to obtain
-- the unit Id of a unit, given its name id value.
function Worse_Choice (U1, U2 : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
-- This is like Better_Choice, and has the same interface, but returns
-- true if U1 is a worse choice than U2 in the sense of the -h (horrible
-- elaboration order) switch. We still have to obey Ada rules, so it is
-- not quite the direct inverse of Better_Choice.
procedure Write_Dependencies;
-- Write out dependencies (called only if appropriate option is set)
procedure Write_Elab_All_Chain (S : Successor_Id);
-- If the reason for the link S is Elaborate_All or Elaborate_Desirable,
-- then this routine will output the "needed by" explanation chain.
-- Better_Choice --
function Better_Choice (U1, U2 : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
function Body_Unit (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if given unit is a body
function Waiting_Body (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if U is a waiting body, defined as a body which has
-- not been elaborated, but whose spec has been elaborated.
function Body_Unit (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
return Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body
or else Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body_Only;
end Body_Unit;
function Waiting_Body (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
return Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body
and then UNR.Table (Corresponding_Spec (U)).Elab_Position /= 0;
end Waiting_Body;
-- Start of processing for Better_Choice
-- Note: the checks here are applied in sequence, and the ordering is
-- significant (i.e. the more important criteria are applied first).
-- Prefer a waiting body to any other case
if Waiting_Body (U1) and not Waiting_Body (U2) then
return True;
elsif Waiting_Body (U2) and not Waiting_Body (U1) then
return False;
-- Prefer a predefined unit to a non-predefined unit
elsif Units.Table (U1).Predefined
and not Units.Table (U2).Predefined
return True;
elsif Units.Table (U2).Predefined
and not Units.Table (U1).Predefined
return False;
-- Prefer an internal unit to a non-internal unit
elsif Units.Table (U1).Internal
and not Units.Table (U2).Internal
return True;
elsif Units.Table (U2).Internal
and not Units.Table (U1).Internal
return False;
-- Prefer a body to a spec
elsif Body_Unit (U1) and not Body_Unit (U2) then
return True;
elsif Body_Unit (U2) and not Body_Unit (U1) then
return False;
-- If both are waiting bodies, then prefer the one whose spec is
-- more recently elaborated. Consider the following:
-- spec of A
-- spec of B
-- body of A or B?
-- The normal waiting body preference would have placed the body of
-- A before the spec of B if it could. Since it could not, there it
-- must be the case that A depends on B. It is therefore a good idea
-- to put the body of B first.
elsif Waiting_Body (U1) and then Waiting_Body (U2) then
UNR.Table (Corresponding_Spec (U1)).Elab_Position >
UNR.Table (Corresponding_Spec (U2)).Elab_Position;
-- Otherwise decide on the basis of alphabetical order
return Uname_Less (Units.Table (U1).Uname, Units.Table (U2).Uname);
end if;
end Better_Choice;
-- Build_Link --
procedure Build_Link
(Before : Unit_Id;
After : Unit_Id;
R : Succ_Reason;
Ea_Id : Elab_All_Id := No_Elab_All_Link)
Cspec : Unit_Id;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Before := Before;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Next := UNR.Table (Before).Successors;
UNR.Table (Before).Successors := Succ.Last;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Reason := R;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Reason_Unit := Cur_Unit;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Elab_All_Link := Ea_Id;
-- Deal with special Elab_Body case. If the After of this link is
-- a body whose spec has Elaborate_All set, and this is not the link
-- directly from the body to the spec, then we make the After of the
-- link reference its spec instead, marking the link appropriately.
if Units.Table (After).Utype = Is_Body then
Cspec := Corresponding_Spec (After);
if Units.Table (Cspec).Elaborate_Body
and then Cspec /= Before
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).After := Cspec;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Elab_Body := True;
UNR.Table (Cspec).Num_Pred := UNR.Table (Cspec).Num_Pred + 1;
end if;
end if;
-- Fall through on normal case
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).After := After;
Succ.Table (Succ.Last).Elab_Body := False;
UNR.Table (After).Num_Pred := UNR.Table (After).Num_Pred + 1;
end Build_Link;
-- Choose --
procedure Choose (Chosen : Unit_Id) is
S : Successor_Id;
U : Unit_Id;
if Debug_Flag_C then
Write_Str ("Choosing Unit ");
Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (Chosen).Uname);
end if;
-- Add to elaboration order. Note that units having no elaboration
-- code are not treated specially yet. The special casing of this
-- is in Bindgen, where Gen_Elab_Calls skips over them. Meanwhile
-- we need them here, because the object file list is also driven
-- by the contents of the Elab_Order table.
Elab_Order.Table (Elab_Order.Last) := Chosen;
-- Remove from No_Pred list. This is a little inefficient and may
-- be we should doubly link the list, but it will do for now!
if No_Pred = Chosen then
No_Pred := UNR.Table (Chosen).Nextnp;
-- Note that we just ignore the situation where it does not
-- appear in the No_Pred list, this happens in calls from the
-- Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem routine, where cycles are being
-- removed arbitrarily from the graph.
U := No_Pred;
while U /= No_Unit_Id loop
if UNR.Table (U).Nextnp = Chosen then
UNR.Table (U).Nextnp := UNR.Table (Chosen).Nextnp;
end if;
U := UNR.Table (U).Nextnp;
end loop;
end if;
-- For all successors, decrement the number of predecessors, and
-- if it becomes zero, then add to no predecessor list.
S := UNR.Table (Chosen).Successors;
while S /= No_Successor loop
U := Succ.Table (S).After;
UNR.Table (U).Num_Pred := UNR.Table (U).Num_Pred - 1;
if Debug_Flag_N then
Write_Str (" decrementing Num_Pred for unit ");
Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (U).Uname);
Write_Str (" new value = ");
Write_Int (Int (UNR.Table (U).Num_Pred));
end if;
if UNR.Table (U).Num_Pred = 0 then
UNR.Table (U).Nextnp := No_Pred;
No_Pred := U;
end if;
S := Succ.Table (S).Next;
end loop;
-- All done, adjust number of units left count and set elaboration pos
Num_Left := Num_Left - 1;
Num_Chosen := Num_Chosen + 1;
UNR.Table (Chosen).Elab_Position := Num_Chosen;
Units.Table (Chosen).Elab_Position := Num_Chosen;
-- If we just chose a spec with Elaborate_Body set, then we
-- must immediately elaborate the body, before any other units.
if Units.Table (Chosen).Elaborate_Body then
-- If the unit is a spec only, then there is no body. This is a bit
-- odd given that Elaborate_Body is here, but it is valid in an
-- RCI unit, where we only have the interface in the stub bind.
if Units.Table (Chosen).Utype = Is_Spec_Only
and then Units.Table (Chosen).RCI
Choose (Corresponding_Body (Chosen));
end if;
end if;
end Choose;
-- Corresponding_Body --
-- Currently if the body and spec are separate, then they appear as
-- two separate units in the same ALI file, with the body appearing
-- first and the spec appearing second.
function Corresponding_Body (U : Unit_Id) return Unit_Id is
pragma Assert (Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Spec);
return U - 1;
end Corresponding_Body;
-- Corresponding_Spec --
-- Currently if the body and spec are separate, then they appear as
-- two separate units in the same ALI file, with the body appearing
-- first and the spec appearing second.
function Corresponding_Spec (U : Unit_Id) return Unit_Id is
pragma Assert (Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body);
return U + 1;
end Corresponding_Spec;
-- Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem --
procedure Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem is
function Find_Path (Ufrom, Uto : Unit_Id; ML : Nat) return Boolean;
-- Recursive routine used to find a path from node Ufrom to node Uto.
-- If a path exists, returns True and outputs an appropriate set of
-- error messages giving the path. Also calls Choose for each of the
-- nodes so that they get removed from the remaining set. There are
-- two cases of calls, either Ufrom = Uto for an attempt to find a
-- cycle, or Ufrom is a spec and Uto the corresponding body for the
-- case of an unsatisfiable Elaborate_Body pragma. ML is the minimum
-- acceptable length for a path.
-- Find_Path --
function Find_Path (Ufrom, Uto : Unit_Id; ML : Nat) return Boolean is
function Find_Link (U : Unit_Id; PL : Nat) return Boolean;
-- This is the inner recursive routine, it determines if a path
-- exists from U to Uto, and if so returns True and outputs the
-- appropriate set of error messages. PL is the path length
-- Find_Link --
function Find_Link (U : Unit_Id; PL : Nat) return Boolean is
S : Successor_Id;
-- Recursion ends if we are at terminating node and the path
-- is sufficiently long, generate error message and return True.
if U = Uto and then PL >= ML then
Choose (U);
return True;
-- All done if already visited, otherwise mark as visited
elsif UNR.Table (U).Visited then
return False;
-- Otherwise mark as visited and look at all successors
UNR.Table (U).Visited := True;
S := UNR.Table (U).Successors;
while S /= No_Successor loop
if Find_Link (Succ.Table (S).After, PL + 1) then
Elab_Error_Msg (S);
Choose (U);
return True;
end if;
S := Succ.Table (S).Next;
end loop;
-- Falling through means this does not lead to a path
return False;
end if;
end Find_Link;
-- Start of processing for Find_Path
-- Initialize all non-chosen nodes to not visisted yet
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
UNR.Table (U).Visited := UNR.Table (U).Elab_Position /= 0;
end loop;
-- Now try to find the path
return Find_Link (Ufrom, 0);
end Find_Path;
-- Start of processing for Diagnose_Elaboration_Error
-- Output state of things if debug flag N set
if Debug_Flag_N then
NP : Int;
Write_Str ("Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem called");
Write_Str ("List of remaining unchosen units and predecessors");
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
if UNR.Table (U).Elab_Position = 0 then
NP := UNR.Table (U).Num_Pred;
Write_Str (" Unchosen unit: #");
Write_Int (Int (U));
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (U).Uname);
Write_Str (" (Num_Pred = ");
Write_Int (NP);
Write_Char (')');
if NP = 0 then
if Units.Table (U).Elaborate_Body then
(" (not chosen because of Elaborate_Body)");
Write_Str (" ****************** why not chosen?");
end if;
end if;
-- Search links list to find unchosen predecessors
for S in Succ.First .. Succ.Last loop
SL : Successor_Link renames Succ.Table (S);
if SL.After = U
and then UNR.Table (SL.Before).Elab_Position = 0
Write_Str (" unchosen predecessor: #");
Write_Int (Int (SL.Before));
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (SL.Before).Uname);
NP := NP - 1;
end if;
end loop;
if NP /= 0 then
Write_Str (" **************** Num_Pred value wrong!");
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Output the header for the error, and manually increment the
-- error count. We are using Error_Msg_Output rather than Error_Msg
-- here for two reasons:
-- This is really only one error, not one for each line
-- We want this output on standard output since it is voluminous
-- But we do need to deal with the error count manually in this case
Errors_Detected := Errors_Detected + 1;
Error_Msg_Output ("elaboration circularity detected", Info => False);
-- Try to find cycles starting with any of the remaining nodes that have
-- not yet been chosen. There must be at least one (there is some reason
-- we are being called!)
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
if UNR.Table (U).Elab_Position = 0 then
if Find_Path (U, U, 1) then
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- We should never get here, since we were called for some reason,
-- and we should have found and eliminated at least one bad path.
raise Program_Error;
end Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem;
-- Elab_All_Links --
procedure Elab_All_Links
(Before : Unit_Id;
After : Unit_Id;
Reason : Succ_Reason;
Link : Elab_All_Id)
if UNR.Table (Before).Visited then
end if;
-- Build the direct link for Before
UNR.Table (Before).Visited := True;
Build_Link (Before, After, Reason, Link);
-- Process all units with'ed by Before recursively
for W in
Units.Table (Before).First_With .. Units.Table (Before).Last_With
-- Skip if this with is an interface to a stand-alone library.
-- Skip also if no ALI file for this with, happens with certain
-- specialized generic files that do not get compiled.
if not Withs.Table (W).Interface
and then Withs.Table (W).Afile /= No_File
and then Generic_Separately_Compiled (Withs.Table (W).Sfile)
(Unit_Id_Of (Withs.Table (W).Uname),
Make_Elab_Entry (Withs.Table (W).Uname, Link));
end if;
end loop;
-- Process corresponding body, if there is one
if Units.Table (Before).Utype = Is_Spec then
(Corresponding_Body (Before),
After, Reason,
(Units.Table (Corresponding_Body (Before)).Uname, Link));
end if;
end Elab_All_Links;
-- Elab_Error_Msg --
procedure Elab_Error_Msg (S : Successor_Id) is
SL : Successor_Link renames Succ.Table (S);
-- Nothing to do if internal unit involved and no -de flag
if not Debug_Flag_E
and then
(Is_Internal_File_Name (Units.Table (SL.Before).Sfile)
or else
Is_Internal_File_Name (Units.Table (SL.After).Sfile))
end if;
-- Here we want to generate output
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Units.Table (SL.Before).Uname;
if SL.Elab_Body then
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Units.Table (Corresponding_Body (SL.After)).Uname;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Units.Table (SL.After).Uname;
end if;
Error_Msg_Output (" & must be elaborated before &", Info => True);
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Units.Table (SL.Reason_Unit).Uname;
case SL.Reason is
when Withed =>
(" reason: with clause",
Info => True);
when Elab =>
(" reason: pragma Elaborate in unit &",
Info => True);
when Elab_All =>
(" reason: pragma Elaborate_All in unit &",
Info => True);
when Elab_Desirable =>
(" reason: implicit Elaborate_All in unit &",
Info => True);
(" recompile & with -gnatwl for full details",
Info => True);
when Spec_First =>
(" reason: spec always elaborated before body",
Info => True);
end case;
Write_Elab_All_Chain (S);
if SL.Elab_Body then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Units.Table (SL.Before).Uname;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Units.Table (SL.After).Uname;
(" & must therefore be elaborated before &",
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Units.Table (SL.After).Uname;
(" (because & has a pragma Elaborate_Body)",
end if;
end Elab_Error_Msg;
-- Find_Elab_Order --
procedure Find_Elab_Order is
U : Unit_Id;
Best_So_Far : Unit_Id;
Num_Left := Int (Units.Last - Units.First + 1);
-- Initialize unit table for elaboration control
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
UNR.Table (UNR.Last).Successors := No_Successor;
UNR.Table (UNR.Last).Num_Pred := 0;
UNR.Table (UNR.Last).Nextnp := No_Unit_Id;
UNR.Table (UNR.Last).Elab_Order := 0;
UNR.Table (UNR.Last).Elab_Position := 0;
end loop;
-- Gather dependencies and output them if option set
-- Output elaboration dependencies if option is set
if Elab_Dependency_Output or Debug_Flag_E then
end if;
-- Initialize the no predecessor list
No_Pred := No_Unit_Id;
for U in UNR.First .. UNR.Last loop
if UNR.Table (U).Num_Pred = 0 then
UNR.Table (U).Nextnp := No_Pred;
No_Pred := U;
end if;
end loop;
-- OK, now we determine the elaboration order proper. All we do is to
-- select the best choice from the no predecessor list until all the
-- nodes have been chosen.
Outer : loop
-- If there are no nodes with predecessors, then either we are
-- done, as indicated by Num_Left being set to zero, or we have
-- a circularity. In the latter case, diagnose the circularity,
-- removing it from the graph and continue
Get_No_Pred : while No_Pred = No_Unit_Id loop
exit Outer when Num_Left < 1;
end loop Get_No_Pred;
U := No_Pred;
Best_So_Far := No_Unit_Id;
-- Loop to choose best entry in No_Pred list
No_Pred_Search : loop
if Debug_Flag_N then
Write_Str (" considering choice of ");
Write_Unit_Name (Units.Table (U).Uname);
if Units.Table (U).Elaborate_Body then
(" Elaborate_Body = True, Num_Pred for body = ");
(Int (UNR.Table (Corresponding_Body (U)).Num_Pred));
(" Elaborate_Body = False");
end if;
end if;
-- This is a candididate to be considered for choice
if Best_So_Far = No_Unit_Id
or else ((not Pessimistic_Elab_Order)
and then Better_Choice (U, Best_So_Far))
or else (Pessimistic_Elab_Order
and then Worse_Choice (U, Best_So_Far))
if Debug_Flag_N then
Write_Str (" tentatively chosen (best so far)");
end if;
Best_So_Far := U;
end if;
U := UNR.Table (U).Nextnp;
exit No_Pred_Search when U = No_Unit_Id;
end loop No_Pred_Search;
-- If no candididate chosen, it means that no unit has No_Pred = 0,
-- but there are units left, hence we have a circular dependency,
-- which we will get Diagnose_Elaboration_Problem to diagnose it.
if Best_So_Far = No_Unit_Id then
-- Otherwise choose the best candidate found
Choose (Best_So_Far);
end if;
end loop Outer;
end Find_Elab_Order;
-- Gather_Dependencies --
procedure Gather_Dependencies is
Withed_Unit : Unit_Id;
-- Loop through all units
for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
Cur_Unit := U;
-- If this is not an interface to a stand-alone library and
-- there is a body and a spec, then spec must be elaborated first
-- Note that the corresponding spec immediately follows the body
if not Units.Table (U).Interface
and then Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body
Build_Link (Corresponding_Spec (U), U, Spec_First);
end if;
-- If this unit is not an interface to a stand-alone library,
-- process WITH references for this unit ignoring generic units and
-- interfaces to stand-alone libraries.
if not Units.Table (U).Interface then
W in Units.Table (U).First_With .. Units.Table (U).Last_With
if Withs.Table (W).Sfile /= No_File
and then (not Withs.Table (W).Interface)
-- Check for special case of withing a unit that does not
-- exist any more. If the unit was completely missing we
-- would already have detected this, but a nasty case arises
-- when we have a subprogram body with no spec, and some
-- obsolete unit with's a previous (now disappeared) spec.
if Get_Name_Table_Info (Withs.Table (W).Uname) = 0 then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Units.Table (U).Sfile;
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Withs.Table (W).Uname;
Error_Msg ("% depends on & which no longer exists");
goto Next_With;
end if;
Withed_Unit :=
Unit_Id (Unit_Id_Of (Withs.Table (W).Uname));
-- Pragma Elaborate_All case, for this we use the recursive
-- Elab_All_Links procedure to establish the links.
if Withs.Table (W).Elaborate_All then
-- Reset flags used to stop multiple visits to a given
-- node.
for Uref in UNR.First .. UNR.Last loop
UNR.Table (Uref).Visited := False;
end loop;
-- Now establish all the links we need
(Withed_Unit, U, Elab_All,
(Withs.Table (W).Uname, No_Elab_All_Link));
-- Elaborate_All_Desirable case, for this we establish
-- the same links as above, but with a different reason.
elsif Withs.Table (W).Elab_All_Desirable then
-- Reset flags used to stop multiple visits to a given
-- node.
for Uref in UNR.First .. UNR.Last loop
UNR.Table (Uref).Visited := False;
end loop;
-- Now establish all the links we need
(Withed_Unit, U, Elab_Desirable,
(Withs.Table (W).Uname, No_Elab_All_Link));
-- Pragma Elaborate case. We must build a link for the
-- withed unit itself, and also the corresponding body
-- if there is one.
-- However, skip this processing if there is no ALI file
-- for the WITH entry, because this means it is a
-- generic (even when we fix the generics so that an ALI
-- file is present, we probably still will have no ALI
-- file for unchecked and other special cases).
elsif Withs.Table (W).Elaborate
and then Withs.Table (W).Afile /= No_File
Build_Link (Withed_Unit, U, Withed);
if Units.Table (Withed_Unit).Utype = Is_Spec then
(Corresponding_Body (Withed_Unit), U, Elab);
end if;
-- Case of normal WITH with no elaboration pragmas, just
-- build the single link to the directly referenced unit
Build_Link (Withed_Unit, U, Withed);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
end Gather_Dependencies;
-- Make_Elab_Entry --
function Make_Elab_Entry
(Unam : Unit_Name_Type;
Link : Elab_All_Id)
return Elab_All_Id
Elab_All_Entries.Table (Elab_All_Entries.Last).Needed_By := Unam;
Elab_All_Entries.Table (Elab_All_Entries.Last).Next_Elab := Link;
return Elab_All_Entries.Last;
end Make_Elab_Entry;
-- Unit_Id_Of --
function Unit_Id_Of (Uname : Unit_Name_Type) return Unit_Id is
Info : constant Int := Get_Name_Table_Info (Uname);
pragma Assert (Info /= 0 and then Unit_Id (Info) /= No_Unit_Id);
return Unit_Id (Info);
end Unit_Id_Of;
-- Worse_Choice --
function Worse_Choice (U1, U2 : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
function Body_Unit (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if given unit is a body
function Waiting_Body (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determines if U is a waiting body, defined as a body which has
-- not been elaborated, but whose spec has been elaborated.
function Body_Unit (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
return Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body
or else Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body_Only;
end Body_Unit;
function Waiting_Body (U : Unit_Id) return Boolean is
return Units.Table (U).Utype = Is_Body and then
UNR.Table (Corresponding_Spec (U)).Elab_Position /= 0;
end Waiting_Body;
-- Start of processing for Worse_Choice
-- Note: the checks here are applied in sequence, and the ordering is
-- significant (i.e. the more important criteria are applied first).
-- If either unit is internal, then use Better_Choice, since the
-- language requires that predefined units not mess up in the choice
-- of elaboration order, and for internal units, any problems are
-- ours and not the programmers.
if Units.Table (U1).Internal or else Units.Table (U2).Internal then
return Better_Choice (U1, U2);
-- Prefer anything else to a waiting body (!)
elsif Waiting_Body (U1) and not Waiting_Body (U2) then
return False;
elsif Waiting_Body (U2) and not Waiting_Body (U1) then
return True;
-- Prefer a spec to a body (!)
elsif Body_Unit (U1) and not Body_Unit (U2) then
return False;
elsif Body_Unit (U2) and not Body_Unit (U1) then
return True;
-- If both are waiting bodies, then prefer the one whose spec is
-- less recently elaborated. Consider the following:
-- spec of A
-- spec of B
-- body of A or B?
-- The normal waiting body preference would have placed the body of
-- A before the spec of B if it could. Since it could not, there it
-- must be the case that A depends on B. It is therefore a good idea
-- to put the body of B last so that if there is an elaboration order
-- problem, we will find it (that's what horrible order is about)
elsif Waiting_Body (U1) and then Waiting_Body (U2) then
UNR.Table (Corresponding_Spec (U1)).Elab_Position <
UNR.Table (Corresponding_Spec (U2)).Elab_Position;
-- Otherwise decide on the basis of alphabetical order. We do not try
-- to reverse the usual choice here, since it can cause cancelling
-- errors with the other inversions.
return Uname_Less (Units.Table (U1).Uname, Units.Table (U2).Uname);
end if;
end Worse_Choice;
-- Write_Dependencies --
procedure Write_Dependencies is
Info_Prefix_Suppress := True;
for S in Succ_First .. Succ.Last loop
Elab_Error_Msg (S);
end loop;
Info_Prefix_Suppress := False;
end Write_Dependencies;
-- Write_Elab_All_Chain --
procedure Write_Elab_All_Chain (S : Successor_Id) is
ST : constant Successor_Link := Succ.Table (S);
After : constant Unit_Name_Type := Units.Table (ST.After).Uname;
L : Elab_All_Id;
Nam : Unit_Name_Type;
First_Name : Boolean := True;
if ST.Reason in Elab_All .. Elab_Desirable then
L := ST.Elab_All_Link;
while L /= No_Elab_All_Link loop
Nam := Elab_All_Entries.Table (L).Needed_By;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Nam;
Error_Msg_Output (" &", Info => True);
Get_Name_String (Nam);
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 'b' then
if First_Name then
(" must be elaborated along with its spec:",
Info => True);
(" which must be elaborated " &
"along with its spec:",
Info => True);
end if;
if First_Name then
(" is withed by:",
Info => True);
(" which is withed by:",
Info => True);
end if;
end if;
First_Name := False;
L := Elab_All_Entries.Table (L).Next_Elab;
end loop;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := After;
Error_Msg_Output (" &", Info => True);
end if;
end Write_Elab_All_Chain;
end Binde;