blob: 5fc7759276f2dbbba13a4566c20cfc127f216699 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- V X A D D R 2 L I N E --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This program is meant to be used with vxworks to compute symbolic
-- backtraces on the host from non-symbolic backtraces obtained on the target.
-- The basic idea is to automate the computation of the necessary address
-- adjustments prior to calling addr2line when the application has only been
-- partially linked on the host.
-- Variants for various targets are supported, and the command line should
-- be like :
-- <target>-addr2line [-a <target_arch>] <exe_file> <ref_address>
-- <backtrace addresses>
-- Where:
-- <target_arch> :
-- selects the target architecture. In the absence of this parameter the
-- default variant is chosen based on the Detect_Arch result. Generally,
-- this parameter will only be used if vxaddr2line is recompiled manually.
-- Otherwise, the command name will always be of the form
-- <target>-vxaddr2line where there is no ambiguity on the target's
-- architecture.
-- <exe_file> :
-- The name of the partially linked binary file for the application.
-- <ref_address> :
-- Runtime address (on the target) of a reference symbol you choose,
-- which name shall match the value of the Ref_Symbol variable declared
-- below. A symbol with a small offset from the beginning of the text
-- segment is better, so "adainit" is a good choice.
-- <backtrace addresses> :
-- The call chain addresses you obtained at run time on the target and
-- for which you want a symbolic association.
-- TO ADD A NEW ARCHITECTURE add an appropriate value to Architecture type
-- (in a format <host>_<target>), and then an appropriate value to Config_List
-- array
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.Expect; use GNAT.Expect;
with GNAT.Regpat; use GNAT.Regpat;
procedure VxAddr2Line is
Ref_Symbol : constant String := "adainit";
-- This is the name of the reference symbol which runtime address shall
-- be provided as the <ref_address> argument.
-- All supported architectures
type Architecture is
type Arch_Record is record
Addr2line_Binary : String_Access;
-- Name of the addr2line utility to use.
Nm_Binary : String_Access;
-- Name of the host nm utility, which will be used to find out the
-- offset of the reference symbol in the text segment of the partially
-- linked executable.
Addr_Digits_To_Skip : Integer;
-- When addresses such as 0xfffffc0001dfed50 are provided, for instance
-- on ALPHA, indicate the number of leading digits that can be ignored,
-- which will avoid computational overflows. Typically only useful when
-- 64bit addresses are provided.
Bt_Offset_From_Call : Integer;
-- Offset from a backtrace address to the address of the corresponding
-- call instruction. This should always be 0, except on platforms where
-- the backtrace addresses actually correspond to return and not call
-- points. In such cases, a negative value is most likely.
end record;
-- Configuration for each of the architectures
Arch_List : array (Architecture'Range) of Arch_Record :=
(Addr2line_Binary => null,
Nm_Binary => null,
Addr_Digits_To_Skip => 0,
Bt_Offset_From_Call => -4),
(Addr2line_Binary => null,
Nm_Binary => null,
Addr_Digits_To_Skip => 0,
Bt_Offset_From_Call => -4),
(Addr2line_Binary => null,
Nm_Binary => null,
Addr_Digits_To_Skip => 0,
Bt_Offset_From_Call => 0),
(Addr2line_Binary => null,
Nm_Binary => null,
Addr_Digits_To_Skip => 8,
Bt_Offset_From_Call => 0)
-- Current architecture
Cur_Arch : Architecture;
-- State of architecture detection
Detect_Success : Boolean := False;
-- Local subprograms --
procedure Error (Msg : String);
pragma No_Return (Error);
-- Prints the message and then terminates the program
procedure Usage;
-- Displays the short help message and then terminates the program
function Get_Reference_Offset return Integer;
-- Computes the static offset of the reference symbol by calling nm
function Get_Value_From_Hex_Arg (Arg : Natural) return Integer;
-- Threats the argument number Arg as a C-style hexadecimal literal
-- and returns its integer value
function Hex_Image (Value : Integer) return String_Access;
-- Returns access to a string that contains hexadecimal image of Value
-- Separate functions that provide build-time customization:
procedure Detect_Arch;
-- Saves in Cur_Arch the current architecture, based on the name of
-- vxaddr2line instance and properties of the host. Detect_Success is False
-- if detection fails
-- Detect_Arch --
procedure Detect_Arch is
Name : constant String := Base_Name (Command_Name);
Proc : constant String :=
Name (Name'First .. Index (Name, "-") - 1);
Target : constant String :=
Name (Name'First .. Index (Name, "vxaddr2line") - 1);
Detect_Success := False;
if Proc = "" then
end if;
if Proc = "alpha" then
Cur_Arch := DEC_ALPHA;
-- Let's detect the host.
-- ??? A naive implementation that can't distinguish between Unixes
if Directory_Separator = '/' then
Cur_Arch := Architecture'Value ("solaris_" & Proc);
Cur_Arch := Architecture'Value ("windows_" & Proc);
end if;
end if;
if Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Addr2line_Binary = null then
Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Addr2line_Binary := new String'
(Target & "addr2line");
end if;
if Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Nm_Binary = null then
Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Nm_Binary := new String'
(Target & "nm");
end if;
Detect_Success := True;
when others =>
end Detect_Arch;
-- Error --
procedure Error (Msg : String) is
Put_Line (Msg);
OS_Exit (1);
raise Program_Error;
end Error;
-- Get_Reference_Offset --
function Get_Reference_Offset return Integer is
Nm_Cmd : constant String_Access :=
Locate_Exec_On_Path (Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Nm_Binary.all);
Nm_Args : constant Argument_List :=
(new String'("-P"),
new String'(Argument (1)));
Forever : aliased String := "^@@@@";
Reference : aliased String := Ref_Symbol & "\s+\S\s+([\da-fA-F]+)";
Pd : Process_Descriptor;
Result : Expect_Match;
-- If Nm is not found, abort
if Nm_Cmd = null then
Error ("Couldn't find " & Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Nm_Binary.all);
end if;
(Pd, Nm_Cmd.all, Nm_Args, Buffer_Size => 0, Err_To_Out => True);
-- Expect a string containing the reference symbol
Expect (Pd, Result,
Regexp_Array'(1 => Reference'Unchecked_Access),
Timeout => -1);
-- If we are here, the pattern was matched successfully
Match_String : constant String := Expect_Out_Match (Pd);
Matches : Match_Array (0 .. 1);
Value : Integer;
Match (Reference, Match_String, Matches);
Value := Integer'Value
& Match_String (Matches (1).First .. Matches (1).Last) & "#");
-- Expect a string that will never be emitted, so that the
-- process can be correctly terminated (with Process_Died)
Expect (Pd, Result,
Regexp_Array'(1 => Forever'Unchecked_Access),
Timeout => -1);
when Process_Died =>
return Value;
-- We can not get here
raise Program_Error;
when Invalid_Process =>
Error ("Could not spawn a process " & Nm_Cmd.all);
when others =>
-- The process died without matching the reference symbol or the
-- format wasn't recognized.
Error ("Unexpected output from " & Nm_Cmd.all);
end Get_Reference_Offset;
-- Get_Value_From_Hex_Arg --
function Get_Value_From_Hex_Arg (Arg : Natural) return Integer is
Cur_Arg : constant String := Argument (Arg);
Offset : Natural;
-- Skip "0x" prefix if present
if Cur_Arg'Length > 2 and then Cur_Arg (1 .. 2) = "0x" then
Offset := 3;
Offset := 1;
end if;
-- Add architecture-specific offset
Offset := Offset + Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Addr_Digits_To_Skip;
-- Convert to value
return Integer'Value ("16#" & Cur_Arg (Offset .. Cur_Arg'Last) & "#");
end Get_Value_From_Hex_Arg;
-- Hex_Image --
function Hex_Image (Value : Integer) return String_Access is
Result : String (1 .. 20);
Start_Pos : Natural;
Put (Result, Value, 16);
Start_Pos := Index (Result, "16#") + 3;
return new String'(Result (Start_Pos .. Result'Last - 1));
end Hex_Image;
-- Usage --
procedure Usage is
Put_Line ("Usage : " & Base_Name (Command_Name)
& " <executable> <"
& Ref_Symbol & " offset on target> <addr1> ...");
OS_Exit (1);
end Usage;
Ref_Static_Offset, Ref_Runtime_Address, Bt_Address : Integer;
Addr2line_Cmd : String_Access;
Addr2line_Args : Argument_List (1 .. 501);
-- We expect that there won't be more than 500 backtrace frames
Addr2line_Args_Count : Natural;
Success : Boolean;
-- Start of processing for VxAddr2Line
-- There should be at least two arguments
if Argument_Count < 2 then
end if;
-- ??? HARD LIMIT! There should be at most 501 arguments
if Argument_Count > 501 then
Error ("Too many backtrace frames");
end if;
-- Do we have a valid architecture?
if not Detect_Success then
Put_Line ("Couldn't detect the architecture");
end if;
Addr2line_Cmd :=
Locate_Exec_On_Path (Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Addr2line_Binary.all);
-- If Addr2line is not found, abort
if Addr2line_Cmd = null then
Error ("Couldn't find " & Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Addr2line_Binary.all);
end if;
-- The first argument specifies the image file. Check if it exists.
if not Is_Regular_File (Argument (1)) then
Error ("Couldn't find the executable " & Argument (1));
end if;
-- The second argument specifies the reference symbol runtime address.
-- Let's parse and store it
Ref_Runtime_Address := Get_Value_From_Hex_Arg (2);
-- Run nm command to get the reference symbol static offset
Ref_Static_Offset := Get_Reference_Offset;
-- Build addr2line parameters. First, the standard part
Addr2line_Args (1) := new String'("--exe=" & Argument (1));
Addr2line_Args_Count := 1;
-- Now, append to this the adjusted backtraces in arguments 4 and further
for J in 3 .. Argument_Count loop
-- Basically, for each address in the runtime backtrace ...
-- o We compute its offset relatively to the runtime address of the
-- reference symbol,
-- and then ...
-- o We add this offset to the static one for the reference symbol in
-- the executable to find the executable offset corresponding to the
-- backtrace address.
Bt_Address := Get_Value_From_Hex_Arg (J);
Bt_Address :=
Bt_Address - Ref_Runtime_Address
+ Ref_Static_Offset
+ Arch_List (Cur_Arch).Bt_Offset_From_Call;
Addr2line_Args_Count := Addr2line_Args_Count + 1;
Addr2line_Args (Addr2line_Args_Count) := Hex_Image (Bt_Address);
end loop;
-- Run the resulting command
Spawn (Addr2line_Cmd.all,
Addr2line_Args (1 .. Addr2line_Args_Count), Success);
when others =>
-- Mask all exceptions
end VxAddr2Line;