blob: a300de4d009ebd3323e6f9709a1bc3a927333f7a [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-set-target-env-var OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD "mandatory" } */
#include <omp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int v;
foo (void)
#pragma omp declare target enter (v, foo)
main ()
/* OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD=mandatory shouldn't fail for host fallback
if it is because the program explicitly asked for the host
fallback through if(false) or omp_get_initial_device () or
omp_initial_device as the device. */
#pragma omp target if (v)
foo ();
#pragma omp target device (omp_initial_device)
foo ();
#pragma omp target device (omp_get_initial_device ())
foo ();
omp_set_default_device (omp_get_initial_device ());
#pragma omp target
foo ();
if (v != 4)
abort ();
return 0;