blob: 3613b73167693113dd029dd341d9ad3e02dfd5e0 [file] [log] [blame]
! Runs the the target region asynchrolously and checks for it
! Note that map(alloc: work(:, i)) + nowait should be safe
! given that a nondescriptor array is used. However, it still
! violates a map clause restriction, added in OpenMP 5.1 [354:10-13].
PROGRAM test_target_teams_distribute_nowait
USE ISO_Fortran_env, only: INT64
implicit none
INTEGER, parameter :: N = 1024, N_TASKS = 16
INTEGER :: i, j, k, my_ticket
INTEGER :: order(n_tasks)
INTEGER(INT64) :: work(n, n_tasks)
INTEGER :: ticket
logical :: async
ticket = 0
!$omp target enter data map(to: ticket, order)
!$omp parallel do num_threads(n_tasks)
DO i = 1, n_tasks
!$omp target map(alloc: work(:, i), ticket) private(my_ticket) nowait
!!$omp target teams distribute map(alloc: work(:, i), ticket) private(my_ticket) nowait
DO j = 1, n
! Waste cyles
! work(j, i) = 0
! DO k = 1, n*(n_tasks - i)
! work(j, i) = work(j, i) + i*j*k
my_ticket = 0
!$omp atomic capture
ticket = ticket + 1
my_ticket = ticket
!$omp end atomic
!$omp atomic write
order(i) = my_ticket
!$omp end target !teams distribute
!$omp end parallel do
!$omp target exit data map(from:ticket, order)
IF (ticket .ne. n_tasks*n) stop 1
if (maxval(order) /= n_tasks*n) stop 2
! order(i) == n*i if synchronous and between n and n*n_tasks if run concurrently
do i = 1, n_tasks
if (order(i) < n .or. order(i) > n*n_tasks) stop 3
end do
async = .false.
do i = 1, n_tasks
if (order(i) /= n*i) async = .true.
end do
if (.not. async) stop 4 ! Did not run asynchronously