blob: 57f69001d3d45948b8517c08650ff20056509b37 [file] [log] [blame]
! Test OpenACC update to device with an optional argument.
! { dg-do run }
program optional_update_device
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 64
integer :: i
integer :: a_int, b_int, res_int
integer :: a_arr(n), b_arr(n), res_arr(n)
integer, allocatable :: a_alloc(:), b_alloc(:), res_alloc(:)
a_int = 5
b_int = 11
call test_int(res_int, a_int)
if (res_int .ne. a_int) stop 1
call test_int(res_int, a_int, b_int)
if (res_int .ne. a_int * b_int) stop 2
res_arr(:) = 0
do i = 1, n
a_arr(i) = i
b_arr(i) = n - i + 1
end do
call test_array(res_arr, a_arr)
do i = 1, n
if (res_arr(i) .ne. a_arr(i)) stop 3
end do
call test_array(res_arr, a_arr, b_arr)
do i = 1, n
if (res_arr(i) .ne. a_arr(i) * b_arr(i)) stop 4
end do
allocate (a_alloc(n))
allocate (b_alloc(n))
allocate (res_alloc(n))
res_alloc(:) = 0
do i = 1, n
a_alloc(i) = i
b_alloc(i) = n - i + 1
end do
call test_allocatable(res_alloc, a_alloc)
do i = 1, n
if (res_alloc(i) .ne. a_alloc(i)) stop 5
end do
call test_allocatable(res_alloc, a_alloc, b_alloc)
do i = 1, n
if (res_alloc(i) .ne. a_alloc(i) * b_alloc(i)) stop 6
end do
deallocate (a_alloc)
deallocate (b_alloc)
deallocate (res_alloc)
subroutine test_int(res, a, b)
integer :: res
integer :: a
integer, optional :: b
!$acc data create(a, b, res)
!$acc update device(a, b)
!$acc parallel
res = a
if (present(b)) res = res * b
!$acc end parallel
!$acc update self(res)
!$acc end data
end subroutine test_int
subroutine test_array(res, a, b)
integer :: res(n)
integer :: a(n)
integer, optional :: b(n)
!$acc data create(a, b, res)
!$acc update device(a, b)
!$acc parallel loop
do i = 1, n
res(i) = a(i)
end do
!$acc parallel loop
do i = 1, n
if (present(b)) then
res(i) = res(i) * b(i)
end if
end do
!$acc update self(res)
!$acc end data
end subroutine test_array
subroutine test_allocatable(res, a, b)
integer, allocatable :: res(:)
integer, allocatable :: a(:)
integer, allocatable, optional :: b(:)
!$acc data create(a, b, res)
!$acc update device(a, b)
!$acc parallel loop
do i = 1, n
res(i) = a(i)
end do
!$acc parallel loop
do i = 1, n
if (present(b)) then
res(i) = res(i) * b(i)
end if
end do
!$acc update self(res)
!$acc end data
end subroutine test_allocatable
end program optional_update_device