blob: b1029487dfa26858a7310d60903e76ec44e6034f [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- B I N D U S G --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Switch; use Switch;
with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con;
package body Bindusg is
Already_Displayed : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if Display called, used to avoid showing usage information
-- more than once.
-- Display --
procedure Display is
if Already_Displayed then
Already_Displayed := True;
end if;
-- Usage line
Write_Str ("Usage: ");
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str ("switches lfile");
-- Line for @response_file
Write_Line (" @<resp_file> Get arguments from response file");
-- Line for -aO switch
Write_Line (" -aOdir Specify library files search path");
-- Line for -aI switch
Write_Line (" -aIdir Specify source files search path");
-- Line for a switch
Write_Line (" -a Automatically initialize elaboration " &
-- Lines for -A switch
Write_Line (" -A Give list of ALI files in partition");
Write_Line (" -A=file Write ALI file list to named file");
-- Line for -b switch
Write_Line (" -b Generate brief messages to stderr " &
"even if verbose mode set");
-- Line for -c switch
Write_Line (" -c Check only, no generation of " &
"binder output file");
-- Line for -d switch
Write_Line (" -dnn[k|m] Default primary stack " &
"size = nn [kilo|mega] bytes");
-- Line for D switch
Write_Line (" -Dnn[k|m] Default secondary stack " &
"size = nn [kilo|mega] bytes");
-- Line for -e switch
Write_Line (" -e Output complete list of elaboration " &
"order dependencies");
-- Line for -E switch
Write_Line (" -E Store tracebacks in exception occurrences");
-- The -f switch is voluntarily omitted, because it is obsolete
-- Line for -F switch
Write_Line (" -F Force checking of elaboration Flags");
-- Line for -h switch
Write_Line (" -h Output this usage (help) information");
-- Lines for -I switch
Write_Line (" -Idir Specify library and source files search path");
Write_Line (" -I- Don't look for sources & library files " &
"in default directory");
-- Line for -K switch
Write_Line (" -K Give list of linker options specified " &
"for link");
-- Line for -l switch
Write_Line (" -l Output chosen elaboration order");
-- Line of -L switch
Write_Line (" -Lxyz Library build: adainit/final " &
"renamed to xyzinit/final, implies -n");
-- Line for -m switch
Write_Line (" -mnnn Limit number of detected errors/warnings " &
"to nnn (1-999999)");
-- Line for -M switch
Write_Line (" -Mxyz Rename generated main program from " &
"main to xyz");
-- Line for -n switch
Write_Line (" -n No Ada main program (foreign main routine)");
-- Line for -nostdinc
Write_Line (" -nostdinc Don't look for source files " &
"in the system default directory");
-- Line for -nostdlib
Write_Line (" -nostdlib Don't look for library files " &
"in the system default directory");
-- Line for -o switch
Write_Line (" -o file Give the output file name " &
"(default is b~xxx.adb)");
-- Line for -O switch
Write_Line (" -O Give list of objects required for link");
-- Line for -p switch
Write_Line (" -p Pessimistic (worst-case) elaboration order");
-- Line for -P switch
Write_Line (" -P Generate binder file suitable for CodePeer");
-- Line for -r switch
Write_Line (" -r List restrictions that could be applied " &
"to this partition");
-- Line for -R switch
(" -R List sources referenced in closure");
-- Line for -s switch
Write_Line (" -s Require all source files to be present");
-- Line for -S?? switch
Write_Line (" -S?? Sin/lo/hi/xx/ev Initialize_Scalars " &
"invalid/low/high/hex/env var");
-- Line for -static
Write_Line (" -static Link against a static GNAT run time");
-- Line for -shared
Write_Line (" -shared Link against a shared GNAT run time");
-- Line for -t switch
Write_Line (" -t Tolerate time stamp and other " &
"consistency errors");
-- Line for -T switch
Write_Line (" -Tn Set time slice value to n " &
"milliseconds (n >= 0)");
-- Line for -u switch
Write_Line (" -un Enable dynamic stack analysis, with " &
"n results stored");
-- Line for -v switch
Write_Line (" -v Verbose mode. Error messages, " &
"header, summary output to stdout");
-- Line for -w switch
Write_Line (" -wx Warning mode. (x=s/e for " &
"suppress/treat as error)");
-- Line for -W switch
Write_Str (" -W? Wide character encoding method (");
for J in WC_Encoding_Method loop
Write_Char (WC_Encoding_Letters (J));
if J = WC_Encoding_Method'Last then
Write_Char (')');
Write_Char ('/');
end if;
end loop;
-- Line for -x switch
Write_Line (" -x Exclude source files (check object " &
"consistency only)");
-- Line for -X switch
Write_Line (" -Xnnn Default exit status value = nnn");
-- Line for -y switch
Write_Line (" -y Enable leap seconds");
-- Line for -z switch
Write_Line (" -z No main subprogram (zero main)");
-- Line for --RTS
-- Line for -Z switch
Write_Line (" -Z " &
"Zero formatting in auxiliary outputs (-e, -K, -l, -R)");
-- Line for --RTS
Write_Line (" --RTS=dir Specify the default source and " &
"object search path");
-- Line for sfile
Write_Line (" lfile Library file names");
end Display;
end Bindusg;