blob: 3ac112a07a54802ade19886888a19d82f4a9ae63 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- B U T I L --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Output; use Output;
package body Butil is
-- Is_Internal_Unit --
-- Note: the reason we do not use the Fname package for this function
-- is that it would drag too much junk into the binder.
function Is_Internal_Unit return Boolean is
return Is_Predefined_Unit
or else (Name_Len > 4 and then (Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) = "gnat%"
or else
Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) = "gnat."));
end Is_Internal_Unit;
-- Is_Predefined_Unit --
-- Note: the reason we do not use the Fname package for this function
-- is that it would drag too much junk into the binder.
function Is_Predefined_Unit return Boolean is
L : Natural renames Name_Len;
B : String renames Name_Buffer;
return (L > 3 and then B (1 .. 4) = "ada.")
or else (L > 6 and then B (1 .. 7) = "system.")
or else (L > 10 and then B (1 .. 11) = "interfaces.")
or else (L > 3 and then B (1 .. 4) = "ada%")
or else (L > 8 and then B (1 .. 9) = "calendar%")
or else (L > 9 and then B (1 .. 10) = "direct_io%")
or else (L > 10 and then B (1 .. 11) = "interfaces%")
or else (L > 13 and then B (1 .. 14) = "io_exceptions%")
or else (L > 12 and then B (1 .. 13) = "machine_code%")
or else (L > 13 and then B (1 .. 14) = "sequential_io%")
or else (L > 6 and then B (1 .. 7) = "system%")
or else (L > 7 and then B (1 .. 8) = "text_io%")
or else (L > 20 and then B (1 .. 21) = "unchecked_conversion%")
or else (L > 22 and then B (1 .. 23) = "unchecked_deallocation%")
or else (L > 4 and then B (1 .. 5) = "gnat%")
or else (L > 4 and then B (1 .. 5) = "gnat.");
end Is_Predefined_Unit;
-- Uname_Less --
function Uname_Less (U1, U2 : Unit_Name_Type) return Boolean is
Get_Name_String (U1);
U1_Name : constant String (1 .. Name_Len) :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Min_Length : Natural;
Get_Name_String (U2);
if Name_Len < U1_Name'Last then
Min_Length := Name_Len;
Min_Length := U1_Name'Last;
end if;
for J in 1 .. Min_Length loop
if U1_Name (J) > Name_Buffer (J) then
return False;
elsif U1_Name (J) < Name_Buffer (J) then
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return U1_Name'Last < Name_Len;
end Uname_Less;
-- Write_Unit_Name --
procedure Write_Unit_Name (U : Unit_Name_Type) is
Get_Name_String (U);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - 2));
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's' then
Write_Str (" (spec)");
Write_Str (" (body)");
end if;
Name_Len := Name_Len + 5;
end Write_Unit_Name;
end Butil;