blob: 201d6b8636cc46af5dfa890dde6850660cd5cfee [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . A T T R --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Osint;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with GNAT.Case_Util; use GNAT.Case_Util;
package body Prj.Attr is
use GNAT;
-- Data for predefined attributes and packages
-- Names are in lower case and end with '#' or 'D'
-- Package names are preceded by 'P'
-- Attribute names are preceded by two or three letters:
-- The first letter is one of
-- 'S' for Single
-- 's' for Single with optional index
-- 'L' for List
-- 'l' for List of strings with optional indexes
-- The second letter is one of
-- 'V' for single variable
-- 'A' for associative array
-- 'a' for case insensitive associative array
-- 'b' for associative array, case insensitive if file names are case
-- insensitive
-- 'c' same as 'b', with optional index
-- The third optional letter is
-- 'R' the attribute is read-only
-- 'O' others is allowed as an index for an associative array
-- If the character after the name in lower case letter is a 'D' (for
-- default), then 'D' must be followed by an enumeration value of type
-- Attribute_Default_Value, followed by a '#'.
-- Example:
-- "SVobject_dirDdot_value#"
-- End is indicated by two consecutive '#'.
Initialization_Data : constant String :=
-- project level attributes
-- General
"SVRname#" &
"SVRproject_dir#" &
"lVmain#" &
"LVlanguages#" &
"Lbroots#" &
"SVexternally_built#" &
-- Directories
"SVobject_dirDdot_value#" &
"SVexec_dirDobject_dir_value#" &
"LVsource_dirsDdot_value#" &
"Lainherit_source_path#" &
"LVexcluded_source_dirs#" &
"LVignore_source_sub_dirs#" &
-- Source files
"LVsource_files#" &
"LVlocally_removed_files#" &
"LVexcluded_source_files#" &
"SVsource_list_file#" &
"SVexcluded_source_list_file#" &
"LVinterfaces#" &
-- Projects (in aggregate projects)
"LVproject_files#" &
"LVproject_path#" &
"SAexternal#" &
-- Libraries
"SVlibrary_dir#" &
"SVlibrary_name#" &
"SVlibrary_kind#" &
"SVlibrary_version#" &
"LVlibrary_interface#" &
"SVlibrary_standalone#" &
"LVlibrary_encapsulated_options#" &
"SVlibrary_encapsulated_supported#" &
"SVlibrary_auto_init#" &
"LVleading_library_options#" &
"LVlibrary_options#" &
"Lalibrary_rpath_options#" &
"SVlibrary_src_dir#" &
"SVlibrary_ali_dir#" &
"SVlibrary_gcc#" &
"SVlibrary_symbol_file#" &
"SVlibrary_symbol_policy#" &
"SVlibrary_reference_symbol_file#" &
-- Configuration - General
"SVdefault_language#" &
"LVrun_path_option#" &
"SVrun_path_origin#" &
"SVseparate_run_path_options#" &
"Satoolchain_version#" &
"Satoolchain_description#" &
"Saobject_generated#" &
"Saobjects_linked#" &
"SVtargetDtarget_value#" &
"SaruntimeDruntime_value#" &
-- Configuration - Libraries
"SVlibrary_builder#" &
"SVlibrary_support#" &
-- Configuration - Archives
"LVarchive_builder#" &
"LVarchive_builder_append_option#" &
"LVarchive_indexer#" &
"SVarchive_suffix#" &
"LVlibrary_partial_linker#" &
-- Configuration - Shared libraries
"SVshared_library_prefix#" &
"SVshared_library_suffix#" &
"SVsymbolic_link_supported#" &
"SVlibrary_major_minor_id_supported#" &
"SVlibrary_auto_init_supported#" &
"LVshared_library_minimum_switches#" &
"LVlibrary_version_switches#" &
"SVlibrary_install_name_option#" &
"Saruntime_library_dir#" &
"Saruntime_source_dir#" &
-- package Naming
-- Some attributes are obsolescent, and renamed in the tree (see
-- Prj.Dect.Rename_Obsolescent_Attributes).
"Pnaming#" &
"Saspecification_suffix#" & -- Always renamed to "spec_suffix" in tree
"Saspec_suffix#" &
"Saimplementation_suffix#" & -- Always renamed to "body_suffix" in tree
"Sabody_suffix#" &
"SVseparate_suffix#" &
"SVcasing#" &
"SVdot_replacement#" &
"saspecification#" & -- Always renamed to "spec" in project tree
"saspec#" &
"saimplementation#" & -- Always renamed to "body" in project tree
"sabody#" &
"Laspecification_exceptions#" &
"Laimplementation_exceptions#" &
-- package Compiler
"Pcompiler#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LcOswitches#" &
"SVlocal_configuration_pragmas#" &
"Salocal_config_file#" &
-- Configuration - Compiling
"Sadriver#" &
"Salanguage_kind#" &
"Sadependency_kind#" &
"Larequired_switches#" &
"Laleading_required_switches#" &
"Latrailing_required_switches#" &
"Lapic_option#" &
"Sapath_syntax#" &
"Lasource_file_switches#" &
"Saobject_file_suffix#" &
"Laobject_file_switches#" &
"Lamulti_unit_switches#" &
"Samulti_unit_object_separator#" &
-- Configuration - Mapping files
"Lamapping_file_switches#" &
"Samapping_spec_suffix#" &
"Samapping_body_suffix#" &
-- Configuration - Config files
"Laconfig_file_switches#" &
"Saconfig_body_file_name#" &
"Saconfig_body_file_name_index#" &
"Saconfig_body_file_name_pattern#" &
"Saconfig_spec_file_name#" &
"Saconfig_spec_file_name_index#" &
"Saconfig_spec_file_name_pattern#" &
"Saconfig_file_unique#" &
-- Configuration - Dependencies
"Ladependency_switches#" &
"Ladependency_driver#" &
-- Configuration - Search paths
"Lainclude_switches#" &
"Sainclude_path#" &
"Sainclude_path_file#" &
"Laobject_path_switches#" &
-- package Builder
"Pbuilder#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LcOswitches#" &
"Lcglobal_compilation_switches#" &
"Scexecutable#" &
"SVexecutable_suffix#" &
"SVglobal_configuration_pragmas#" &
"Saglobal_config_file#" &
-- package gnatls
"Pgnatls#" &
"LVswitches#" &
-- package Binder
"Pbinder#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LcOswitches#" &
-- Configuration - Binding
"Sadriver#" &
"Larequired_switches#" &
"Saprefix#" &
"Saobjects_path#" &
"Saobjects_path_file#" &
-- package Linker
"Plinker#" &
"LVrequired_switches#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LcOleading_switches#" &
"LcOswitches#" &
"LcOtrailing_switches#" &
"LVlinker_options#" &
"SVmap_file_option#" &
-- Configuration - Linking
"SVdriver#" &
-- Configuration - Response files
"SVmax_command_line_length#" &
"SVresponse_file_format#" &
"LVresponse_file_switches#" &
-- package Clean
"Pclean#" &
"LVswitches#" &
"Lasource_artifact_extensions#" &
"Laobject_artifact_extensions#" &
"LVartifacts_in_exec_dir#" &
"LVartifacts_in_object_dir#" &
-- package Cross_Reference
"Pcross_reference#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package Finder
"Pfinder#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package Pretty_Printer
"Ppretty_printer#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package gnatstub
"Pgnatstub#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package Check
"Pcheck#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package Eliminate
"Peliminate#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package Metrics
"Pmetrics#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"LbOswitches#" &
-- package Ide
"Pide#" &
"Ladefault_switches#" &
"SVremote_host#" &
"SVprogram_host#" &
"SVcommunication_protocol#" &
"Sacompiler_command#" &
"SVdebugger_command#" &
"SVgnatlist#" &
"SVvcs_kind#" &
"SVvcs_file_check#" &
"SVvcs_log_check#" &
"SVdocumentation_dir#" &
-- package Install
"Pinstall#" &
"SVprefix#" &
"SVsources_subdir#" &
"SVexec_subdir#" &
"SVlib_subdir#" &
"SVproject_subdir#" &
"SVactive#" &
"LAartifacts#" &
"SVmode#" &
"SVinstall_name#" &
-- package Remote
"Premote#" &
"SVroot_dir#" &
"LVexcluded_patterns#" &
"LVincluded_patterns#" &
"LVincluded_artifact_patterns#" &
-- package Stack
"Pstack#" &
"LVswitches#" &
Initialized : Boolean := False;
-- A flag to avoid multiple initialization
Package_Names : String_List_Access := new Strings.String_List (1 .. 20);
Last_Package_Name : Natural := 0;
-- Package_Names (1 .. Last_Package_Name) contains the list of the known
-- package names, coming from the Initialization_Data string or from
-- calls to one of the two procedures Register_New_Package.
procedure Add_Package_Name (Name : String);
-- Add a package name in the Package_Name list, extending it, if necessary
function Name_Id_Of (Name : String) return Name_Id;
-- Returns the Name_Id for Name in lower case
-- Add_Package_Name --
procedure Add_Package_Name (Name : String) is
if Last_Package_Name = Package_Names'Last then
New_List : constant Strings.String_List_Access :=
new Strings.String_List (1 .. Package_Names'Last * 2);
New_List (Package_Names'Range) := Package_Names.all;
Package_Names := New_List;
end if;
Last_Package_Name := Last_Package_Name + 1;
Package_Names (Last_Package_Name) := new String'(Name);
end Add_Package_Name;
-- Attribute_Default_Of --
function Attribute_Default_Of
(Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Attribute_Default_Value
if Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
return Empty_Value;
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Default;
end if;
end Attribute_Default_Of;
-- Attribute_Kind_Of --
function Attribute_Kind_Of
(Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Attribute_Kind
if Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
return Unknown;
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Attr_Kind;
end if;
end Attribute_Kind_Of;
-- Attribute_Name_Of --
function Attribute_Name_Of (Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Name_Id is
if Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
return No_Name;
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Name;
end if;
end Attribute_Name_Of;
-- Attribute_Node_Id_Of --
function Attribute_Node_Id_Of
(Name : Name_Id;
Starting_At : Attribute_Node_Id) return Attribute_Node_Id
Id : Attr_Node_Id := Starting_At.Value;
while Id /= Empty_Attr
and then Attrs.Table (Id).Name /= Name
Id := Attrs.Table (Id).Next;
end loop;
return (Value => Id);
end Attribute_Node_Id_Of;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
Start : Positive := Initialization_Data'First;
Finish : Positive := Start;
Current_Package : Pkg_Node_Id := Empty_Pkg;
Current_Attribute : Attr_Node_Id := Empty_Attr;
Is_An_Attribute : Boolean := False;
Var_Kind : Variable_Kind := Undefined;
Optional_Index : Boolean := False;
Attr_Kind : Attribute_Kind := Single;
Package_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Attribute_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
First_Attribute : Attr_Node_Id := Attr.First_Attribute;
Read_Only : Boolean;
Others_Allowed : Boolean;
Default : Attribute_Default_Value;
function Attribute_Location return String;
-- Returns a string depending if we are in the project level attributes
-- or in the attributes of a package.
-- Attribute_Location --
function Attribute_Location return String is
if Package_Name = No_Name then
return "project level attributes";
return "attribute of package """ &
Get_Name_String (Package_Name) & """";
end if;
end Attribute_Location;
-- Start of processing for Initialize
-- Don't allow Initialize action to be repeated
if Initialized then
end if;
-- Make sure the two tables are empty
while Initialization_Data (Start) /= '#' loop
Is_An_Attribute := True;
case Initialization_Data (Start) is
when 'P' =>
-- New allowed package
Start := Start + 1;
Finish := Start;
while Initialization_Data (Finish) /= '#' loop
Finish := Finish + 1;
end loop;
Package_Name :=
Name_Id_Of (Initialization_Data (Start .. Finish - 1));
for Index in First_Package .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Package_Name = Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name then
Osint.Fail ("duplicate name """
& Initialization_Data (Start .. Finish - 1)
& """ in predefined packages.");
end if;
end loop;
Is_An_Attribute := False;
Current_Attribute := Empty_Attr;
Current_Package := Package_Attributes.Last;
Package_Attributes.Table (Current_Package) :=
(Name => Package_Name,
Known => True,
First_Attribute => Empty_Attr);
Start := Finish + 1;
Add_Package_Name (Get_Name_String (Package_Name));
when 'S' =>
Var_Kind := Single;
Optional_Index := False;
when 's' =>
Var_Kind := Single;
Optional_Index := True;
when 'L' =>
Var_Kind := List;
Optional_Index := False;
when 'l' =>
Var_Kind := List;
Optional_Index := True;
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
if Is_An_Attribute then
-- New attribute
Start := Start + 1;
case Initialization_Data (Start) is
when 'V' =>
Attr_Kind := Single;
when 'A' =>
Attr_Kind := Associative_Array;
when 'a' =>
Attr_Kind := Case_Insensitive_Associative_Array;
when 'b' =>
if Osint.File_Names_Case_Sensitive then
Attr_Kind := Associative_Array;
Attr_Kind := Case_Insensitive_Associative_Array;
end if;
when 'c' =>
if Osint.File_Names_Case_Sensitive then
Attr_Kind := Optional_Index_Associative_Array;
Attr_Kind :=
end if;
when others =>
raise Program_Error;
end case;
Start := Start + 1;
Read_Only := False;
Others_Allowed := False;
Default := Empty_Value;
if Initialization_Data (Start) = 'R' then
Read_Only := True;
Default := Read_Only_Value;
Start := Start + 1;
elsif Initialization_Data (Start) = 'O' then
Others_Allowed := True;
Start := Start + 1;
end if;
Finish := Start;
while Initialization_Data (Finish) /= '#'
and then
Initialization_Data (Finish) /= 'D'
Finish := Finish + 1;
end loop;
Attribute_Name :=
Name_Id_Of (Initialization_Data (Start .. Finish - 1));
if Initialization_Data (Finish) = 'D' then
Start := Finish + 1;
Finish := Start;
while Initialization_Data (Finish) /= '#' loop
Finish := Finish + 1;
end loop;
Default_Name : constant String :=
Initialization_Data (Start .. Finish - 1);
pragma Unsuppress (All_Checks);
Default := Attribute_Default_Value'Value (Default_Name);
when Constraint_Error =>
("illegal default value """ &
Default_Name &
""" for attribute " &
Get_Name_String (Attribute_Name));
end if;
if Current_Attribute = Empty_Attr then
First_Attribute := Attrs.Last;
if Current_Package /= Empty_Pkg then
Package_Attributes.Table (Current_Package).First_Attribute
:= Attrs.Last;
end if;
-- Check that there are no duplicate attributes
for Index in First_Attribute .. Attrs.Last - 1 loop
if Attribute_Name = Attrs.Table (Index).Name then
Osint.Fail ("duplicate attribute """
& Initialization_Data (Start .. Finish - 1)
& """ in " & Attribute_Location);
end if;
end loop;
Attrs.Table (Current_Attribute).Next :=
end if;
Current_Attribute := Attrs.Last;
Attrs.Table (Current_Attribute) :=
(Name => Attribute_Name,
Var_Kind => Var_Kind,
Optional_Index => Optional_Index,
Attr_Kind => Attr_Kind,
Read_Only => Read_Only,
Others_Allowed => Others_Allowed,
Default => Default,
Next => Empty_Attr);
Start := Finish + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Initialized := True;
end Initialize;
-- Is_Read_Only --
function Is_Read_Only (Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Boolean is
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Read_Only;
end Is_Read_Only;
-- Name_Id_Of --
function Name_Id_Of (Name : String) return Name_Id is
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Name);
To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
return Name_Find;
end Name_Id_Of;
-- Next_Attribute --
function Next_Attribute
(After : Attribute_Node_Id) return Attribute_Node_Id
if After = Empty_Attribute then
return Empty_Attribute;
return (Value => Attrs.Table (After.Value).Next);
end if;
end Next_Attribute;
-- Optional_Index_Of --
function Optional_Index_Of (Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Boolean is
if Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
return False;
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Optional_Index;
end if;
end Optional_Index_Of;
function Others_Allowed_For
(Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Boolean
if Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
return False;
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Others_Allowed;
end if;
end Others_Allowed_For;
-- Package_Name_List --
function Package_Name_List return Strings.String_List is
return Package_Names (1 .. Last_Package_Name);
end Package_Name_List;
-- Package_Node_Id_Of --
function Package_Node_Id_Of (Name : Name_Id) return Package_Node_Id is
for Index in Package_Attributes.First .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name = Name then
if Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Known then
return (Value => Index);
return Unknown_Package;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
-- If there is no package with this name, return Empty_Package
return Empty_Package;
end Package_Node_Id_Of;
-- Register_New_Attribute --
procedure Register_New_Attribute
(Name : String;
In_Package : Package_Node_Id;
Attr_Kind : Defined_Attribute_Kind;
Var_Kind : Defined_Variable_Kind;
Index_Is_File_Name : Boolean := False;
Opt_Index : Boolean := False;
Default : Attribute_Default_Value := Empty_Value)
Attr_Name : Name_Id;
First_Attr : Attr_Node_Id := Empty_Attr;
Curr_Attr : Attr_Node_Id;
Real_Attr_Kind : Attribute_Kind;
if Name'Length = 0 then
Fail ("cannot register an attribute with no name");
raise Project_Error;
end if;
if In_Package = Empty_Package then
Fail ("attempt to add attribute """
& Name
& """ to an undefined package");
raise Project_Error;
end if;
Attr_Name := Name_Id_Of (Name);
First_Attr :=
Package_Attributes.Table (In_Package.Value).First_Attribute;
-- Check if attribute name is a duplicate
Curr_Attr := First_Attr;
while Curr_Attr /= Empty_Attr loop
if Attrs.Table (Curr_Attr).Name = Attr_Name then
Fail ("duplicate attribute name """
& Name
& """ in package """
& Get_Name_String
(Package_Attributes.Table (In_Package.Value).Name)
& """");
raise Project_Error;
end if;
Curr_Attr := Attrs.Table (Curr_Attr).Next;
end loop;
Real_Attr_Kind := Attr_Kind;
-- If Index_Is_File_Name, change the attribute kind if necessary
if Index_Is_File_Name and then not Osint.File_Names_Case_Sensitive then
case Attr_Kind is
when Associative_Array =>
Real_Attr_Kind := Case_Insensitive_Associative_Array;
when Optional_Index_Associative_Array =>
Real_Attr_Kind :=
when others =>
end case;
end if;
-- Add the new attribute
Attrs.Table (Attrs.Last) :=
(Name => Attr_Name,
Var_Kind => Var_Kind,
Optional_Index => Opt_Index,
Attr_Kind => Real_Attr_Kind,
Read_Only => False,
Others_Allowed => False,
Default => Default,
Next => First_Attr);
Package_Attributes.Table (In_Package.Value).First_Attribute :=
end Register_New_Attribute;
-- Register_New_Package --
procedure Register_New_Package (Name : String; Id : out Package_Node_Id) is
Pkg_Name : Name_Id;
Found : Boolean := False;
if Name'Length = 0 then
Fail ("cannot register a package with no name");
Id := Empty_Package;
end if;
Pkg_Name := Name_Id_Of (Name);
for Index in Package_Attributes.First .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name = Pkg_Name then
if Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Known then
Fail ("cannot register a package with a non unique name """
& Name
& """");
Id := Empty_Package;
Found := True;
Id := (Value => Index);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
if not Found then
Id := (Value => Package_Attributes.Last);
end if;
Package_Attributes.Table (Id.Value) :=
(Name => Pkg_Name,
Known => True,
First_Attribute => Empty_Attr);
Add_Package_Name (Get_Name_String (Pkg_Name));
end Register_New_Package;
procedure Register_New_Package
(Name : String;
Attributes : Attribute_Data_Array)
Pkg_Name : Name_Id;
Attr_Name : Name_Id;
First_Attr : Attr_Node_Id := Empty_Attr;
Curr_Attr : Attr_Node_Id;
Attr_Kind : Attribute_Kind;
if Name'Length = 0 then
Fail ("cannot register a package with no name");
raise Project_Error;
end if;
Pkg_Name := Name_Id_Of (Name);
for Index in Package_Attributes.First .. Package_Attributes.Last loop
if Package_Attributes.Table (Index).Name = Pkg_Name then
Fail ("cannot register a package with a non unique name """
& Name
& """");
raise Project_Error;
end if;
end loop;
for Index in Attributes'Range loop
Attr_Name := Name_Id_Of (Attributes (Index).Name);
Curr_Attr := First_Attr;
while Curr_Attr /= Empty_Attr loop
if Attrs.Table (Curr_Attr).Name = Attr_Name then
Fail ("duplicate attribute name """
& Attributes (Index).Name
& """ in new package """
& Name
& """");
raise Project_Error;
end if;
Curr_Attr := Attrs.Table (Curr_Attr).Next;
end loop;
Attr_Kind := Attributes (Index).Attr_Kind;
if Attributes (Index).Index_Is_File_Name
and then not Osint.File_Names_Case_Sensitive
case Attr_Kind is
when Associative_Array =>
Attr_Kind := Case_Insensitive_Associative_Array;
when Optional_Index_Associative_Array =>
Attr_Kind :=
when others =>
end case;
end if;
Attrs.Table (Attrs.Last) :=
(Name => Attr_Name,
Var_Kind => Attributes (Index).Var_Kind,
Optional_Index => Attributes (Index).Opt_Index,
Attr_Kind => Attr_Kind,
Read_Only => False,
Others_Allowed => False,
Default => Attributes (Index).Default,
Next => First_Attr);
First_Attr := Attrs.Last;
end loop;
Package_Attributes.Table (Package_Attributes.Last) :=
(Name => Pkg_Name,
Known => True,
First_Attribute => First_Attr);
Add_Package_Name (Get_Name_String (Pkg_Name));
end Register_New_Package;
-- Set_Attribute_Kind_Of --
procedure Set_Attribute_Kind_Of
(Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
To : Attribute_Kind)
if Attribute /= Empty_Attribute then
Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Attr_Kind := To;
end if;
end Set_Attribute_Kind_Of;
-- Set_Variable_Kind_Of --
procedure Set_Variable_Kind_Of
(Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id;
To : Variable_Kind)
if Attribute /= Empty_Attribute then
Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Var_Kind := To;
end if;
end Set_Variable_Kind_Of;
-- Variable_Kind_Of --
function Variable_Kind_Of
(Attribute : Attribute_Node_Id) return Variable_Kind
if Attribute = Empty_Attribute then
return Undefined;
return Attrs.Table (Attribute.Value).Var_Kind;
end if;
end Variable_Kind_Of;
-- First_Attribute_Of --
function First_Attribute_Of
(Pkg : Package_Node_Id) return Attribute_Node_Id
if Pkg = Empty_Package or else Pkg = Unknown_Package then
return Empty_Attribute;
(Value => Package_Attributes.Table (Pkg.Value).First_Attribute);
end if;
end First_Attribute_Of;
end Prj.Attr;