blob: eae8f5281621e532f797f104ff3e18ae11044342 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- P R J . C O N F --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- The following package manipulates the configuration files
with Prj.Tree;
with Prj.Proc;
package Prj.Conf is
type Config_File_Hook is access procedure
(Config_File : in out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
-- Hook called after the config file has been parsed. This lets the
-- application do last minute changes to it (GPS uses this to add the
-- default naming schemes for instance). At that point, the config file
-- has not been applied to the project yet. When no config file was found,
-- and automatic generation is disabled, it is possible that Config_File
-- is set to Empty_Node when this procedure is called. You can then decide
-- to create a new config file if you need.
No_Configuration_File : constant String := "/";
-- When specified as a parameter Config_File_Name in the procedures below,
-- no existing configuration project file is parsed. This is used by
-- gnatmake, gnatclean and the GNAT driver to avoid parsing an existing
-- default configuration project file.
procedure Parse_Project_And_Apply_Config
(Main_Project : out Prj.Project_Id;
User_Project_Node : out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
Config_File_Name : String := "";
Autoconf_Specified : Boolean;
Project_File_Name : String;
Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref;
Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Env : in out Prj.Tree.Environment;
Packages_To_Check : String_List_Access;
Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean := True;
Automatically_Generated : out Boolean;
Config_File_Path : out String_Access;
Target_Name : String := "";
Normalized_Hostname : String;
On_Load_Config : Config_File_Hook := null;
Implicit_Project : Boolean := False;
On_New_Tree_Loaded : Prj.Proc.Tree_Loaded_Callback := null);
-- Find the main configuration project and parse the project tree rooted at
-- this configuration project.
-- Project_Node_Tree must have been initialized first (and possibly the
-- value for external references and project path should also have been
-- set).
-- If the processing fails, Main_Project is set to No_Project. If the error
-- happened while parsing the project itself (i.e. creating the tree),
-- User_Project_Node is also set to Empty_Node.
-- If Config_File_Name is No_Configuration_File, then no configuration
-- project file is parsed. Normally, in this case On_Load_Config is not
-- null, and it is used to create a configuration project file in memory.
-- Autoconf_Specified indicates whether the user has specified --autoconf.
-- If this is the case, the config file might be (re)generated, as
-- appropriate, to match languages and target if the one specified doesn't
-- already match.
-- Normalized_Hostname is the host on which gprbuild is returned,
-- normalized so that we can more easily compare it with what is stored in
-- configuration files. It is used when the target is unspecified, although
-- we need to know the target specified by the user (Target_Name) when
-- computing the name of the default config file that should be used.
-- If specified, On_Load_Config is called just after the config file has
-- been created/loaded. You can then modify it before it is later applied
-- to the project itself.
-- Any error in generating or parsing the config file is reported via the
-- Invalid_Config exception, with an appropriate message. Any error while
-- parsing the project file results in No_Project.
-- If Implicit_Project is True, the main project file being parsed is
-- deemed to be in the current working directory, even if it is not the
-- case. Implicit_Project is set to True when a tool such as gprbuild is
-- invoked without a project file and is using an implicit project file
-- that is virtually in the current working directory, but is physically
-- in another directory.
-- If specified, On_New_Tree_Loaded is called after each aggregated project
-- has been processed succesfully.
procedure Process_Project_And_Apply_Config
(Main_Project : out Prj.Project_Id;
User_Project_Node : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
Config_File_Name : String := "";
Autoconf_Specified : Boolean;
Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref;
Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Env : in out Prj.Tree.Environment;
Packages_To_Check : String_List_Access;
Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean := True;
Automatically_Generated : out Boolean;
Config_File_Path : out String_Access;
Target_Name : String := "";
Normalized_Hostname : String;
On_Load_Config : Config_File_Hook := null;
Reset_Tree : Boolean := True;
On_New_Tree_Loaded : Prj.Proc.Tree_Loaded_Callback := null;
Do_Phase_1 : Boolean := True);
-- Same as above, except the project must already have been parsed through
-- Prj.Part.Parse, and only the processing of the project and the
-- configuration is done at this level.
-- If Reset_Tree is true, all projects are first removed from the tree.
-- When_No_Sources indicates what should be done when no sources are found
-- for one of the languages of the project.
-- If Require_Sources_Other_Lang is true, then all languages must have at
-- least one source file, or an error is reported via When_No_Sources. If
-- it is false, this is only required for Ada (and only if it is a language
-- of the project).
-- If Do_Phase_1 is False, then Prj.Proc.Process_Project_Tree_Phase_1
-- should not be called, as it has already been invoked successfully.
Invalid_Config : exception;
procedure Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File
(Project : Prj.Project_Id;
Conf_Project : Project_Id;
Project_Tree : Prj.Project_Tree_Ref;
Project_Node_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref;
Env : in out Prj.Tree.Environment;
Allow_Automatic_Generation : Boolean;
Config_File_Name : String := "";
Autoconf_Specified : Boolean;
Target_Name : String := "";
Normalized_Hostname : String;
Packages_To_Check : String_List_Access := null;
Config : out Prj.Project_Id;
Config_File_Path : out String_Access;
Automatically_Generated : out Boolean;
On_Load_Config : Config_File_Hook := null);
-- Compute the name of the configuration file that should be used. If no
-- default configuration file is found, a new one will be automatically
-- generated if Allow_Automatic_Generation is true. This configuration
-- project file will be generated in the object directory of project
-- Conf_Project.
-- Any error in generating or parsing the config file is reported via the
-- Invalid_Config exception, with an appropriate message.
-- On exit, Configuration_Project_Path is never null (if none could be
-- found, Os.Fail was called and the program exited anyway).
-- The choice and generation of a configuration file depends on several
-- attributes of the user's project file (given by the Project argument),
-- e.g. list of languages that must be supported. Project must therefore
-- have been partially processed (phase one of the processing only).
-- Config_File_Name should be set to the name of the config file specified
-- by the user (either through gprbuild's --config or --autoconf switches).
-- In the latter case, Autoconf_Specified should be set to true to indicate
-- that the configuration file can be regenerated to match target and
-- languages. This name can either be an absolute path, or the base name
-- that will be searched in the default config file directories (which
-- depends on the installation path for the tools).
-- Target_Name is used to chose the configuration file that will be used
-- from among several possibilities.
-- If a project file could be found, it is automatically parsed and
-- processed (and Packages_To_Check is used to indicate which packages
-- should be processed).
procedure Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme
(Config_File : in out Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Id;
Project_Tree : Prj.Tree.Project_Node_Tree_Ref);
-- A hook that will create a new config file (in memory), used for
-- Get_Or_Create_Configuration_File and Process_Project_And_Apply_Config
-- and add the default GNAT naming scheme to it. Nothing is done if the
-- config_file already exists, to avoid overriding what the user might
-- have put in there.
-- Runtimes --
procedure Set_Runtime_For (Language : Name_Id; RTS_Name : String);
-- Specifies the runtime to use for a specific language. Most of the time
-- this should be used for Ada, but other languages can also specify their
-- own runtime. This is in general specified via the --RTS command line
-- switch, and results in a specific component passed to gprconfig's
-- --config switch then automatically generating a configuration file.
function Runtime_Name_For (Language : Name_Id) return String;
-- Returns the runtime name for a language. Returns an empty string if no
-- runtime was specified for the language using option --RTS.
function Runtime_Name_Set_For (Language : Name_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True only if Set_Runtime_For has been called for the Language
end Prj.Conf;