blob: 9f425354bff4f69da1ffa64627d9a1b593a52ffd [file] [log] [blame]
// Test for noexcept-expression
// { dg-do compile { target c++11 } }
// { dg-options "-O2" }
#include <typeinfo>
#define SA(X) static_assert(X, #X)
void f();
void g() throw();
SA(!noexcept(throw 1));
struct A
virtual ~A();
struct B: public A
virtual ~B();
A* ap;
struct C { };
C* cp;
SA (noexcept (dynamic_cast<B*>(ap)));
SA (!noexcept (dynamic_cast<B&>(*ap)));
SA (!noexcept (typeid (*ap)));
SA (noexcept (typeid (*cp)));
SA (!noexcept (true ? 1 : throw 1));
SA (!noexcept (true || true ? 1 : throw 1));
SA (noexcept (C()));
struct D
D() throw();
SA (noexcept (D()));
struct E
E() throw();
SA (noexcept (E()));
struct F
virtual void f();
SA (noexcept (F()));
struct G
G() = default;
~G() = default;
SA (noexcept (G()));
template <class T, bool b>
void tf()
SA (noexcept (T()) == b);
template void tf<int,true>();
template void tf<E, true>();
// Make sure that noexcept uses the declared exception-specification, not
// any knowledge we might have about whether or not the function really
// throws.
void h() { }