blob: c9b16dfacedceb6d62ab498d76bef8c7c7538617 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile { target c++17 } }
// { dg-options "" }
namespace A::B::C
struct X {};
namespace T::U::V { struct Y {}; }
A::B::C::X x;
A::B::C::T::U::V::Y y;
inline namespace D::E {} // { dg-error "cannot be inline" }
namespace F::G:: {} // { dg-error "namespace name required" }
namespace G __attribute ((visibility ("default"))) ::H {} // { dg-error "cannot have attributes" }
namespace H [[deprecated]] ::I {} // { dg-error "cannot have attributes|ignored" }
namespace __attribute ((visibility ("default"))) I::J {} // { dg-error "cannot have attributes" }
namespace [[deprecated]] J::K {} // { dg-error "cannot have attributes|ignored" }