blob: ac30cb323d93123502464a0d6bfd38f6275bd3aa [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// Check that the compiler mangles types defined with decimal float
// modes according to the vendor-neutral C++ ABI.
typedef float _Decimal32 __attribute__((mode(SD)));
typedef float _Decimal64 __attribute__((mode(DD)));
typedef float _Decimal128 __attribute__((mode(TD)));
extern void foo32 (_Decimal32 a, _Decimal32 &b, _Decimal32 *c);
extern void foo64 (_Decimal64 *a, _Decimal64 b, _Decimal64 &c);
extern void foo128 (_Decimal128 &a, _Decimal128 *b, _Decimal128 c);
bar32 (void)
_Decimal32 x, y, z;
foo32 (x, y, &z);
bar64 (void)
_Decimal64 x, y, z;
foo64 (&x, y, z);
bar128 (void)
_Decimal128 x, y, z;
foo128 (x, &y, z);
// { dg-final { scan-assembler "Z5foo32DfRDfPDf" } }
// { dg-final { scan-assembler "Z5foo64PDdDdRDd" } }
// { dg-final { scan-assembler "Z6foo128RDePDeDe" } }