blob: 98d98b46f9370ce78d671dc2935c9c9ee11cd5a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// tests that the asm directive is correctly handled for static fields
// in structures and classes. This only applies to C++; such
// directives generate errors in C. Assembler directives for local
// variables should be tested by the C test suite.
// Contributed by Robert Bowdidge ( 14 Oct 2003
// { dg-do compile }
struct Foo {
// This should reference a variable called bar
static int i __asm__("bar");
class Bar {
static int i __asm__("theRealI");
static int j __asm__("theRealJ");
int boof;
class Baz : public Bar {
static char *ptr __asm__ ("theRealString");
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
struct Foo myFoo;
Bar b;
myFoo.i = 1;
Foo::i = 2;
Baz::j = 10;
Baz::ptr = 0;
b.i = 1;
return (b.i);
/* { dg-final {scan-assembler "bar"} } */
/* { dg-final {scan-assembler "theRealString"} } */
/* { dg-final {scan-assembler "theRealI" } } */
/* { dg-final {scan-assembler "theRealJ" } } */