blob: 1acfa2e7a9895da2b8459dd15d0af4f682c68147 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options -Wno-pedantic }
#define STR(s) #s
#define ASSERT(exp) \
((exp) ? (void)0 : (void)(__builtin_printf ("%s:%i: assertion %s failed\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, STR(exp)), \
__builtin_abort ()))
typedef int int32_t __attribute__((mode (__SI__)));
struct Ax { int32_t n, a[]; };
struct AAx { int32_t i; Ax ax; };
int32_t i = 12345678;
int main ()
// OK. Does not assign any elements to flexible array.
Ax s = { 0 };
ASSERT (s.n == 0);
// OK only for statically allocated objects, otherwise error.
static Ax s = { 0, { } };
ASSERT (s.n == 0);
static Ax s = { 1, { 2 } };
ASSERT (s.n == 1 && s.a [0] == 2);
static Ax s = { 2, { 3, 4 } };
ASSERT (s.n = 2 && s.a [0] == 3 && s.a [1] == 4);
static Ax s = { 123, i };
ASSERT (s.n == 123 && s.a [0] == i);
static Ax s = { 456, { i } };
ASSERT (s.n == 456 && s.a [0] == i);
int32_t j = i + 1, k = j + 1;
static Ax s = { 3, { i, j, k } };
ASSERT (s.n == 3 && s.a [0] == i && s.a [1] == j && s.a [2] == k);
// OK. Does not assign any elements to flexible array.
AAx s = { 1, { 2 } };
ASSERT (s.i == 1 && == 2);