blob: da7afc2a226b7b3eb54fa719b573e9c7e7df44a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
# <>.
# Contributed by Nathan Sidwell <> while at Facebook
# Test C++ modules, which requires multiple TUs
# A test case might consist of multiple source files, each is compiled
# separately, in a well-defined order. The resulting object files might
# be optionally linked and optionally executed. Grouping is indicated by
# naming files '*_[a-z].[CH]'
# { dg-module-cmi "[!]module-name" } # an interface file is (not) expected
# { dg-module-do [link|run] [xfail] [options] } # link [and run]
load_lib g++-dg.exp
# If a testcase doesn't have special options, use these.
if ![info exists DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS] then {
set DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS " -pedantic-errors -Wno-long-long"
set MOD_STD_LIST { 17 2a 2b }
if {[is_remote host]} {
# remote testing not functional here :(
global module_do
global module_cmis
set DEFAULT_REPO "gcm.cache"
# Register the module name this produces.
# dg-module-cmi !?=?NAME WHEN?
# dg-module-cmi !?{} - header unit
proc dg-module-cmi { args } {
if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
set spec [lindex $args 1]
if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
set when [lindex $args 2]
} else {
set when {}
if { [string index $spec 0] == "!" } {
set name [string range $spec 1 end]
set not 1
} else {
set name $spec
set not 0
if { [string index $name 0] == "=" } {
set cmi [string range $name 1 end]
} else {
if { $name == "" } {
# get the source file name. ick!
upvar prog srcname
set cmi "$srcname.gcm"
if { [string index $cmi 0] == "/" } {
set cmi [string range $cmi 1 end]
} else {
set cmi ",/$cmi"
set path [file split $cmi]
# subst /../ -> /,,/
# sadly tcl 8.5 does not have lmap
set rplac {}
foreach elt $path {lappend rplac [expr {$elt == ".." ? ",," : $elt}]}
set cmi [file join {*}$rplac]
} else {
set cmi "[regsub : $name -].gcm"
set cmi "$DEFAULT_REPO/$cmi"
# delete file, so we don't get confused by a stale one.
file_on_host delete "$cmi"
global module_cmis
lappend module_cmis [list $spec $when $not $cmi]
# check the expected module files exist (or not)
# return list to delete
proc module_cmi_p { src ifs } {
set res {}
foreach if_arg $ifs {
set spec [lindex $if_arg 0]
set when [lindex $if_arg 1]
if { $when != "" } {
switch [dg-process-target $when] {
"S" { }
"N" { continue }
"F" { setup_xfail "*-*-*" }
"P" { }
set not [lindex $if_arg 2]
set cmi [lindex $if_arg 3]
global srcdir
set relcmi [string map [list $srcdir "/\$srcdir"] $cmi]
if { $not != [file_on_host exists $cmi] } {
pass "$src module-cmi $spec ($relcmi)"
} else {
fail "$src module-cmi $spec ($relcmi)"
set not [expr ! $not ]
if { ! $not } {
lappend res $cmi
return $res
# link and maybe run a set of object files
# dg-module-do WHAT WHEN
proc dg-module-do { args } {
if { [llength $args] > 3 } {
error "[lindex $args 0]: too many arguments"
set do_what [lindex $args 1]
set expected "P"
if { [llength $args] > 2 } {
set expected [dg-process-target [lindex $args 2]]
global module_do
set module_do [list $do_what $expected]
proc module_do_it { do_what testcase std asm_list } {
global tool
set run 0
switch [lindex $do_what 0] {
"compile" { return 1 }
"link" { }
"run" { set run 1 }
default { error "unknown module-do action [lindex $do_what 0]" }
set xfail {}
switch [lindex $do_what 1] {
"S" { }
"N" { return 1 }
"F" { set xfail {setup_xfail "*-*-*"} }
"P" { }
set ok 1
# make sure all asms are around
foreach asm $asm_list {
if { ! [file_on_host exists $asm] } {
set ok 0
set options { }
set ident $testcase
if { $std != "" } {
lappend options "additional_flags=$std"
set ident "$ident $std"
if { [llength $do_what] > 3 } {
lappend options "additional_flags=[lindex $do_what 3]"
set execname "./[file tail $testcase].exe"
# link it
verbose "Linking $asm_list" 1
if { !$ok } {
unresolved "$ident link"
} else {
set out [${tool}_target_compile $asm_list \
$execname executable $options]
eval $xfail
if { $out == "" } {
pass "$ident link"
} else {
fail "$ident link"
set ok 0
# run it?
if { !$run } {
} elseif { !$ok } {
unresolved "$ident execute"
} else {
set out [${tool}_load $execname "" ""]
set status [lindex $out 0]
eval $xfail
$status "$ident execute"
if { $status != "pass" } {
set $ok 0
if { $ok } {
file_on_host delete $execname
return $ok
# delete the specified set of module files
proc cleanup_module_files { files } {
foreach file $files {
file_on_host delete $file
global testdir
set testdir $srcdir/$subdir
proc srcdir {} {
global testdir
return $testdir
# Return set of std options to iterate over, taken from g++-dg.exp & compat.exp
proc module-init { src } {
set tmp [dg-get-options $src]
set option_list {}
set have_std 0
set std_prefix "-std=c++"
foreach op $tmp {
switch [lindex $op 0] {
"dg-options" {
set std_prefix "-std=gnu++"
if { [string match "*-std=*" [lindex $op 2]] } {
set have_std 1
"dg-additional-options" {
if { [string match "*-std=*" [lindex $op 2]] } {
set have_std 1
if { !$have_std } {
foreach x $MOD_STD_LIST {
lappend option_list "${std_prefix}$x"
} else {
lappend option_list ""
return $option_list
# cleanup any detritus from previous run
cleanup_module_files [find $DEFAULT_REPO *.gcm]
# not grouped tests, sadly tcl doesn't have negated glob
foreach test [prune [lsort [find $srcdir/$subdir {*.[CH]}]] \
"$srcdir/$subdir/*_?.\[CH\]"] {
if [runtest_file_p $runtests $test] {
set nshort [file tail [file dirname $test]]/[file tail $test]
set std_list [module-init $test]
foreach std $std_list {
global module_cmis
set module_cmis {}
verbose "Testing $nshort $std" 1
dg-test $test "$std" $DEFAULT_MODFLAGS
set testcase [string range $test [string length "$srcdir/"] end]
cleanup_module_files [module_cmi_p $testcase $module_cmis]
# grouped tests
foreach src [lsort [find $srcdir/$subdir {*_a.[CHX}]] {
# use the FOO_a.C name as the parallelization key
if [runtest_file_p $runtests $src] {
set tests [lsort [find [file dirname $src] \
[regsub {_a.[CHX]$} [file tail $src] {_[a-z].[CHX]}]]]
set std_list [module-init $src]
foreach std $std_list {
set mod_files {}
global module_do
set module_do {"compile" "P"}
set asm_list {}
set any_hdrs 0
file_on_host delete $DEFAULT_REPO
foreach test $tests {
if { [lindex $module_do 1] != "N" } {
global module_cmis
set module_cmis {}
set nshort [file tail [file dirname $test]]/[file tail $test]
verbose "Testing $nshort $std" 1
switch [file extension $test] {
".C" {
lappend asm_list [file rootname [file tail $test]].s
".X" {
set any_hdrs 1
dg-test -keep-output $test "$std" $DEFAULT_MODFLAGS
set testcase [string range $test [string length "$srcdir/"] end]
lappend mod_files [module_cmi_p $testcase $module_cmis]
set testcase [regsub {_a.[CH]} $src {}]
set testcase \
[string range $testcase [string length "$srcdir/"] end]
module_do_it $module_do $testcase $std $asm_list
foreach asm $asm_list {
file_on_host delete $asm
if { $any_hdrs } {
set mod_files [find $DEFAULT_REPO *.gcm]
cleanup_module_files $mod_files