blob: f29638bdca55453b535cb754c875e7cf951777ab [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do compile }
// { dg-options "-fgnu-tm -O2 -fno-inline -fdump-tree-tmedge" }
class RBTree
struct RBNode
RBNode* next;
RBNode* sentinel;
__attribute__((transaction_safe)) bool lookup();
bool RBTree::lookup()
RBNode* x = sentinel;
while (x)
x = x->next;
return false;
RBTree* SET;
void bench_test()
__transaction_atomic {
// There should be two calls to commitTransaction.
// The one in the uninstrumented code path is a tail call.
// The one in the instrumented code path is not.
// { dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "ITM_commitTransaction.*tail call" 1 "tmedge" } }