blob: 5b5ff8b1cf1174a603e5d5decf45917debc862cd [file] [log] [blame]
/* As bconstp-1.c, but with the __builtin_constant_p calls
parenthesized. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* This test checks that builtin_constant_p can be used safely in
initializers for static data. The macro X() defined below should
be an acceptable initializer expression no matter how complex its
argument is. */
extern int a;
extern int b;
extern int foo(void);
extern int bar(void);
#define X(exp) ((__builtin_constant_p(exp)) ? (exp) : -1)
const short tests[] = {
X(0 && a),
X(a && b),
X(0 && foo()),
X(a && foo()),
X(foo() && bar())