blob: 3baefcb909a1257aaf0900ae426d6b464ad8b7b2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-O2 -fno-common" } */
/* ??? we should be able to get down to 4 movt, but first we'll have to
teach mov2add about flag handling. Maybe add the code that was removed in
r144425 from regmove to postreload; epiphany needs tweaks to the addsi3
expander to generate a CC reg clobber in the pass. */
/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times "movt" 6 } } */
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned int uint16_t;
struct dma_desc {
uint32_t config;
uint32_t inner_stride;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t outer_stride;
void *src_addr;
void *dst_addr;
typedef struct dma_desc e_dma_desc_t;
e_dma_desc_t dma;
int a;
int id[8];
#define NULL ((void *)0)
static inline void _ez_dma_set(register e_dma_desc_t *dma,
uint32_t config,
e_dma_desc_t *next,
uint16_t inner_src, uint16_t inner_dst,
uint16_t inner_count, uint16_t outer_count,
uint16_t outer_src, uint16_t outer_dst,
void *src, void*dst) {
//register e_dma_desc_t *dmap = dma;
dma->config = config | (((uint32_t)next)<<16);
dma->inner_stride = (inner_dst << 16) | inner_src;
dma->count = (inner_count << 16) | outer_count;
dma->outer_stride = (outer_dst << 16) | outer_src;
dma->src_addr = src;
dma->dst_addr = dst;
void __attribute__((section(".text.ds1")))
dmas_inline1(void) {
register e_dma_desc_t *dmap = &dma;
_ez_dma_set(dmap, 3, NULL,
1, 2,
12, 13,
5, 1,
id, &a);