blob: 8ba20ecb437e44bdc3109be92e375c66a2c0df78 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix by HJ Lu for PR23634 and friends. All involve the ICE
! that arose from a character array constructor usedas an actual
! argument.
! The various parts of this test are taken from the PRs.
! Test PR26491
module global
public p, line
interface p
module procedure p
end interface
character(128) :: line = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
subroutine p()
character(128) :: word
word = line
call redirect_((/word/))
end subroutine
subroutine redirect_ (ch)
character(*) :: ch(:)
if (ch(1) /= line) STOP 1
end subroutine redirect_
end module global
! Test PR26550
module my_module
implicit none
type point
real :: x
end type point
type(point), pointer, public :: stdin => NULL()
subroutine my_p(w)
character(128) :: w
call r(stdin,(/w/))
end subroutine my_p
subroutine r(ptr, io)
use global
type(point), pointer :: ptr
character(128) :: io(:)
if (associated (ptr)) STOP 2
if (io(1) .ne. line) STOP 3
end subroutine r
end module my_module
program main
use global
use my_module
integer :: i(6) = (/1,6,3,4,5,2/)
character (6) :: a = 'hello ', t
character(len=1) :: s(6) = (/'g','g','d','d','a','o'/)
equivalence (s, t)
call option_stopwatch_s (a) ! Call test of PR25619
call p () ! Call test of PR26491
call my_p (line) ! Call test of PR26550
! Test Vivek Rao's bug, as reported in PR25619.
s = s(i)
call option_stopwatch_a ((/a,'hola! ', t/))
! Test PR23634
subroutine option_stopwatch_s(a)
character (*), intent(in) :: a
character (len=len(a)) :: b
b = 'hola! '
call option_stopwatch_a((/a, b, 'goddag'/))
end subroutine option_stopwatch_s
subroutine option_stopwatch_a (a)
character (*) :: a(:)
if (any (a .ne. (/'hello ','hola! ','goddag'/))) STOP 4
end subroutine option_stopwatch_a
end program main