blob: c1230970324b326c3efc7265ad5df1993b62f7a0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-std=f2008" }
! Contributed by Reinhold Bader
use iso_c_binding
type, bind(C) :: cstruct
integer :: i
end type
subroutine psub(this) bind(c, name='Psub') ! { dg-error "Fortran 2018: Variable 'this' at .1. with POINTER attribute in procedure 'psub' with BIND.C." }
import :: c_float, cstruct
real(c_float), pointer :: this(:)
end subroutine psub
subroutine psub2(that) bind(c, name='Psub2') ! { dg-error "Fortran 2018: Variable 'that' at .1. with ALLOCATABLE attribute in procedure 'psub2' with BIND.C." }
import :: c_float, cstruct
type(cstruct), allocatable :: that(:)
end subroutine psub2
end interface