blob: 9f3fc8e2ca7ab1b7aab859f8718693e98f17b03b [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-sources note-5-4-c.c }
! TS 29113
! NOTE 5.4
! Assumed rank is an attribute of a Fortran dummy argument. When a C
! function is invoked with an actual argument that corresponds to an
! assumed-rank dummy argument in a Fortran interface for that C function,
! the corresponding formal parameter is the address of a descriptor of
! type CFI_cdesc_t (8.7). The rank member of the descriptor provides the
! rank of the actual argument. The C function should therefore be able
! to handle any rank. On each invocation, the rank is available to it.
program test
function test_rank (a) bind (c, name="test_rank")
integer :: test_rank
integer :: a(..)
end function
end interface
integer :: scalar, array_1d(10), array_2d(3, 3)
call testit (scalar, array_1d, array_2d)
subroutine testit (a0, a1, a2)
integer :: a0(..), a1(..), a2(..)
integer, target :: b0, b1(10), b2(3, 3)
integer, allocatable :: c0, c1(:), c2(:,:)
integer, pointer :: d0, d1(:), d2(:,:)
! array descriptor passed from caller through testit to test_rank
if (test_rank (a0) .ne. 0) stop 100
if (test_rank (a1) .ne. 1) stop 101
if (test_rank (a2) .ne. 2) stop 102
! array descriptor created locally here, fixed size
if (test_rank (b0) .ne. 0) stop 200
if (test_rank (b1) .ne. 1) stop 201
if (test_rank (b2) .ne. 2) stop 202
! allocatables
allocate (c0)
allocate (c1 (10))
allocate (c2 (3, 3))
if (test_rank (c0) .ne. 0) stop 300
if (test_rank (c1) .ne. 1) stop 301
if (test_rank (c2) .ne. 2) stop 302
! pointers
d0 => b0
d1 => b1
d2 => b2
if (test_rank (d0) .ne. 0) stop 400
if (test_rank (d1) .ne. 1) stop 401
if (test_rank (d2) .ne. 2) stop 402
end subroutine
end program