blob: 5f7446826a8802b9b637a2715fac3bf84f286731 [file] [log] [blame]
! PR 101305
! PR 100917
! xfailed due to PR 101308
! { dg-do run { xfail *-*-* } }
! { dg-additional-sources "typecodes-scalar-basic-c.c dump-descriptors.c" }
! { dg-additional-options "-g" }
! This program tests that kind constants in the ISO_C_BINDING
! module result in the right type field in arguments passed by descriptor,
! also matching the size of the corresponding C type. We use pointers
! to force the use of a descriptor.
! Some types are tested in their own testcases to allow conditionalization
! for target-specific support or xfailing to track bugs.
module mm
use iso_c_binding
type, bind (c) :: s
integer(C_INT) :: i, j
end type
end module
program testit
use iso_c_binding
use mm
implicit none
subroutine ctest_int1 (arg_int, arg_short, arg_long, arg_long_long, &
arg_signed_char) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(C_INT), pointer :: arg_int
integer(C_SHORT), pointer :: arg_short
integer(C_LONG), pointer :: arg_long
integer(C_LONG_LONG), pointer :: arg_long_long
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), pointer :: arg_signed_char
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_int2 (arg_int8, arg_int16, arg_int32, arg_int64) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(C_INT8_T), pointer :: arg_int8
integer(C_INT16_T), pointer :: arg_int16
integer(C_INT32_T), pointer :: arg_int32
integer(C_INT64_T), pointer :: arg_int64
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_int3 (arg_least8, arg_least16, arg_least32, &
arg_least64) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(C_INT_LEAST8_T), pointer :: arg_least8
integer(C_INT_LEAST16_T), pointer :: arg_least16
integer(C_INT_LEAST32_T), pointer :: arg_least32
integer(C_INT_LEAST64_T), pointer :: arg_least64
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_int4 (arg_fast8, arg_fast16, arg_fast32, &
arg_fast64) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(C_INT_FAST8_T), pointer :: arg_fast8
integer(C_INT_FAST16_T), pointer :: arg_fast16
integer(C_INT_FAST32_T), pointer :: arg_fast32
integer(C_INT_FAST64_T), pointer :: arg_fast64
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_int5 (arg_size, arg_intmax, arg_intptr, &
arg_ptrdiff) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
integer(C_SIZE_T), pointer :: arg_size
integer(C_INTMAX_T), pointer :: arg_intmax
integer(C_INTPTR_T), pointer :: arg_intptr
integer(C_PTRDIFF_T), pointer :: arg_ptrdiff
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_real (arg_float, arg_double) bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
real(C_FLOAT), pointer :: arg_float
real(C_DOUBLE), pointer :: arg_double
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_complex (arg_float_complex, arg_double_complex) &
bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
complex(C_FLOAT_COMPLEX), pointer :: arg_float_complex
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), pointer :: arg_double_complex
end subroutine
subroutine ctest_misc (arg_bool, arg_cptr, arg_cfunptr, arg_struct) &
bind (c)
use iso_c_binding
use mm
logical(C_BOOL), pointer :: arg_bool
type(C_PTR), pointer :: arg_cptr
type(C_FUNPTR), pointer :: arg_cfunptr
type(s), pointer :: arg_struct
end subroutine
end interface
integer(C_INT), pointer :: var_int
integer(C_SHORT), pointer :: var_short
integer(C_LONG), pointer :: var_long
integer(C_LONG_LONG), pointer :: var_long_long
integer(C_SIGNED_CHAR), pointer :: var_signed_char
integer(C_INT8_T), pointer :: var_int8
integer(C_INT16_T), pointer :: var_int16
integer(C_INT32_T), pointer :: var_int32
integer(C_INT64_T), pointer :: var_int64
integer(C_INT_LEAST8_T), pointer :: var_least8
integer(C_INT_LEAST16_T), pointer :: var_least16
integer(C_INT_LEAST32_T), pointer :: var_least32
integer(C_INT_LEAST64_T), pointer :: var_least64
integer(C_INT_FAST8_T), pointer :: var_fast8
integer(C_INT_FAST16_T), pointer :: var_fast16
integer(C_INT_FAST32_T), pointer :: var_fast32
integer(C_INT_FAST64_T), pointer :: var_fast64
integer(C_SIZE_T), pointer :: var_size
integer(C_INTMAX_T), pointer :: var_intmax
integer(C_INTPTR_T), pointer :: var_intptr
integer(C_PTRDIFF_T), pointer :: var_ptrdiff
real(C_FLOAT), pointer :: var_float
real(C_DOUBLE), pointer :: var_double
complex(C_FLOAT_COMPLEX), pointer :: var_float_complex
complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), pointer :: var_double_complex
logical(C_BOOL), pointer :: var_bool
type(C_PTR), pointer :: var_cptr
type(C_FUNPTR), pointer :: var_cfunptr
type(s), pointer :: var_struct
nullify (var_int, var_short, var_long, var_long_long, var_signed_char)
call ctest_int1 (var_int, var_short, var_long, var_long_long, &
nullify (var_int8, var_int16, var_int32, var_int64)
call ctest_int2 (var_int8, var_int16, var_int32, var_int64)
nullify (var_least8, var_least16, var_least32, var_least64)
call ctest_int3 (var_least8, var_least16, var_least32, var_least64)
nullify (var_fast8, var_fast16, var_fast32, var_fast64)
call ctest_int4 (var_fast8, var_fast16, var_fast32, var_fast64)
nullify (var_size, var_intmax, var_intptr, var_ptrdiff)
call ctest_int5 (var_size, var_intmax, var_intptr, var_ptrdiff)
nullify (var_float, var_double)
call ctest_real (var_float, var_double)
nullify (var_float_complex, var_double_complex)
call ctest_complex (var_float_complex, var_double_complex)
nullify (var_bool, var_cptr, var_cfunptr, var_struct)
call ctest_misc (var_bool, var_cptr, var_cfunptr, var_struct)
! FIXME: how do you pass something that corresponds to CFI_type_other?
! The Fortran front end complains if you try to pass something that
! isn't interoperable, such as a derived type object without bind(c).
end program