blob: 4eb104cdbe23a61b9260af35376a23011aeacd4a [file] [log] [blame]
c { dg-do compile }
c { dg-options "-std=legacy" }
* Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm
* Precedence: bulk
* Sender:
* From: "Bjorn R. Bjornsson" <>
* Subject: g77 char expr. as arg to subroutine bug
* To:
* Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 14:45:56 +0000 (GMT)
* Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
* X-UIDL: 06000c94269ed6dfe826493e52a818b9
* The following bug is in all snapshots starting
* from April 18. I have only tested this on Alpha linux,
* and with FFECOM_FASTER_ARRAY_REFS set to 1.
* Run the following through g77:
subroutine a
character*2 string1
character*2 string2
character*4 string3
string1 = 's1'
string2 = 's2'
c the next 2 lines are ok.
string3 = (string1 // string2)
call b(string1//string2)
c this line gives gcc/f/com.c:10660: failed assertion `hook'
call b((string1//string2))
* the output from:
* /usr/local/egcs-19990418/bin/g77 --verbose -c D.f
* is:
* on egcs-2.93.19 19990418 (gcc2 ss-980929 experimental) (from FSF-g77 version 0.5.24-19990418)
* Reading specs from /usr/local/egcs-19990418/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-unknown-linux-gnu/egcs-2.93.19/specs
* gcc version egcs-2.93.19 19990418 (gcc2 ss-980929 experimental)
* /usr/local/egcs-19990418/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-unknown-linux-gnu/egcs-2.93.19/f771 D.f -quiet -dumpbase D.f -version -fversion -o /tmp/ccNpaaaa.s
* GNU F77 version egcs-2.93.19 19990418 (gcc2 ss-980929 experimental) (alphaev56-unknown-linux-gnu) compiled by GNU C version egcs-2.93.19 19990418 (gcc2 ss-980929 experimental).
* GNU Fortran Front End version 0.5.24-19990418
* ../../../egcs-19990418/gcc/f/com.c:10351: failed assertion `hook'
* g77: Internal compiler error: program f771 got fatal signal 6
* Yours,
* Bjorn R. Bjornsson