blob: 03cbf6b07ad5e2ad5f33e9c11e7e5e0403325821 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! This tests the fix for PR17917, where equivalences were not being
! written to and read back from modules.
! Contributed by Paul Thomas
module test_equiv !Bug 17917
common /my_common/ d
real a(2),b(4),c(4), d(8)
equivalence (a(1),b(2)), (c(1),d(5))
end module test_equiv
subroutine foo ()
use test_equiv, z=>b
if (any (d(5:8)/=z)) STOP 1
end subroutine foo
program module_equiv
use test_equiv
b = 99.0_4
a = 999.0_4
c = (/99.0_4, 999.0_4, 999.0_4, 99.0_4/)
call foo ()
end program module_equiv