blob: fb4e8c9c585d4cc3f89c8962037b4eccc3ed0656 [file] [log] [blame]
! Program to test the upper and lower bound intrinsics
program testbounds
implicit none
real, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: a
integer, dimension(5) :: j
integer i
! Check compile time simplification
if (lbound(j,1).ne.1 .or. ubound(j,1).ne.5) STOP 1
allocate (a(3:8, 6:7))
! With one parameter
j = 0;
j(3:4) = ubound(a)
if (j(3) .ne. 8) STOP 1
if (j(4) .ne. 7) STOP 2
! With two parameters, assigning to an array
j = lbound(a, 1)
if ((j(1) .ne. 3) .or. (j(5) .ne. 3)) STOP 3
! With a variable second parameter
i = 2
i = lbound(a, i)
if (i .ne. 6) STOP 4
call test(a)
subroutine test (a)
real, dimension (1:, 1:) :: a
integer i
i = 2
if ((ubound(a, 1) .ne. 6) .or. (ubound(a, i) .ne. 2)) STOP 5
end subroutine
end program