blob: 75221e41c6b7f226f2d3b24f95b0abdcf66b636c [file] [log] [blame]
! Test alternate entry points for functions when the result types
! of all entry points match
function f1 (a)
integer a, b
integer, pointer :: f1, e1
allocate (f1)
f1 = 15 + a
entry e1 (b)
allocate (e1)
e1 = 42 + b
end function
function f2 ()
real, pointer :: f2, e2
entry e2 ()
allocate (e2)
e2 = 45
end function
function f3 ()
double precision, pointer :: f3, e3
entry e3 ()
allocate (f3)
f3 = 47
end function
function f4 (a) result (r)
double precision a, b
double precision, pointer :: r, s
allocate (r)
r = 15 + a
entry e4 (b) result (s)
allocate (s)
s = 42 + b
end function
function f5 () result (r)
integer, pointer :: r, s
entry e5 () result (s)
allocate (r)
r = 45
end function
function f6 () result (r)
real, pointer :: r, s
entry e6 () result (s)
allocate (s)
s = 47
end function
program entrytest
function f1 (a)
integer a
integer, pointer :: f1
end function
function e1 (b)
integer b
integer, pointer :: e1
end function
function f2 ()
real, pointer :: f2
end function
function e2 ()
real, pointer :: e2
end function
function f3 ()
double precision, pointer :: f3
end function
function e3 ()
double precision, pointer :: e3
end function
function f4 (a)
double precision a
double precision, pointer :: f4
end function
function e4 (b)
double precision b
double precision, pointer :: e4
end function
function f5 ()
integer, pointer :: f5
end function
function e5 ()
integer, pointer :: e5
end function
function f6 ()
real, pointer :: f6
end function
function e6 ()
real, pointer :: e6
end function
end interface
double precision d
if (f1 (6) .ne. 21) STOP 1
if (e1 (7) .ne. 49) STOP 2
if (f2 () .ne. 45) STOP 3
if (e2 () .ne. 45) STOP 4
if (f3 () .ne. 47) STOP 5
if (e3 () .ne. 47) STOP 6
d = 17
if (f4 (d) .ne. 32) STOP 7
if (e4 (d) .ne. 59) STOP 8
if (f5 () .ne. 45) STOP 9
if (e5 () .ne. 45) STOP 10
if (f6 () .ne. 47) STOP 11
if (e6 () .ne. 47) STOP 12