blob: d71672f622ccd482eaa086bb3cb6dc5d93a692de [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do compile }
-- { dg-options "-O2" }
-- rpo fre3 used to loop indefinitely replacing _2 with _8 and back,
-- given MEM[(struct test__e &)_2][0]{lb: _7 sz: 16}._tag = A23s_29;
-- and an earlier _8 = &*_2[0]{lb: _7 sz: 16}.
procedure Opt83 is
type E is tagged record
I : Natural := 0;
end record;
type A is array (Natural range <>) of aliased E;
F : E;
R : access A;
procedure N is
if R = null then
R := new A (0 .. 4);
end if;
end N;
R (0) := F;
end Opt83;