blob: 93b8a8fd5c5d9bbec4fbf1bdd93e8b2ee18369d1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test warnings for shadowing instance variables. */
/* Based on work by: Nicola Pero <>. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-objc-root-class" }
#include <objc/objc.h>
@interface MySuperClass
int _private;
int _protected;
int _public;
- (void) test;
@implementation MySuperClass
- (void) test
/* FIXME: I wonder if the warnings shouldn't be better generated
when the variable is declared, rather than used! */
int _private = 12;
int _protected = 12;
int _public = 12;
int a;
a = _private; /* { dg-warning "hides instance variable" } */
a = _protected; /* { dg-warning "hides instance variable" } */
a = _public; /* { dg-warning "hides instance variable" } */
@interface MyClass : MySuperClass
@implementation MyClass
- (void) test
int _private = 12;
int _protected = 12;
int _public = 12;
int a;
/* The private variable can be shadowed without warnings, because
* it's invisible, and not accessible, to the subclass! */
a = _private; /* Ok */
a = _protected; /* { dg-warning "hides instance variable" } */
a = _public; /* { dg-warning "hides instance variable" } */