blob: 30ef5982712f43e38faf7f676366c0d5c7567191 [file] [log] [blame]
int a, b;
foo (void)
#pragma omp flush
#pragma omp flush (a, b)
#pragma omp flush acquire
#pragma omp flush release
#pragma omp flush acq_rel
#pragma omp flush seq_cst
#pragma omp flush relaxed /* { dg-error "expected 'seq_cst', 'acq_rel', 'release' or 'acquire'" } */
#pragma omp flush foobar /* { dg-error "expected 'seq_cst', 'acq_rel', 'release' or 'acquire'" } */
#pragma omp flush acquire (a, b) /* { dg-error "'flush' list specified together with memory order clause" } */
#pragma omp flush release (a, b) /* { dg-error "'flush' list specified together with memory order clause" } */
#pragma omp flush acq_rel (a, b) /* { dg-error "'flush' list specified together with memory order clause" } */
#pragma omp flush seq_cst (a, b) /* { dg-error "'flush' list specified together with memory order clause" } */