blob: 587eb323992608226db96b31cd7d9fd80b7f8b58 [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do assemble { target c++14_down } }
// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-deprecated" }
// Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// Contributed by Nathan Sidwell 19 Jan 1999 <>
// Determine that throw specifiers are checked correctly.
// [except.spec] 1, a type in an exception specifier shall not be incomplete,
// or pointer or ref to incomplete
struct X; // { dg-message "" } forward declaration.*
void fn1() throw(X); // { dg-error "" } invalid use of undefined type
void fn2() throw(X *); // { dg-error "" } invalid use of undefined type
void fn3() throw(X &); // { dg-error "" } invalid use of undefined tyoe
void fn4() throw(void); // { dg-error "" } invalid use of void expression
void fn5() throw(void &); // { dg-error "" } invalid type // ERROR - invalid use of void
// except for cv pointer to void
void fn6() throw(void *); // ok -- pointer to void
void fn7() throw(void const *); // ok -- pointer to cv void
template<class T> void fny() throw(T); // ok (so far)
template<> void fny<int>() throw(int); // ok
template<> void fny<void>() throw(void); // { dg-error "" } invalid use of void
template<class T> void fnx(T *) throw(T){} // { dg-error "" } invalid use of void expression
void fx()
fnx((int *)0);
fnx((void *)0); // { dg-message "required from here" }
// [except.spec] 2, exception specifiers must be the same set of types (but
// can be reordered)
void baz1() throw(int, char);
void baz1() throw(char, int){} // reordering is ok
void baz2() throw(int, char);
void baz2() throw(int, char, int){} // duplicates are ignored
typedef int Int;
void baz3() throw(int, char);
void baz3() throw(Int, char){} // typedefs are the same type ...
void baz4() throw(int, Int, char); // ... so this is a duplicate
void baz4() throw(Int, char){}
void fna() throw(int, char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fna() throw(int const, char); // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions // ERROR - to previous declaration
void fna() throw(int){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fnb() throw(int, char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fnb() throw(char){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fnc() throw(int, char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fnc() throw(char, int, float){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fnd() throw(); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fnd() throw(char){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fne() throw(char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fne() throw(){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fnf(); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fnf() throw(char){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fng() throw(char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fng(){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fnh() throw(int, char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fnh() throw(int, float){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
void fni() throw(int, char); // { dg-message "" } to previous declaration
void fni() throw(float, char){} // { dg-error "" } declaration different exceptions
// [except.spec] 3, virtual function overriders shall throw a subset of the
// overridden function
struct E {};
struct F : public E {};
struct F1 : public E {};
struct G : public F, F1 {};
struct H : private E {};
struct A
virtual void foo() throw(); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual void baz() throw(double, int);
virtual void bar();
virtual void qux() throw(E);
virtual void qux(int) throw(E const *); // { dg-message "" } overridden (pedantically)
virtual void quux() throw(F); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual void quux(int) throw(F *); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual void wibble() throw(E); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual void wobble() throw(E *); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual void wobble(int) throw(E *); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual void wabble(int) throw(E *);
virtual void wubble(int) throw(E *, H *);
virtual ~A() throw(); // { dg-message "" } overriding
struct B : A
virtual void foo() throw(int); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::foo
virtual void baz() throw(double); // ok subset
virtual void bar(int) throw(int); // ok not overriding
virtual void qux() throw(F); // ok subset
virtual void qux(int) throw(F *); // { dg-error "" } looser (pedantically)
virtual void quux() throw(E); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::quux()
virtual void quux(int) throw(E *); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::quux(int)
virtual void wibble() throw(E *); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::wibble
virtual void wobble() throw(G *); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::wobble()
virtual void wobble(int) throw(H *); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::wobble(int)
virtual void wubble(int) throw(H *); // ok
virtual void wabble(int) throw(F1 *, F *); // ok
struct A1
virtual void foo() throw(int);
virtual void bar() throw(); // { dg-message "" } overridden
virtual ~A1() throw(int);
struct B1 : A
struct C : A, A1 // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::~A()
virtual void foo() throw(int); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::foo
virtual void bar() throw(int); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A1::bar
struct D : A, A1
virtual ~D() throw(int); // { dg-error "" } looser throw - A::~A()
// [except.spec] 5, types shall not be defined in exception specifiers
void fn8() throw(struct Z {}); // { dg-error "" } ANSI C++ forbids