blob: ba3b7479b2e7bcf96b983e17fe2b03d6f1635eed [file] [log] [blame]
// { dg-do assemble }
// Copyright (C) 2000, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// Contributed by Nathan Sidwell 14 Nov 2000 <>
// bug 616. We failed to complete the type of decls in templates, leading to
// bogus errors.
struct Z;
struct Y
Y (int i = 1);
void g ()
const Y y;
Z z; // { dg-error "" } incomplete
template <int dim>
struct X
X (int i=1);
void h ()
const X<2> z;
Z z1; // { dg-error "" } incomplete
template <int dim>
void f()
const X<dim> x;
const X<dim+1> y[3];
Z z2; // { dg-error "" } incomplete
typedef Z z3; // ok
template void f<3> ();