| /* PR target/99041 */ |
| /* { dg-require-effective-target power10_ok } */ |
| /* { dg-options "-O2 -mdejagnu-cpu=power10 -w" } */ |
| |
| /* Verify we do not ICE on the following source. */ |
| |
| long a, b, c, d, e; |
| enum { f }; |
| enum { g, aa }; |
| enum { h }; |
| template < typename > struct ai; |
| template < typename > struct ad; |
| template < typename, int, int ah, int = 0, int = f, int = ah > class ab; |
| template < typename > class ar; |
| template < typename > class ak; |
| template < typename, int, int = 1, bool = false > class aj; |
| template < typename > class an; |
| template < typename, typename > class al; |
| template < typename, typename, int = h > class am; |
| template < typename, unsigned > class ao; |
| template < typename > struct ap; |
| template < typename aq > struct av { typedef ar< aq > ac; }; |
| template < typename > struct as { typedef av< am< al< int, an< aj< ab< double, 5, 2 >, false > > >, int > >::ac ac; }; |
| template < typename at > at au(const typename ap< at >::ac *); |
| template < typename at, int > at cc(typename ap< at >::ac *aw) { return au< at >(aw); } |
| typedef __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) double ax; |
| template <> struct ap< ax > { typedef double ac; }; |
| template <> ax au(const double *aw) { return __builtin_vec_vsx_ld(0, aw); } |
| template < typename > struct ay {}; |
| template < typename aq > class ae : public ad< aq > { public: typedef typename ai< aq >::ba ba; }; |
| template < typename aq > class ar : public ae< aq > { public: ak< aq > bk(); }; |
| template < typename > struct ad {}; |
| template < int > class bc; |
| template < typename bd, typename bf, int bg > struct ai< am< bd, bf, bg > > { typedef typename bd::ba ba; }; |
| template < typename bh, typename bj, int bg > class am : public bc< bg > { public: bh bu(); bj k(); }; |
| template < int bg > class bc : public as< am< int, int, bg > >::ac {}; |
| template < typename, typename, typename > struct l; |
| template < typename m, typename bl, typename ag > void n(m bm, bl bn, ag bo) { l< m, bl, ag >::bz(bm, bn, bo); } |
| template < typename, typename, typename, typename > struct bp; |
| class o { public: o(double *, long); double &operator()(long i, long j) { return p[aa ? j + i * w : w]; } template < typename q, int t > q br(long i, long j) { double &cl = operator()(i, j); return cc< q, t >(&cl); } double *p; long w; }; |
| class bt : public o { public: bt(double *cf, long bv) : o(cf, bv) {} }; |
| struct bw { enum { bx }; }; |
| template < typename bq > class ak { public: template < typename by > void operator=(by) { am< al< const an< const aj< aj< ab< double, 5, 5, 2 >, -1, -1 >, -1 > >, const an< const aj< aj< ab< double, 5, 5, 2 >, -1, -1 >, -1 > > >, ao< aj< ab< double, 5, 0 >, 1 >, 0 > > ck; n(ca, ck, ay< typename by::ba >()); } bq ca; }; |
| template < typename aq > class dn : public av< aq >::ac {}; |
| template < typename cd, int af, int ah, int ce, int co, int cg > struct ai< ab< cd, af, ah, ce, co, cg > > { typedef cd ba; enum { bs }; }; |
| template < typename, int, int, int, int co, int cg > class ab : public dn< ab< int, co, cg > > { public: template < typename by > ab(by); }; |
| template < typename, typename ch > class al : public ch {}; |
| template < typename aq > class az { public: typedef typename ai< aq >::ba ba; typedef const ba *ci; ba &cj(long); }; |
| template < typename ct > class bb : public az< ct > { public: bb(typename bb::ci, long); }; |
| template < typename cx, int cm, int cn, bool da > struct ai< aj< cx, cm, cn, da > > : ai< cx > {}; |
| template < typename > class cp; |
| template < typename cx, int, int, bool > class aj : public cp< cx > { public: aj(cx, long, long, long, long); }; |
| template < typename cx > class cp : public av< aj< cx, 1 > >::ac {}; |
| template < typename cq > class an : public cq {}; |
| template < typename cq, unsigned cr > struct ai< ao< cq, cr > > { typedef cq cs; }; |
| template < typename, unsigned > class ao { public: typedef aj< ab< double, 5, 0 >, 1 > cq; typename ai< ao >::cs cu(); }; |
| template < typename, typename > struct cv; |
| template < typename cw, typename bd, typename bf, int dh, typename ba > struct l< cw, am< bd, bf, dh >, ay< ba > > { static void bz(cw bm, am< bd, bf > bn, ay< ba >) { cv< bd, bf >::cy(bm, bn.bu(), bn.k()); } }; |
| template < typename bf, typename aq > struct cz { template < typename m > static void cy(m bm, al< const an< const aj< aj< ab< double, 5, 5, 2 >, -1, -1 >, -1 > >, const an< const aj< aj< ab< double, 5, 5, 2 >, -1, -1 >, -1 > > > bu, bf) { dl(bm, bu); } template < typename m > static void dl(m bm, al< const an< const aj< aj< ab< double, 5, 5, 2 >, -1, -1 >, -1 > >, const an< const aj< aj< ab< double, 5, 5, 2 >, -1, -1 >, -1 > > > bu) { typename alpha; bf k; aq::dl(bm, bu, k, alpha); } }; |
| template < typename, typename, bool > struct u; |
| template < typename bd, typename bf > struct cv : cz< bf, cv< bd, bf > > { template < typename v > static void dl(v bm, bd bu, bf k, typename am< bd, bf >::ba alpha) { u< bd, typename bf::cq, false >::bz(bm, bu, k.cu(), alpha); } }; |
| template < typename, int, typename, bool, typename, bool, int, int = g > struct db; |
| template < typename cb, int x, typename z, bool dc, typename dd, bool de, int df > struct db< cb, x, z, dc, dd, de, aa, df > { typedef z dg; static void bz(cb, cb, const z *, cb, const dd *, cb, dg *, cb, const dg &); }; |
| template < typename cb, int x, typename z, bool dc, typename dd, bool de, int df > void db< cb, x, z, dc, dd, de, aa, df >::bz(cb, cb, const z *_lhs, cb di, const dd *dj, cb dk, dg *_res, cb dm, const dg &alpha) { cb cols; bb< ab< z, 1, aa > > bu(_lhs, cols), res(_res, dm); bb< ab< dd, 1, 1 > > k(dj, cols); for (cb pi;;) { cb actualPanelWidth, s, r; bp< cb, bt, dd, bt >::bz(actualPanelWidth, r, bt(&bu.cj(s), di), bt(&k.cj(s), dk), &res.cj(pi), dm, alpha); } } |
| template < int, int > struct trmv_selector; |
| template < typename bd, typename bf > struct u< bd, bf, false > { template < typename v > static void bz(v bm, bd bu, bf k, typename v::ba alpha) { v dstT(bm); trmv_selector< 0, ai< bf >::bs ?: aa >::bz(k, bu, dstT, alpha); } }; |
| template < int x > struct trmv_selector< x, aa > { template < typename bd, typename bf, typename v > static void bz(bd, bf, v, typename v::ba) { typedef typename bf::ba dd; typedef bw LhsBlasTraits; typedef bw RhsBlasTraits; typename actualAlpha; dd actualRhsPtr; db< long, x, typename bd::ba, LhsBlasTraits::bx, dd, RhsBlasTraits::bx, aa >::bz(0, 0, 0, 0, &actualRhsPtr, 1, 0, 0, actualAlpha); } }; |
| template < typename LhsPacket, typename, bool > void pger_vec(__vector_quad *, __vector_pair &, LhsPacket); |
| template < typename, typename, typename, typename, typename, typename > void gemv_row(bt alhs) { typedef ax LhsPacket; typedef ax RhsPacket; bt bu(alhs); enum { LhsAlignment, LhsPacketSize }; long i, j; __vector_quad c0; for (;; j += LhsPacketSize) { RhsPacket b0; __vector_pair b00; __builtin_mma_assemble_pair(&b00, (__attribute__((altivec(vector__))) char) bu.br< LhsPacket, LhsAlignment >(1, j), (__attribute__((altivec(vector__))) char) bu.br< LhsPacket, LhsAlignment >(i, j)); pger_vec< LhsPacket, RhsPacket, true >(&c0, b00, b0); } } |
| template < typename cb, typename LhsMapper, typename RhsMapper > struct bp< cb, LhsMapper, double, RhsMapper > { static void bz(cb, cb, LhsMapper bu, RhsMapper, double *, cb, double) { gemv_row< cb, double, LhsMapper, double, RhsMapper, double >(bu); } }; |
| class be { public: template < typename v, typename Workspace > void cy(v, Workspace workspace) { applyThisOnTheLeft(workspace, true); } template < typename v, typename Workspace > void applyThisOnTheLeft(v bm, Workspace) { aj< ab< double, 5, 0 >, 1 > sub_vecs1(m_vectors, c, a, c, b); aj< v, 1 > sub_dst(bm, d, 0, e, 0); apply_block_householder_on_the_left(sub_dst, sub_vecs1, b); } ab< double, 5, 5 > m_vectors; }; |
| template < typename TriangularFactorType, typename VectorsType, typename CoeffsType > void make_block_householder_triangular_factor(TriangularFactorType triFactor, VectorsType vectors, CoeffsType) { triFactor.bk() = vectors; } |
| template < typename cq, typename VectorsType, typename CoeffsType > void apply_block_householder_on_the_left(cq, VectorsType vectors, CoeffsType hCoeffs) { enum { TFactorSize }; ab< typename cq::ba, TFactorSize, aa > y(0); make_block_householder_triangular_factor(y, vectors, hCoeffs); } |
| class HessenbergDecomposition { public: be matrixQ(); }; |
| template < typename > class RealSchur { public: enum { MaxColsAtCompileTime }; template < typename InputType > RealSchur &compute(const ad< InputType > &, bool); ab< double, 5, 5 > m_matU; ab< double, MaxColsAtCompileTime, 1 > m_workspaceVector; HessenbergDecomposition m_hess; }; |
| template < typename cq > template < typename InputType > RealSchur< cq > &RealSchur< cq >::compute(const ad< InputType > &, bool) { m_hess.matrixQ().cy(m_matU, m_workspaceVector); } |
| template < typename > class EigenSolver { public: EigenSolver(); template < typename InputType > EigenSolver &compute(const ad< InputType > &, bool = true); RealSchur< int > m_realSchur; }; |
| template < typename cq > template < typename InputType > EigenSolver< cq > &EigenSolver< cq >::compute(const ad< InputType > &matrix, bool computeEigenvectors) { m_realSchur.compute(matrix, computeEigenvectors); } |
| class PolynomialSolver { public: PolynomialSolver(ab< double, 0, 1 >) { ab< int, 0, 0 > __trans_tmp_1 = m_eigenSolver.compute(__trans_tmp_1); } EigenSolver< double > m_eigenSolver; }; |
| struct increment_if_fixed_size { enum { bi }; }; |
| template < int, typename, typename > void aux_evalSolver(ab< double, 0, 1 > pols) { PolynomialSolver solve_constr(pols); } |
| template < int Deg, typename > void evalSolver(ab< double, 0, 1 > pols) { aux_evalSolver< Deg, ab< double, 0, 1 >, PolynomialSolver >(pols); } |
| template < typename, int _Deg > void polynomialsolver(int) { ab< double, increment_if_fixed_size::bi, 1 > pols = 1; evalSolver< _Deg, ab< double, increment_if_fixed_size::bi, 1 > >(pols); } |
| void test_polynomialsolver() { polynomialsolver< double, 5 >(5); } |