blob: 99d8f0655d7134c49a56d23a37af68ee24523064 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test operation of -Wbad-function-cast. */
/* Based on gcc.dg/Wbad-function-cast-1.c. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* { dg-options "-Wbad-function-cast" } */
int if1(void);
char if2(void);
long if3(void);
float rf1(void);
double rf2(void);
_Decimal32 rf3(void);
_Decimal64 rf4(void);
_Decimal128 rf5(void);
_Complex double cf(void);
/* Casts to void types are always OK. */
(const void)rf3();
/* Casts to the same type or similar types are OK. */
(long double)rf5();
/* Casts to types with different TREE_CODE (which is how this
warning has been defined) are not OK, except for casts to void
types. */
(_Decimal32)if1(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type 'int' to non-matching type '_Decimal32'" } */
(_Decimal64)if2(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type 'char' to non-matching type '_Decimal64'" } */
(_Decimal128)if3(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type 'long int' to non-matching type '_Decimal128'" } */
(int)rf3(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type '_Decimal32' to non-matching type 'int'" } */
(long)rf4(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type '_Decimal64' to non-matching type 'long int'" } */
(long int)rf5(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type '_Decimal128' to non-matching type 'long int'" } */
(_Decimal32)cf(); /* { dg-warning "cast from function call of type 'complex double' to non-matching type '_Decimal32'" } */