blob: 9f9c6dca868c7b68d660de11dccd55ac5a99a619 [file] [log] [blame]
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(18): Error: static constructor cannot be `const`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(19): Error: static constructor cannot be `inout`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(20): Error: static constructor cannot be `immutable`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(21): Error: use `shared static this()` to declare a shared static constructor
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(22): Error: use `shared static this()` to declare a shared static constructor
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(24): Error: shared static constructor cannot be `const`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(25): Error: shared static constructor cannot be `inout`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(26): Error: shared static constructor cannot be `immutable`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(27): Error: redundant attribute `shared`
fail_compilation/diag6677.d(28): Error: redundant attribute `shared`
static this() const { }
static this() inout { }
static this() immutable { }
static this() shared { }
static this() const shared { }
shared static this() const { }
shared static this() inout { }
shared static this() immutable { }
shared static this() shared { }
shared static this() const shared { }