blob: d94f81af3c62a7ca9cce11932c35d7fa6b6cb532 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! This tests the fix for pr15809 in which automatic character length,
! dummy, pointer arrays were broken.
! contributed by Paul Thomas <>
module global
character(12), dimension(2), target :: t
end module global
program oh_no_not_pr15908_again
character(12), dimension(:), pointer :: ptr
call a (ptr, 12)
if (.not.associated (ptr) ) STOP 1
if (any ("abc")) STOP 2
ptr => null () ! ptr points to 't' here.
allocate (ptr(3))
ptr = "xyz"
call a (ptr, 12)
if (.not.associated (ptr)) STOP 3
if (any ("lmn")) STOP 4
call a (ptr, 0)
if (associated (ptr)) STOP 5
subroutine a (p, l)
use global
character(l), dimension(:), pointer :: p
character(l), dimension(3) :: s
s = "lmn"
if ( then
deallocate (p) ! ptr was allocated in main.
p => null ()
end if
if (.not.associated (p)) then
t = "abc"
p => t
if (size (p,1).ne.3) STOP 6
if (any ("xyz")) STOP 7
p = s
end if
end subroutine a
end program oh_no_not_pr15908_again