blob: e204b539e6f9de6840e4108507639e4d2e068b3f [file] [log] [blame]
! Have to enable optimizations, as otherwise builtins won't be expanded.
! { dg-additional-options "-O -fdump-rtl-expand -std=legacy" }
logical function f ()
implicit none
external acc_on_device
logical (4) acc_on_device
f = .false.
f = f .or. acc_on_device ()
f = f .or. acc_on_device (1, 2) ! { dg-warning ".*" }
f = f .or. acc_on_device (3.14)
f = f .or. acc_on_device ("hello")
end function f
! Unsuitable to be handled as a builtin, so we're expecting four calls.
! { dg-final { scan-rtl-dump-times "\\\(call \[^\\n\]* acc_on_device" 4 "expand" } }