blob: ebc99b234d157630bdd4c0e2fa13f8572826371e [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-ffrontend-optimize" }
! PR 86837 - this was mis-optimized by trying to turn this into an
! array I/O statement.
! Original test case by "Pascal".
Program read_loop
implicit none
integer :: i, j
! number of values per column
integer, dimension(3) :: nvalues
data nvalues / 1, 2, 4 /
! values in a 1D array
real, dimension(7) :: one_d
data one_d / 1, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24 /
! where to store the data back
real, dimension(4, 3) :: two_d
! 1 - write our 7 values in one block
open(unit=10, file="loop.dta", form="unformatted")
write(10) one_d
! 2 - read them back in chosen cells of a 2D array
two_d = -9
open(unit=10, file="loop.dta", form="unformatted", status='old')
read(10) ((two_d(i,j), i=1,nvalues(j)), j=1,3)
close(unit=10, status='delete')
! 4 - print the whole array, just in case
if (any(reshape(two_d,[12]) /= [1.,-9.,-9.,-9.,11.,12.,-9.,-9.,21.,22.,23.,24.])) call abort
end Program read_loop