blob: d75bba66536aab7d25eeb0303da1028260bdceb0 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do compile }
with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
procedure Controlled8
(Int_Input : Integer;
Str_Input : String)
type Ctrl is new Controlled with null record;
type Integer_Ptr is access all Integer;
type String_Ptr is access all String;
function Func (Val : Integer) return Ctrl is
begin return Result : Ctrl; end Func;
function Func (Val : String) return Ctrl is
begin return Result : Ctrl; end Func;
type Rec_1 (Val : Integer) is record
Comp : Ctrl := Func (Val);
end record;
type Rec_2 (Val : access Integer) is record
Comp : Ctrl := Func (Val.all);
end record;
type Rec_3 (Val : Integer_Ptr) is record
Comp : Ctrl := Func (Val.all);
end record;
type Rec_4 (Val : access String) is record
Comp : Ctrl := Func (Val.all);
end record;
type Rec_5 (Val : String_Ptr) is record
Comp : Ctrl := Func (Val.all);
end record;
Int_Heap : constant Integer_Ptr := new Integer'(Int_Input);
Int_Stack : aliased Integer := Int_Input;
Str_Heap : constant String_Ptr := new String'(Str_Input);
Str_Stack : aliased String := Str_Input;
Obj_1 : constant Rec_1 := (Val => Int_Input, others => <>);
Obj_2 : constant Rec_2 := (Val => Int_Heap, others => <>);
Obj_3 : constant Rec_2 := (Val => Int_Stack'Access, others => <>);
Obj_4 : constant Rec_2 := (Val => new Integer'(Int_Input), others => <>);
Obj_5 : constant Rec_3 := (Val => Int_Heap, others => <>);
Obj_6 : constant Rec_3 := (Val => Int_Stack'Access, others => <>);
Obj_7 : constant Rec_3 := (Val => new Integer'(Int_Input), others => <>);
Obj_8 : constant Rec_4 := (Val => Str_Heap, others => <>);
Obj_9 : constant Rec_4 := (Val => Str_Stack'Access, others => <>);
Obj_10 : constant Rec_4 := (Val => new String'(Str_Input), others => <>);
Obj_11 : constant Rec_5 := (Val => Str_Heap, others => <>);
Obj_12 : constant Rec_5 := (Val => Str_Stack'Access, others => <>);
Obj_13 : constant Rec_5 := (Val => new String'(Str_Input), others => <>);
end Controlled8;