| /* P2290R3 - Delimited escape sequences */ |
| /* { dg-do compile } */ |
| /* { dg-require-effective-target wchar } */ |
| /* { dg-options "-std=gnu99 -Wno-c++-compat -Wno-unicode" { target c } } */ |
| /* { dg-options "-std=gnu++20 -Wno-unicode" { target c++ } } */ |
| |
| #define z(x) 0 |
| #define a z( |
| int b = a\u{}); /* { dg-bogus "empty delimited escape sequence; treating it as separate tokens" } */ |
| int c = a\u{); /* { dg-bogus "'\\\\u\\\{' not terminated with '\\\}' after \\\\u\\\{; treating it as separate tokens" } */ |
| int d = a\u{12XYZ}); /* { dg-bogus "'\\\\u\\\{' not terminated with '\\\}' after \\\\u\\\{12; treating it as separate tokens" } */ |
| int e = a\u123); |
| int f = a\U1234567); |