blob: 3c2261683c90cc90f5caa1eb5cb330fbcf161108 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Ollie Wild <>. */
/* { dg-do preprocess } */
/* { dg-options -fdirectives-only } */
/* Tests scan_translation_unit_directives_only()'s handling of corner cases. */
/* Ignore directives inside block comments...
#error directive inside block comment
// Escaped newline doesn't terminate line comment \
#error directive inside line comment
/* A comment canot start inside a string. */
const char *c1 = "/*";
const char *c2 = "*/";
#error Comment started inside a string literal
/* Escaped newline handling. */
int i; \
#error ignored escaped newline
#define BOL
#ifndef BOL
#error escaped newline did not preserve beginning of line
/* Handles \\ properly at the end of a string. */
"string ends in \\"/*
#error Missed string terminator.
/* Handles macro expansion in preprocessing directives. */
#define HEADER "dir-only-1.h"
#include HEADER
#ifndef GOT_HEADER
#error Failed to include header.
#define IN_COMMENT
#error Escaped newline breaks block comment initiator.
#error Escaped newline breaks block comment terminator.
/* Test escaped newline inside character escape sequence. */
#error Missed string terminator
/* Block comments don't mask trailing preprocessing
directive. */ #define NOT_MASKED
#ifndef NOT_MASKED
#error Comment masks trailing directive.