blob: ce38079f2de7bb813fa0287a79e290206e75bede [file] [log] [blame]
/* Check offloaded function's attributes and classification for unparallelized
OpenACC kernels. */
/* { dg-additional-options "--param openacc-kernels=decompose" } */
/* { dg-additional-options "-O2" }
{ dg-additional-options "-fopt-info-all-omp" }
{ dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-ompexp" }
{ dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-parloops1-all" }
{ dg-additional-options "-fdump-tree-oaccloops" } */
/* { dg-additional-options "--param=openacc-privatization=noisy" }
Prune a few: uninteresting:
{ dg-prune-output {note: variable 'D\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} } */
/* { dg-additional-options "-Wopenacc-parallelism" } for testing/documenting
aspects of that functionality. */
#define N 1024
extern unsigned int *__restrict a;
extern unsigned int *__restrict b;
extern unsigned int *__restrict c;
/* An "extern"al mapping of loop iterations/array indices makes the loop
unparallelizable. */
extern unsigned int f (unsigned int);
void KERNELS ()
#pragma acc kernels copyin (a[0:N], b[0:N]) copyout (c[0:N]) /* { dg-line l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'i' declared in block requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable 'i' made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable 'i' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable '[abc]\.[0-9]+' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-optimized {assigned OpenACC seq loop parallelism} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {beginning 'parloops' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} {} { target *-*-* } .+1 } */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++)
c[i] = a[f (i)] + b[f (i)];
/* Check the offloaded function's attributes.
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)__attribute__\\(\\(oacc kernels, omp target entrypoint, noclone\\)\\)" 1 "ompexp" } } */
/* Check that exactly one OpenACC kernels construct is analyzed, and that it
can't be parallelized.
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "FAILED:" 1 "parloops1" } }
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)__attribute__\\(\\(oacc function \\(, , \\), oacc kernels, omp target entrypoint, noclone\\)\\)" 1 "parloops1" } }
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-not "SUCCESS: may be parallelized" "parloops1" } } */
/* Check the offloaded function's classification and compute dimensions (will
always be 1 x 1 x 1 for non-offloading compilation).
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)Function is unparallelized OpenACC kernels offload" 1 "oaccloops" } }
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)Compute dimensions \\\[1, 1, 1\\\]" 1 "oaccloops" } }
{ dg-final { scan-tree-dump-times "(?n)__attribute__\\(\\(oacc function \\(1, 1, 1\\), oacc kernels, omp target entrypoint, noclone\\)\\)" 1 "oaccloops" } } */