blob: 9779f1036f601b95d57404368039a38621a41e8e [file] [log] [blame]
/* { dg-additional-options "--param openacc-kernels=decompose" } */
/* { dg-additional-options "-fchecking" }
{ dg-ice TODO { c++ } }
{ dg-prune-output "during GIMPLE pass: omp_oacc_kernels_decompose" } */
/* { dg-additional-options "-fcompare-debug" } -- w/o debug compiled first.
{ dg-bogus {error: during '-fcompare-debug' recompilation} TODO { xfail c++ } 0 }
{ dg-bogus {error: [^\n\r]+: '-fcompare-debug' failure \(length\)} TODO { xfail c++ } 0 } */
/* { dg-additional-options "-O1" } so that we may get some 'GIMPLE_DEBUG's. */
/* { dg-additional-options "-fopt-info-all-omp" } */
/* { dg-additional-options "--param=openacc-privatization=noisy" } */
int *p;
foo (void)
/* { dg-bogus {sorry, unimplemented: 'gimple_debug' not yet supported} {} { target *-*-* } .+1 } suppressed via '-fcompare-debug'. */
#pragma acc kernels /* { dg-line l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {OpenACC 'kernels' decomposition: variable 'p' in 'copy' clause requested to be made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 }
{ dg-note {variable 'p' made addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable 'c' declared in block is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable 'c\.0' declared in block isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_compute1 } */
/* { dg-bogus {note: beginning 'gang-single' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} {w/ debug} { xfail c++ } .-1 }
{ dg-bogus {note: beginning 'gang-single' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} {w/ debug} { xfail c } .+1 } */
int c;
/* { dg-note {beginning 'gang-single' part in OpenACC 'kernels' region} {} { target *-*-* } .+1 } */
p = &c;
/* { dg-note {parallelized loop nest in OpenACC 'kernels' region} {} { target *-*-* } .+1 } */
#pragma acc loop independent /* { dg-line l_loop_c1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable 'c\.0' in 'private' clause isn't candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level: not addressable} {} { target *-*-* } l_loop_c1 } */
/* { dg-note {variable 'c' in 'private' clause is candidate for adjusting OpenACC privatization level} {} { target *-*-* } l_loop_c1 }
{ dg-note {variable 'c' ought to be adjusted for OpenACC privatization level: 'vector'} {} { target *-*-* } l_loop_c1 } */
/* { dg-optimized {assigned OpenACC gang vector loop parallelism} {} { target *-*-* } l_loop_c1 } */
for (c = 0; c < 1; ++c)